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Roleplay from Aethelmaer

Aethelmaer stood in the city square, waiting for his challenger to arrive. Aethelmaer spent this time clearing the area of peasants so that their duel may go unhindered. After the last of the peasants were moved away, Gin showed up, and they clasped hands to start their duel.

"May this be a good and honorable duel my friend." Aethelmaer exclaims

"Yes it shall be, but I shall come out the victor!"

"We shall see about that!"

The two combatants stood at the ready, each wondering what their tactics would be for the upcoming fight. Then at the drop of a pin, the two lunge at each other swinging their swords fiercly. At the first lockup, they seemed of equal strength, yet Aethelmaer just a tad stronger than Gin. After they broke their stances, Gin tried a downswing on Aethelmaer who dodged it and came back with an upward slice, which Gin had blocked, and with that Aethelmaer was pushed back, and Gin took his advantage to attack, and ends up slicing Aethelmaer's shirt. Another blow was then blocked as Gin tried to bring his sword back around for another blow. Aethelmaer slide his way into a crouching position then rolled through Gin's legs. Catching him off guard and just about to strike him down, a peasant, oblivious to the situation, hits Aethelmaer in the head, effectivly knocking him out! Gin then turned around and to his astonishment Aethelmaer was gone. Taking a step forward, he tripped over his limp body, and as he fell, injured himself on his own blade. With his wound, it was enough to declare the match a win for Aethelmaer.

"Wake up, Aethelmaer!" Gin spoke, as Aethelmaer started to open his eyes.

"What's going on? Who won the duel?"

"You did my friend, and a blunder of a win it was too!"

Gin told him what had happened, and then the two after recovering, went to the nearest local bar, to share a couple of ales on Gin's tab, to celebrate Aethelmaer's strange but legal win.

Aethelmaer (Knight of Andurus)