Uceek Family/Evangeline/Stefany

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Roleplay from Evangeline

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Yesterday in Partora...

Evangeline moved into Partora alone. The tattered remains of her troops had deserted on the trip back from Troyes and she felt tired and worn.

As she began to wander through the streets, heading towards somewhere to rest for the night, she passed by a lady atop of her steed. She was older than Evangeline, and had an air of serenity and nobility surrounding her. She sat comfortably on her horse appearing to be thinking of things elsewhere.

"Lady Stefany," Evangeline approached her

The strong attractive woman looked down at dusty Evangeline with a certain amount of distrust in her eyes. Chin raised slightly, she appeared to be somewhat defensive in her stance. Evangeline wasn't surprised, as she had seen the open letters Stefany had received when she had arrived in Perdan.

"My name is Evangeline of the Uceek family. I spoke briefly to your brother Mathew after I battled him in Meuse last week."

Stefany's eyes clouded and a frown creased over her fine features.

"Please excuse me. I don't mean to pry into your family history. Perhaps after I've settled in Partora you would like to join me for a drink and a chat. I have heard you have a keen mind for politics and I am eager to learn."

Roleplay from Stefany

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Stefany was surprised and at the same time pleased with Evangeline show up. She has just returned from Aix from her parents house as was on her way to the room she was dweling on. She missed the tax distribution for she was in a Fontanese prision, so there was little to do until the family envoy arrived with the requested gold.

-Lady Evangeline... I do remember you. I am pleased to see you are ok. I could surely use a drink and some company, specially from such distingushed lady. There is a tavern close to where I am staying. It is not very famous nor noisy. How does it sound?

"Great... I am tired from the trip and dont seek much excitement tonight!"

They make thir way through the semi-deserted streets of Partora, under the light of the moon and torches. The tavern was not as clean as the ladies would like, but the food was good. They seat in the most secluded table, the only possible way to seek some privacy in such place. Stefany places her sword over the table and unsheath it to the half. It usually kept the drunk and "funny" guys away.

When they settled down, Stefany could take a better look in that polite young lady and found a marital symbol.

-Oh! How nice! You are married! How did it happen? What is his name?

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline settled at the table with Stefany, noticing appreciatively how she left her sword on the table. The lady was tall and slender with brown hair that had been brushed to shine and was swept up, obviously for travelling.

"Oh! How nice! You are married! How did it happen? What is his name?",

Rarely choosing to speak about herself or her personal life, Evangeline began to blush. It had been a long time since she'd had a female to talk to, and the comfort of knowing that she could lower her defences made her smile.

"Sir Maelg, PCW Battlegroup Commander. We were married quite young, and the story has already been told."

As Stefany nodded patiently, Evangeline noticed a longing in her honey-coloured eyes, revealing that perhaps politics is not what she had in mind to discuss.

"Is there someone special in your life, Lady Stefany?"


Roleplay from Stefany

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Stefany was caught by surprise with Evangeline question. She never really stopped to think about that. followinf suit, she blushed and tried to avoid having to answer

-Yeas... my parents. they are very special and helpful! Neptune (Stefany horse) is also a great friend.. he was swith me in the worst and best moments of my life...

Evangeline crossed her arms and looked back at Stefany with a semi-smile in her face

-Ok..ok... (laughs) I never really thought about that... It hasent been long since I returned... I.. I... (hesitation) I respect Lord Nightmare a great deal. He is a wise and honorable man. Polite, protective, responsable... He is a very decent man... very special... There are other nice friends, good people to be around, chat... Why you asked?

Roleplay from Evangeline

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"...I respect Lord Nightmare a great deal. He is a wise and honorable man. Polite, protective, responsable... He is a very decent man... very special... There are other nice friends, good people to be around, chat... Why you asked?"

Stefany seemed somewhat hesitant, blushing profusely as she spoke of the Duke of Perdan.

"Oh, just asking", Evangeline dismissed.

The two ladies sat opposite each other, fidgetting and smiling awkwardly at one another. Both strong warriors, it was obvious that they were a lot alike in expressing matters of the heart.

"So, it appears that Perdan has made peace on one of it's fronts as you suggested it might", Evangeline broke the silence.

Stefany's eyes lit up at the mention of politics. She began explaining to Evangeline possible scenarios Perdan might face with the coming peace proposals. A look of delighted passion highlighted her fine features.

As Evangeline listened to her enthusiastic opinions she begun to understand why Lord Nightmare often invited the Lady over to discuss politics. Smiling at the thought, she suspected that the Duke enjoyed more than the intelligent observations and mature insights that Stefany could provide.

The night wore on and reluctantly the two decided to end the enjoyable evening. Walking each other out, Evangeline and Stefany comfortably farewelled one another.

"Lady Stefany, I've really enjoyed our night together. I look forward to fighting alongside you and many more drinks together"

With that, they both hurried off to recruit and return to the frontlines.