Reapers Family/rulers letter

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Honourless and honoured rulers of the EC,

Greetings! I write this message because I need an answer to a question that has been in my mind for a while lately and because I demand an explanation from one of your colleagues. The reason I write to everyone is because I consider this a great opportunity for everyone to drop their mask and show who they really are in front of everyone else.

Most of this message would normally be sent to the General of Fontan but I see that noone occupies the position at the moment and I won't wait until Gregor decides to appoint one. Besides, he should know better the answer to what I'm going to ask.

So Gregor you coward, are you so desperate that you had to send your infiltrators after me? I have seen some of your messages posted in Perdan's council. What is this "honour" you and your TL's talk about? You are a lowlife, where did you learn the word honour? While Oligarch was still alive, you spoke to Perdan with a friendly manner talking about future friendship and peace. As soon as Oligarch died, you just decided you "no longer want to talk". You backstabbing coward, I never expected anything else from you! Infact I can't remember a single time you stayed true to your realm's word. When you surrendered after Coimbra's fall, not only we left you alive, but you also got Viseu as a sign of good will from us. How long did you respect that treaty you worthless snake? You are a disgrace for your realm's reputation! If you have any dignity left, step down now! You have another brilliant tactic now it seems, assassinate me since you are so incompetent to achieve anything significant with a 41K CS army. If I had that, you would be a dead realm in a couple of months! We stand alone against 3 (4 until recently) big realms and all you have to uphold is backstabbing. You should be ashamed of yourself! On the other hand, it's good to see how much you fear Perdan that you would have to resort to such lowly methods. Do you have the guts to take it one on one? Nah, forget it; that was a joke actually. The other rulers deserve a good laugh once in a while. Fontan fighting on their own without Sirion backing them up? That's a good one! Latest rumours that reached me is that Gregor has Clarissa on ignore, that's why he never replies to anything mentioned by her. I ask everyone else: what kind of a ruler would ever do that??? Is this the way to represent your realm's best interests? By blocking your enemies to cover up for your insecurities? Is this what yout TL's expect from you? Gregor, I am in Troyes thanks to your assassin and I'll post the same things in the region as well. Start thinking of excuses. I still have the dignity to warn you.

But enough talking about lowlifes! I want an answer from some of you now. Gentlemen (not you Gregor), what are you fighting for against Perdan? I already know the answer for Fontan. It's called "Gregor's greed". But how about the rest of you?

Handow, I remember Doc kept saying that as soon as Oligarch falls to Sirion he has no reason to continue the hostilities and desires nothing else but peace. What happened to that? There's nothing more for Sirion to gain. Your empire is too big and fragile to expand any further. Sirion has what it wants. Perdan too. All we wanted was Doc off the throne. What else do you want from us now? Is it worth the resources wasted? You'll keep wasting your army in the future too, we are far from dead yet. The only thing you achieved in Partora was reduce the walls one level and kill 4K CS of militia. Nothing that can't be replaced. The gold you looted cannot make it up for the cost to recruit and upkeep a 41K CS army. What are you trying to gain and what do you have against us? Serving Gregor's greed is nothing to be fond of. You have already lost much more than you can ever gain out of this conflict. Last time you came packed with SE's I'm sure you have less now. SE's don't replenish as fast, you'll just get crushed again. Can't you see you don't belong to this war?

Lucian, I must admit that I didn't like you at first. That was until recently. You have gained more than my respect by your recent actions. You showed you truly have honour in you with your peace proposal. One that was reasonable and didn't have a purpose to humiliate Perdan. You are a fine example for the other aggressors though I doubt they'll ever live up to your example. Unfortunately, I see that Bisciye and Az Zarqua went rogue. Clermont might follow. I guarantee you though that Perdan still sees those regions as Itorunt lands and will stay away from them while you TO them back. We made an agreement and we're bound by our honour to respect it. I salute you Sir.

Quake, Quake... What can I say about you? You are a warmongerer! You want Aix? What has Ibladesh and you done to deserve Aix? Your survival has always relied upon Itorunt. You're alone now, do you feel so confident? If you want Aix come and get it!!! You had your opportunity to gain land, yet your greed threw that away. It's too late now. If I were you, I'd get my army off Perdan's lands and stay away before you make me come after the regions we still have a claim on. There's nothing left for you to gain. You will only lose if you continue the aggression!

Lastly, I'd like to salute you Sir Dekion. I saw your message to the rulers and I'm glad to see the voice of reason still exists. OR could have joinned the gangbangers if it wanted but decided to abstain as honour dictates. I hope Handow understands that as well. There's no nonour at all in what Sirion is currently doing.

As for you Gregor, I already said what I had to say. I'll wait for your excuse of sending an assassin against me but I bet it'll be something like "he was acting on his own accord". If you can't control your TL's, step down and let someone more capable to do what a ruler has to do. If again he was sent by you, you only verify your cowardice and dishonour. Nothing new to me but the rest here should know who they're dealing with.

Sorry for the long read but I needed to say these things and the Generals are not the ones to answer such questions, I had to send this to the rulers channel. I'm not a politician and my words might seem harsh to some but it's the raw truth. My words have nothing to do with Clarissa or Perdan's official politics. I don't hide behind anyone unlike some cowards here do. Keep my Queen out of this, she had no idea about this. However, I'll wait your replies from her. Do not bother to send me any personal threats. They'll be automatically reposted on this channel before I even bother to read them so that everyone here gets to know each other a little better. Also keep in mind that I don't refer to Fontan as a realm when I talk about Gregor. It's Gregor himself that has ruined everything this realm could ever stand for and turned them into honourless backstabbers. The only thing that saddens me is that the Fontanese TL's keep voting for that snake...

With respect (to those that deserve it),


High Marshal of Perdan