Avamar Times/Issue 7

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Head Editor: Sir Lalakis
Reporter: ...
Special Thanks to: All Avamarians

Issue: No.7 (April - May)

Monthly Subscriptions:
   Former Republic of Oligarch and Former P.R of Avamar: 1 Gold Piece
   Rest of East Continent's Realms: 5 Gold Pieces
   Other Continents: Varies


Oligarch is Dead, Long Live Oligarch!

City of Oligarch, May

"The combined armies of Fontan and Sirion, two supreme militarist powers, and of Old Rancagua, their petty puppet, put an end to the reign of Culture in East Continent. After many years of an uneven struggle against the odds, the Republic of Oligarch, fell to Doccy's barbaric hordes."

The last hours of a true Hero
Tzoutzoukos was executed by the monstrous Old Rancaguan Judge

Fontan's Realm-Count
Who's Next?

We continue our last issue's article concerning the realm-count of the "Democarcy of Fontan". As a reference we reprint our last article as it perfectly fits here...

"Fontan...A Proud Realm. The only -official- Democracy in East Continent. A Realm where every single troop leaders gets respect and fair treatement. A Democracy where everybody enjoy equal votes, and every voice or opinion is cherished! Is everything really so ideal?

Unfortunately the true story is rather different...Fontan is the only realm in East Continent that played an active role to the extinction of four realms, giving the fatal blow to two of them...

Coimbra, an ally of Fontan, was the first realm to feel Fontan's Democratic values. Poor Coimbra was reduced to one region when the mighty Democracy of Fontan decided that their allies had suffered a lot already and there was no reason for the Coimbrans to see their realm destroyed by enemies. Thus they relieved their allies from the pain to see their realm dying and took over the last region of Coimbra. It is rather ironic that since then they are trying to refound the realm they destroyed. Maybe it is purely a tactical move. If Fontan ever needs new regions it can always take some from its allies. That's why the friends are for!

Rancagua, defended against Old Rancagua and Sirion for long. But eventually Rancaguans were pushed to their capital, the City of Kazakh. A big siege was undergoing and the smell of death and destruction reached the Fonatnese nostrils. Where the scavengers of Fontan could find a better chance to wipe out another weak opponent?

Eleador during the last years was always a peaceful realm with good relationships with all its neigbours. Until Doccy decided that Eleador, the weakest realm in East Continent, posed a threat to his empire. After reducing it to one region, Fontan felt comfortable enough to declare war on Eleador and take over its last region. Another great victory for Democracy was achieved!

People's Republic of Avamar, was always a true problem for the great Democratic values of Fontan. Was there an internal unreast in Fontan? It was obvious that the damned Avamarians were terrorising the innocent peasants. Was there low tax income? Avamarian infiltrators were corrupting the civil servants of the Democracy! Were there monsters in a Fontanese region? They were send or directly control by Avamarian dark magicians! Did Alexi the Paranoid had a tooth-ache? His Avamarian-made toothbrush was poisoned! Thus they waited for long, crawling in their hellholes, poisoning the minds of their young nobles and filling their hearts with hatred, until the right chance was presented. The true master of Fontan (Doc, who else?) ordered his puppets to attack!

Well done to Fontan Democracy! Soon your values will be spread to the world, as no enemies will have been left (and as long as Doccy allows it of course)!"

A true Democracy rises
A spark of light shines above the East Continent

A Briefing on the Political Situation in the People's Republic of Avamar