User:Sanguinius/Sunriel Empire

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Revision as of 04:47, 9 May 2006 by Sanguinius (talk | contribs) (Fictional Realm, going to be used for a story. And because I'm really bored.)
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Sunriel Empire

The Sunriel Empire is named for the Sunriel family who have ruled over the Kingdom of Setras for eight generations. It is also the Sunriel family that rules over the empire that now encompasses the Kingdom of Setras, Meleus Protectorate, Halewood Protectorate and the Grand Duchy of Lebason.

Sunriel Empire Members

Kingdom of Setras

Meleus Protectorate

Halewood Protectorate

Grand Duchy of Lebason


Succession Wars

The Succession Wars took place in the old Finngar Empire, in a time when the entire region bore but one flag. But when King Lucius Finngar III died without an heir. War broke out between the Dukes as to who would then rule the land. Eventually leading to the splintering of the empire into six small faction. The Sunriel family, had been the closest to King Finngar III decreed that it should be them. For long had they watched over the capitol of Setras, during the Kings later years. This alone did not go over well with the Meleus family who had long feuded with the Sunriel. They commanded the strongest military might of all the regions of the Finngar Empire. And in difiance to the Sunriel, declared independance from the Empire, forming the Meleus Protectorate from both Castle Meleus and the surrounding land. At such a bold move by Duke Meleus, others begun to seek power. And it was soon followed when Halewood, Lebason, Enway and Mesne Roc splintered from the Empire to found there own kingdoms. In the years that followed, the Sunriel family would try to reconquer the lands that made up the Finngar Empire.

Burgundiam Treaty

After 80 years of fighting between, it was time for a change. And peace was to be brokered between the different kingdoms. By now the lines had been drawn and borders set in place. The Kingdom of Setras which comprised of Setras, Burgundia and Tristam were firmly under the rule of the Sunriel. Meleus Protectorate was still under the rule of the Meleus family. Halewood Protectorate with its wealth and merchants had come under the rule of a Merchant Council. Lebason and Enway formed the Grand Duchy of Lebason, ruled by the Sung family. And the great mountain fortress of Mesne Roc to the Atrixe family. Eventually all came to gather in Burgundia to discuss peace between the now five nations. But not all would go as the Sunriel planned. An assasination attempt on Prince Gai Atrixe would leave Mesne Roc from signing the treaty. And the representatives of the others without knowledge of this, thought only that the Atrixe would have no part of it. The would be assassin would later be beheaded, the remains sent to Mesne Roc in hopes of getting them to sign. But it was to little, to late. And upon the return of the prince, it was not long before he died, leaving them from ever signing the treaty. The others though did sign the Burgundiam Treaty as it later came to be known. The Kingdom of Setras, as home to the Finngar Empire came to rule. Though all who had joined were still free to rule there own lands as they saw fit.


Diplomacy Notes on the Burgundiam Treaty

The way this would be treated in game, is that the four groups that signed the treaty would be part of a Federation. And in essence form one realm. Mesne Roc did not like the attempt on one of its ruling members. And as such refused to become part of the Federation, and instead keeps its relation to the Kingdom of Setras at Neutral. Mesne Roc's relations to the other realms though may be more favouable.


None of the thing mention in these pages are about realms of characters in the game. And is purely made up for no other reason, then that I wanted to do this. Eventually these pages will come to include not only realm and character pages. But also religion, guilds and other such things to add deepth. If other have suggestions or little we stories they wish to take place in this little word, they are happy to add to it.