Isidor Thrane

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Isidor stood before the threshold of the temple as people began to assemble at its steps.

“Brother and Sisters of the faith, welcome.” He took a short pause as he looked upon those gathered. “Before I begin I would like to announce the enlarging of the first Temple of Ainanism. Upon these foundations shall continue our sacred duties and grow to become the remedy of chaos in this world.” There were a few cheers and the polite clapping of hands. Isidor looked to the sky and took a deep breathe before returning his gaze to the crowd. He smiled, “Take heart and be at ease for it is in these trying times when we need most the loving embrace of the Mother, the assertiveness of the Father and the curiosity of the Child. It is in times, such as these, we need most our family.”

“I have heard it said in the local taverns and the courts of minor nobility. From the shining coast of Oroyo to the townlands of Tokat they speak of the ceaseless waging of war. While it is true that our kingdom has suffered many trespasses we must not forget that which is written in our holy tomes.” Isidor cleared his throat and spoke louder, “As the Father attempted to provide law and justice, some of the men demonstrated a corruption of heart that had never been seen before. For many days thereafter, the Father grew ill as the wars grew increasingly violent. The Father then clutched his head in agony, until finally, out of him came a new being. A being with no form but a life force unlike any other. A dark energy that spread out into the world, bleeding into the hearts and minds of men.”

“We are bound to both King and country, but so too are we bound to the will of Mother and Father; balance. I ask of those in service of the Shadow Legion to safeguard your hearts. Conduct yourselves with honor and stay your men from mindless bloodshed. Acts of looting and pillaging can only manifest within you the same corruption that bore Ulca. We must achieve a righteous justice. A justice of wrath and mercy, compassion and conviction.”

There was another gentle applause. Isidor then motioned for the crowd to hear his final words, “Go forth now, in the name of the Mother and the Father, and practice balance in all that you do. It is through your individual, honorable actions that make our collective future brighter.”