Uceek Family/Danzi/Prison

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You were attacked! You are surprised by a dark figure suddenly emerging from the shadows just as you are going to sleep. Desperate, you take out a dagger, the only weapon within reach, and face your attacker. The attacker cuts through your defenses, and sinks his blade into your body twice before running away, seriously wounding you. Your guards are unable to prevent his escape.

Roleplay from Finegus

Message sent to everyone in this region (2 recipients)

The sun sets, and night falls in the region of Gwohadda. The evening is cool and tranquil ... for the moment. But serenity was about to be broken.

Finegus had set out on a mission to take out a spy, Danzi (Noble of Ikalak), under direction of Lord Sebastian. Silently, he crept through the darkness of the badlands, and approached the intruder's camp. He paused briefly under some brush to survey the campsite.

"Good," he thought to himself. "All of the scouts seem to be away at the moment. This should be easy..."

Finegus managed to sneak into her sleeping quarters unnoticed. She was sound asleep, unsuspecting of the pain she was about to endure. Silently, Finegus snuck up on his target, and made his attack without waking her. He quickly put Danzi down for good, seriously wounding her. He left a simple not at the foot of her bed:

Trespassers are not welcome in Sandalak. When you finally regain consciousness, share with your fellow nobles of Ikalak, that they may know Sebastian, Lord of Sandalak, will treat all trespassers in like fashion, or worse. This is your only warning.


He escaped through the ungarded camp with ease and vanished into the shadows again.

Wounds are healing The healers have managed to get you into a stable condition and prevent any further bleeding, oozing and disease spreading. You feel much better and have regained consciousness. It should be only a day or so before you are back in action.

Day 1

Danzi stretched out on the damp, stone floor. She turned towards a scratching coming from the corner.

'Hi Gus' she said to a large rat, staring at her with shiny eyes.

'Any word from Executer Sponge?'

The rat rustles off into the dark.

'Guess not...' she mumbles, rolling back to wait some more.

Day 2

'Hi Gus', Danzi greets the little rodent that sniffs at her with indifference.

'Let me tell you a story... it was 3 days ago somewhere in Gwohadda... even now my side still throbs from the attack. He stabbed me while I slept and left me a note signed FO - Finegus O'Shea'

She paused, repeating the name to herself, it was a name she would not forget.

'I wil pray to the Gods to watch over him as he continues his work for Sandalak, because I would like to meet with him again.'

A shiver ran down her back.

'...but not anytime soon.'

Day 3

'Oi! Borris, gimme some of wot you've got...'

Danzi could hear the guards arguing outside her cell.

'Psst... over here', she whispered

The guards stopped bickering

'How did you guys get stuck down here on prisoner duty... you look far to strong and able, you should be with the army...', Danzi smiled prettily.

'Ahh M'Lady, you are absolutely right. I was just sayin' that to Jorge.'

Danzi shook her head in feigned diaspproval,

'They just aren't treating you two the way you deserve. Why... your conditions are almost as bad as mine - and I'm a prisoner of Sandalak'

Borris and Jorge murmured and nodded in agreement.

'I wish I knew how my friends were going' Danzi sighed.

Borris and Jorge looked at one another,

'We can help you M'Lady....'

Day 4

Gus squatted on his hind legs,

"Ahhh, the guards are friendly enough... but I'm so bored in here. Only 4 and a half days to go."

Gus tilted his head as if trying to understand, then ran through the bars and off to visit another prisoner.