Gloomdirge Family/Dredmor

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He was 15 when rogue forces swept through his home state of Ircymbar, wresting control from the tyrannical theocracy of Vordul Sanquinis. Once the dust settled though, calm descended surprisingly quickly. Turns out peasants and farm folk aren't crazy about tyrannical bloodthirsty leaders who consider themselves gods…

Dredmor thrived under this relative peace, focusing on his studies and his martial training, afforded him by his noble lifestyle, but this was not meant to last.

5 years later the drums of war returned as The Sanguin Empire decided it was time Ircymbar was returned to its rightful rule. Obia'Syela decided this was a good idea and entered the conflict, eager to add to add the state to its own territory. War raged, for a time, until Obia'Syela decided it wasn't worth the trouble. They took what they could, razed everything else, and left the ruined state behind