Ysstaria and the Bleeding Lion

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Following in the line of our last edition, I send a message out to the reigning King Eleran.

*Hail* Eleran, King of Yssaria, how goes the war?

Noble sir, you may recall some time ago I requested an interview with you and I don't believe I ever actually asked the questions to you I meant to. After more work and effort, I have put together a standard set of questions I now hope to use for all my interviews, to get to know each realm a little better. Of course, I intend to tailor it for the individual realm's needs, but I thought it best to send this reminder that I still intend to follow through!

Most respectfully, Lady Luna

A response within moments came -


I see no reason why I cannot accept such an interview.


Eleran King of Yssaria

And in a jif, I tailored my questions to Caligus and gave him the full schebang.

King Eleran, you come from a very unique realm, Yssaria. Unlike the other realms founded here since the beginning of recorded history, you lead the only one that has risen up from peasants to defend itself from enroaching attackers.

~How long have you been King of Yssaria? ~What are your own personal origins, feel free to tell us about yourself? I'd like to remind you that you can refrain from answering any question that you feel uncomfortable answering me. If there's anything you'd like me to edit, let me know.

Aside from the fact that Yssaria is a self-made realm, surely there are other things it is known for?

~What seperates Yssaria from the other realms of this continent. How different or distinct are you from the rest of us, and what is it that has earned Yssaria the right to stand tall among the other realms of this continent?

With current events ongoing right now, it's hard to avoid the obvious question. Things certainly are going in a certain direction, and Yssaria seems to be one of the leaders in this new trend.

~Why is it that Yssaria decided to attack or even perhaps eliminate Caligus and sieze their lands and territories? ~Do you intend to completely wipe Caligus off the face of the map, and if so, what justification do you have in doing so, and where did the idea come from, or why did the war start?

New things are about to happen on this continent, and as one of its leaders and figureheads, I would also like to ask you a few questions about it and its future.

~Where do you see this continent going in terms of its wars? When the age-old NA-SA conflict is done, what then? And a dangerous question - if Yssaria could fight any war it wanted with no diplomatic repercussions, what one would it fight?

Also involved in this conflict seems to be the newest continent realm-addition, Light of Fountain. I have a few questions for you about them as well.

~Coming from similar backgrounds, being found in a handful of cities and/or townslands against what one might call the will of the masses, and thanking the defense or aid of Fontan, do you feel you share a certain connection or understanding with them?

~On another issue that I'm not sure you're aware of, Light of Fountain is obligated to return Fontan city to its rightful owner Fontan when the new realm acquires a city of its own. Does this affect your view on Domus? If so, how?

~Do you see yourself in a long term alliance with Light of Fountain and Fontan, were you imagining only LOF in that deal, or is Yssaria more attached to its southern neighbors?

On the easier side of things, taking it down a notch here, I'd also like to learn more about the nobles and everday life in Yssaria, everything short of living there myself.

~Do you have alot of Roleplaying going on in your realm (serious and light-hearted both count)? ~Are you perhaps a nation of proud warriors with little besides military orders, or is there a constant air of chatting among nobles? ~What does it feel like to be a part of Yssaria as compared to other realms you may have been in or heard of from your close relatives or what kind of national pride do you have?

I'm looking for honesty here, and please, be frank, while I hold some natural national pride, there's no real way to improve without knowing what's wrong. ~How exactly does Yssaria view Fontan? ~How did Yssaria view Fontan in the past? ~Could or should Fontan work to improve their image, and if so, how(in your opinion)?

Finally, ~If there was anything that Caligus most stood for, what would it be?

That last question should read:

~What would Yssaria most stand for? Of course, not Caligus. I didnt expect such a quick response and I did a quick edit of my quesions. Too quick it seems.


He responded quickly, giving me an overview of the lifes and times of Yssarian history.

Report from Eleran (just in) (personal message) Well Luna,

That is surely a handfull to endeavor, I will try to answer most questions by just telling you the whole story.

King Ardor ruled Yssria from its inception, he eventually had to embark on a quest and Ramirez took over as King. This is where the seeds for war with Caligus began as he gave away the city of isadril to caligus then joined them again. King "I am" took over and Appointed my Father as Duke of Isadril as Isadril revolted and rejoined Yssaria. The next day, I am was killed in battle and Eleran the Count was elected King. He quickley changed many things about the realm, how it was run, and what the mission of Yssaria was.

To each position is his own, that was his view. The General ran the military, the Judge ran the laws, the banker ran the finances, and the Dukes ran the cities. He did not interfere with them at all. They deliberated some and were left to act on their own. He did not interfere with the miltiary whatsoever. He appointed Prandur as General which was a fantastic choice as Prandur is one of the best ex-generals in the game. He quickley positioned Yssaria to a two front war with Ubent and Caligus and Ibladesh, Itorunt, and Yssaria pounded Caligus and Ubent back and aquired the ex-ubentian regions of Igno, tota, and leibo while Itorunt aquired xavax.

Some time passed and Prandur was very successful however, his career was changed when my Father, Eleran the Count died in the battle for Winkimus as the late Eagle's Reach, high marshall of Caligus killed him. Prandur assumed the throne and He appointed Natasha as General. Caligus interrupted their ceasefire by attacking the evening of my Father's burial, that is another reason why we war Caligus. By this time, I joined the ranks under the tutelege of Prandur, not yet ready for the throne. Yssaria began to lose a series of battles and suffered some heavy defeats. After some more time, Prandur was imprisoned and I was elected King. Here Caligus tortured our royal prandur for the first of two times. When Prandur came back, I stepped down and allowed for a new vote. I won the election and appointed Abishur as my new High Marshall. From there, he has, along with Yerli and Sumsar our Marshalls of the Dutchies, have absolutely obliterated Caligus' forces. We have expanded into Aureus and Aestus and have helped LoF gain Tokat and will give them Sordidus as well. Caligus has realzied too late that perhaps they should have dealt with Yssaria in the past and offered some decent terms. Their current ruler, Vlad offered some modest ceasefire terms, however we are interested in a surrender, not a ceasefire. Most of my council has agreed that we must destroy Caligus. Ubent saw the light and made a deal early.

As for what is to happen to the Continent, I am not sure, much is happening right now. As far as Fontan, Yssaria is in debted to Fontan for its existance. When Yssaria originally existed, Fontan single handedly made certain that Yssaria existed. We in debt to Fontan. Our alliance is one of defence. Should Fonan need defence, Yssaria would be there. I have nothing but fond words for Fontan.

Here I end my dialogue. That is just from memory on the story. If you would like to have me elaborate more or answer more specific questions, send me another message asking. I'll try to break this up as you had quite a plateful.


Eleran, King of Yssaria

Letter from Eleran (just in) (personal message) Yssaria stands for the saftey of Yssarian citizens everywhere. Simple. That and revenge for the betrayal of Ramirez, Funeral and Christmas ceasefire betrayal agreements, and the torture of Prandur twice.


Eleran, King of Yssaria


With new leadership comes new opportunity, though perhaps too little, too late in this case.

Greetings Lord Vlad, Duke of Domus!

If you don't mind, there are some questions that I asked of Lady Gwynyth before her untimely... departure from the throne about Caligus for my new newspaper, but unfortunately, her answers were, shall I say... poor? inadequate? pathetic?

Understandable given the shape of a realm and the overall business of a ruler, but surely even among ongoing peace talks, you have a bit of spare time to fill in the gaps where she left off?

Luna (Knight of Greatbridge)