Unti Family/Nerta/A4S4

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Request from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
I have just deposited 850 gold in the treasury of the Academy in Agyr. I would ask that it be used to expand the guildhall here to have some suites for those of us who hunt for a living, so that we have a real home to come back to.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Wren gives a little jump in place and the short scroll comes out of her hands. She snatches it out of the air.

"Jacinda! Friend Jacinda!"

The tiny woman goes racing down the passages of the temple calling for her.
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda grinned at the call from her aptly-named friend. She was tired, not as tired as her great trek across the continent, but it was still nearly two hundred leagues from Vatrona, and she had only slept the once on the journey. But it was hard to do anything but smile when Wren was around, so she cupped one hand and called back. "Here, Wren! Care to join me? I was just going to treat myself to a nice bath, maybe get a massage after. I feel like I've done my duty by the Academy for a while, aye.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
The little birdlike woman stood on toptoe at the sound of Jacinda's voice and craned her neck.

"Jacinda! You're here!"

She raced down the passage to find her weary-but-pleased-looking friend, and stopped a couple steps short of bowling the warrior over (as though she could). She held the parchment out front of her excitedly.

"Friend Jacinda... you have made a home, a real home, for us here." Round eyes shone, without blinking for once. "Rooms, in the guildhall. How?!"
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda chuckled.

"Keffa. I picked up enough scrolls that I was able to sell them for an even thousand. I bought this-"

She patted the gorgeous armour and new sword beside her.

"And still had enough left for our new home. Now, want to join me in the baths? On me, of course. Hm...Might need some baths in here...Got used to the Melhed-style already..."

She began slightly limping toward the public baths nearby, waving Wren to join her.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Wren blink-blinked, and gazed in awe at her friend's tale.

"A thousand! So much! Wren gave scrolls to the lady Queen of the North. And her sky tear shattered... it was sad."

At her friend's beckon, Wren perked up.

"Baths in Agyr? Hot baths? Jacinda is magic. Yes my friend, the travel has been long, and my feathers itch. Lead on." Blink-blink. "You limp, friend, let me carry heavy things for you."
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda sighed gratefully, and shifted one of her packs over.

"Nice thing about gold. You get enough of it, and they start treating you like one of those...What do they call them this far south? The Szlachta, no...Ritters? That's closer...Pa-ritters...? Ah, Patricians! Treat you like Patricians..."

Jacinda swayed a bit as they made their way to the luxurious baths, and while the attendant started turning her nose up at the adventurers, her tune changed when Jacinda slapped a pair of gold pieces down.

"The works, for both of us!"
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
The little adventurer in her dappled-brown cloak easily shouldered a heavy pack to lighten Jacinda's load, and hummed a soft melody to herself as she followed her friend into the unfamiliar building. The floors and walls around her were polished stone, many of them set with smaller pieces of stone in different colours to make beautiful pictures. Humid air swirled around them in scented heaviness.
Jacinda swayed a bit as they made their way to the luxurious baths, and while the attendant started turning her nose up at the adventurers, her tune changed when Jacinda slapped a pair of gold pieces down.
"The works, for both of us!"
"Oh, friend Jacinda, do you mean we will work in the baths?" Wren blink-blinked, concern evident in her round brown eyes. "It is warm here, but I think I would rather hunt than scrub smelly tubs..."
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda laughed and wrapped an arm around Wren's shoulders, which were quite muscled under that fluffy cloak.

"Oh, my friend, no, it means that we will have some lovely people-"

Jacinda grinned at one of the approaching attendants and started handing off their packs.

"-scrub our smelly selves until they are no longer smelly, and instead smell more like flowers and unguents. I'm not even sure what an 'unguent' is, but last time I was here they used them and my skin felt wonderful..."

She led the way confidently, almost forgetting her hurt leg in her eagerness to get into some steaming water, and began disrobing in the antechamber.

"Have you ever been in one of these? I can talk you through it all, if you like."
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
People scrub us?

The feathers that grew out under Wren's lower hairline bristled out at the idea. She had been thrown from frightened towns for her unusual appearance, her otherness. She followed closely behind Jacinda, almost in the other woman's shadow, as they trailed down into the baths. In the antechamber the little woman shrugged off her packs and cloak slowly, following her friend's enthusiastic lead.

"Have you ever been in one of these?  I can talk you through it all, if you like."

Wren looked at her companion, wide-eyed uncertainty obvious.

"Jacinda friend... Wren has been to the baths in southern lands. They are outdoors often but I think the same. The bath is nice..." she shrunk in on herself a bit, "But sometimes people don't like the Wren. I am different and strange to them... Without my cloak, they see how different... Maybe no-one will want to scrub the Wren."

Leaning her head to one side she gathered her long, light brown hair over one shoulder, leaving a soft fringe of irregularly-striped feathers--not unlike a pheasant's--clearly visible. She looked over her shoulder to friend Jacinda. Blink-blink. She watched to see what her friend would say, unsure if she already knew.
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda looked over, already planning out a reassuring ramble about how they got all sorts in these places, that was the nice thing about money, when she saw the feathers. She paused for a moment, blinking, almost the same way her friend had.

"Huh. And here I thought it was because you sounded like one...I can see why that could be an issue, yep. I'll take care of it, one minute..."

Jacinda strode out, partially dressed and re-fastening her main belt, which had quite a few things but the coinpurse and long knives were uppermost in her mind at the moment.

Wren could hear some murmured conversations, Jacinda's voice occasionally rising to a sharper annoyance, and then a clink of coin, before she came back to the antechamber.

"And done. Found a few older hands who cared more about coin than feathers, and bought them off to come start the baths in our place once we finished up here. And what is a "foe-der-atty" anyway? Seems like everything this far south has some name I've never heard of..."

Jacinda shook her head and started undressing again.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Wren the Watcher
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Warm relief slowly melted down Wren's taut shoulders at her companion's confident nonchalance. Reassured, she followed Jacinda's lead. The little woman slipped deftly out of her dun travel clothing and wrapped it all up within the bulk of her dappled brown cloak. She ran one delicate hand appreciatively over one of the silky folded robes, then at Jacinda's gesture, reverently donned it against her naked skin. She spoke softly, her thin voice musical, as she admired the luminous fabric.

"Foederati... We are Beluaterra's people, born of the land's magic and her creatures. We survived on this land in the dark times when all other people were driven away by the Children of the Old Gods."

In the thin robe without the disguise of her oversized travel clothes, Jacinda could note now numerous small oddities in Wren's form. Still definitely human other than the feathered fringe at the hairline that was now quite obvious, there were other little things that twisted her form ever so slightly. High arches in her feet; long toes; knobbly knees that bent a little further backward than looked quite right as she stood waiting. Wren peered at her own form in a tall looking-glass, one of her dappled feathers stroked between two fingertips. She continued.

"My parents chose the Wren's totem when I was almost a month old. They wanted a sign from the Dark Mistress, a totem of strength, so they waited, and the magic of our land began to claim the Wren. Mistress was silent. She does not provide, she waits to take. Only the Wolf Lord watched, in the dead of winter, and he sent a winter wren so that I would not be twisted to the monsterkin. He knew I could fight."

Blink-blink. Brown eyes bored steadily into themselves in the mirror as though looking deep within.

"The Wren is small, but she sees much, and she is fast. So am I. We are one. This is Foederati."
Wren the Watcher (Foederati)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Jacinda nodded slowly.

"I've heard of that, aye. Not something our village took part in, mostly, but there were rumours...Might could have used some of that, maybe the village would still be there..."

She shook her head sharply.

"Blood over the dam now. Today's to relax and enjoy, and stretch out a few sore muscles."

She winced a little, limping more obviously as she led the way in to the bath proper. Given everything, she showed Wren how you scrubbed with the oil and clean sand, used the scraper to remove it all, and rinsed before settling into the steaming water. Her own body had more than a few scars, in some places layered and crisscrossed, and some of those scars pulled a bit as she lowered herself in.

"Good soak, first, then we'll get the massage and all..."
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)