Le Craint Family/Mariana le Craint

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Roleplay Archive

The Aftermath of the Daimon Arrival.

On the Road - Tales from Mariana's Journeys.

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Daimon's Arrival

Walking through the street, the early morning sun cresting over the skyline of the harbour buildings, Mariana remained vigilant. Her personal guard joining her as they patrolled through the city, armed with an assortment of finely crafted longbows and an array of crossbows, they wandered the streets closely monitoring the movements of the undead, clearing out as many as they could. Mariana herself had replaced her previous set of armaments with a masterpiece of a sword and a finely crafted crossbow on her back. One of her scouts returned to her side and handed her a small piece of parchment, a simple drawn map of the streets with key points highlighted. Of key importance was the path the Daimons were seemingly taking.

The events of the day had confused her so far, without a warning the arrival of said Daimons and the battle that followed where the Daimons seemingly assisted in fighting against the undead. She pondered to herself, What does this mean? What will happen to us now? What caused this to happen? Mariana turned to the scout.

"Good work, continue monitoring them. Should they make any further aggressive moves I wish to hear about it." Without a moment of hesitation, the scout disappeared once again.

Mariana continued down the street, taking care to keep off the main roads through the city. For a moment, she heard a scream coming from a nearby alley. The sound of a young girl, a bloodcurdling scream that could only mean one thing. She darted down the street towards the direction of the scream. Before long, she found herself confronted by a small gathering of undead, surrounding a body seemingly feeding off the corpse. She drew her crossbow and took aim at the beasts.

"Take aim.... FIRE." A ricochet of bolts and arrows from the Vigilants rippled down the alley piercing the fleshy mess that was the undead mound. Before long, there was not movement left. Drawing her sword she went over and examined the corpse. A young commoner girl, her face now barely recognisable however the feeling of fear still gripping her face. Mariana grabbed a nearby scrap piece of cloth and covered her body, by now a small crowd was gathered. "Call for the city guard, this needs to be cleaned up."

Mariana wiped the blood off her swords and stepped out from the alley, pushing past the gathered crowd who seemed to recoil in fear and respect, many bowing their heads to hide their faces. Walking quickly, she returned back to her route and awaited more news.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The Grand Inquisitor's Message

"You there!" - she noticed a peasant pretending to be dead, not twenty feet from the imposing daimon - "Find me an Inquisitor, a proper one, not a guardsman, bring them to the Templar Nexus." - the peasant just whimpered and Maura rolled her eyes and added - "Do as I say or I will feed you to the deamon" - the face of the man went paler - "doesn't it look hungry to you?"

Mariana was strolling around the city, following closely behind a small gathering of the Daimons. Watching them, she couldnt help but feel more confused. Their movements were strange, not ones she had seen before in any beast. Nor could she imagine these as the same beasts that caused havoc in the past. None the less, she continued to watch and monitor them. Out the corner of her eye she caught sight of a peasant rushing around not looking where he was going, rushing past her the peasant nearly ran straight into the daimons, however Mariana caught him.

"Do you have a death wish? Cant you see what lies around the corner?" She whispered in hushed tones to the man, one eye still watching the shambling daimons.

"I... I was sent.... sent to find.... find an Inquisitor. The.... the Grand Inquisitor sent me..." The man clearly out of breath and fearing for his life stumbled on his words. Marina pushed the man to the side down a nearby alley.

"You have found one, where is the Grand Inquisitor? I assume this is urgent?" The man simply nods and points towards the Basilica, fearing having gotten the better of himself a small puddled began to form from under his clothes. Mariana stepped away, giving a man a sneer before nodding towards one of her men. "Take care of this man, seems he does not know how to act in from of a lady."

The nearest soldier nodded and a large smirk formed on his face, he led the man deeper into the alley as Mariana stepped away and towards her captain. "Valdric, change of plans. I must head to the Basilica. The Grand Inquisitor is calling for an inquisitor."

Valdric nods and looks towards the daimons. "Better take a few men with you, the streets aren't safe. We will continue to watch them. If anything changes, I shall send word to you." Mariana nods, taking the mans hand in a tight grip before making her way. Five men join her as she heads towards the Basilica.

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Upon reaching the Basilica, Mariana steps up to the men guarding the entrance, noting that they are looking a bit shocked and confused. "Inquisitor Mariana le Craint, I have arrived upon the request of the Grand Inquisitor."

Hearing that name, one of the men begins to shudder slightly before standing back at attention after Mariana gave the man a strict look. "The Grand Inquisitor is inside. She is meeting with the Grand Templar and Sir Ferdinand Greybrook."

She gave the man another look. "Very well, I shall head in and await a summons from the Grand Inquisitor. I do not wish to disturb their meeting. Alert the Grand Inquisitor of my arrival once she becomes available."

With that, Mariana stepped into the Basilica with both caution and interest.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Interaction with a Grey Knight

Mariana was appraoching the man at standing outside the door, hesitantly, the current state of things have left her weary of unknown faces. Just as she was about to reach him, the door swung open and the Grand Inquisitor stepped out.

"Ah, you're here! Good" - she shouted - "Grey Knight Ferdinand Greybrook, Inquisitor Mariana le Craint. Save pleasantries for later. Walk with me." - she ordered and marched hastily towards the exit, not checking if they follow close behind she started giving instructions:

Looking at the knight who had now been introduced, she gave a slight sneer, not out of anger but simple due to lack of energy, before respectfully bowing before quickly following on behind Maura. Trying to keep with the pace she is setting, however even this proved somewhat of a struggle. "Inquisitor, have your men police the city. Even if daimons turn out not to be a threat - a madding crowd surely is. Bring them to sense, however you see fit." - and pulling her in close she added in whisper - "Once you're done, come back here with three of your most trusted men."

"As you wish, Grand Inquisitor, I shall have my men sent to work immediately." She stepped in close, making sure Ferdinand was out of ear shot. "I shall see this done, I return to you once more."

As she finished her sentence, Maura continued off, leaving Mariana and Ferdinand to themselves. She looked the man up and down, trying to size him up. However, little could be gained from the facade he was putting up.

Out of courtesy, she bowed once again to the man now that they had time. "A pleasure, however our time seems rushed. A word of advice, the men you have stationed outside caused quite the problem for me, even after I told them of my summons. Next time, I may not be as patient. I wouldnt want to have to speak to someone about this and Im sure you wouldnt want that either." Mariana simply smirked as she finished her sentence beginning to turn around. However she stopped half way and turned back to Ferdinand.

"Before I go, I wish to invite you to my estate. I remember being told that you were part of the expedition that took place, I wish to hear more of this, more importantly I wish to hear about Shattered Vales. One of my men from my seaworthy days, whom I was needing to punish, escaped my grasp and last I heard he was heading in that direction. If you could be so kind, any information that would allow me to bring my possession back to me would be most welcome." She smirked once again, turning again and making her way to the alley. "Come to the harbour, my estate lies there. Its a modest home so Im sure you will feel quite at home there." She chuckled to herself as she continued down the path disappearing from sight.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Arrival at the Basilica

As Mariana reached the Basilica, she let out a deep sigh before turning to the men whom she had gathered. Among them was the captain and two very promising squad leaders. The captain, who was called, Valdric stood at a decent 6ft tall, standing over Mariana but only slightly. The other two were shorter than both of them, however they were still imposing figures. By this time, the new gear had arrived for the unit.

Accompaning their crossbows that hung on their backs and the swords engraved with the crest of house le Craint. They were now equipped with a leather overcoat that covered their steel chest piece. Their arms protected by a studded leather shoulder pauldrons. Rather than looking like an immediate threat they could easily be hidden within a crowd. Mariana was now wearing something similar however she had a ornate sword, a long slim blade with the handle wrapped with purple rope holding a small golden crest of house le Craint.

"Right, as have arrived I shall inform you more about the reason you have been chosen. The Grand Inquisitor requested I bring along my three most trusted men. As such, whatever is spoken within these halls must not be repeated. Come now, let us not keep the Grand Inquisitor waiting."

Entering within the basilica, Mariana passed the same guards as before. She glanced over to them, the one that spoke before met her eyes before standing up straight again. She smirked as she continued further into the building. Reaching the main hall, she made her way to one of the guards.

"Let the Grand Inquisitor know that Mariana le Craint has arrived and she is ready to meet with her."

The Guard nodded, Mariana looked around, making her way to her three men who were waiting for her in the centre of the room.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
A mission from the Grand Inquisitor

"Inquisitor Mariana..." - she noted three men placed about inconspicuously and murmured approval - "... walk with me..." - and as soon as they left Basilica she lowered her voice, so that only Mariana heard her say - "

Mariana diligently followed the Grand Inquisitor, matching her pace and ensuring that she was close enough that no one would be able to overhear their conversation without having to be withing eyesight. Following Maura out of the Basilica, Mariana leaned in close as she began to speak. You and your men. Be ready to fight. But don't appear ready to fight. Don't appear anything at all. Remain hidden, and if the fight happens - keep yourself at range, do not get close. We will apprehend someone special, as peacefully and quitely as possible. Needless to say - whatever happens will be done before first lights of dawn reveal it..." - Grand Inquisitor suddenly stopped and turned around, her face barely inches from Mariana's, she whispered - "Whomever sees our holy work must not have the chance to tell the tale, do you understand?"

Mariana nodded along, reciting the instructions within her head over and over to ensure she remembered every detail. Mariana whispered again, "Of course, I shall ensure that my task is carried out effectively and without so much as a whisper. I shall ensure that we are ready to begin as soon as possible. I have prepped my men to ensure they know we may be moving with great speed."

Continuing down the nearby alley, Mariana's eyes darting from side to side ensuring that no one was watching or following them. Keeping up with the Grand Inquisitors pace as she sped through the alley, Mariana could feel the seriousness behind both her words and her actions. she would be lying if she said she was not feeling excitement however she kept this to herself. It would not be long before they reached the courtyard of the Templar Nexus.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
So it begins

Lacing up her thick leather boots, she brushed away the dirt and dust, smiling at her reflection in the polish. Opening the loose floorboard of her room, she took out a large box. Within it, a thick leather overcoat with a dark hood. She held it out in front of her, there was little that could distinguish it from a crowd of people. Perfect she thought.

She took out a small blade and hand crossbow, placing them on her hip she closed the box and placed it beneath the floor board once again. Moving over to the table with a simple mirror, she took out her blade and carefully began cut her long hair. Slicing each length of hair, letting it drop to the floor. Her long silver hair was now cut short and rough, she was no expert.

She stepped outside her manor, looking back briefly before heading towards the stables. She had sent word and a horse had been saddled ready, a few others had been gathered, each looking more inconspicuous than the last. She gently brushed the side of the horse before mounting him in one quick motion. The pure black stallion had been chosen for his speed, not sparing any amount of gold to find the perfect one.

With a simple hand gesture, they all departed quickly. It wasn't long before they reached the gates of the city and they were out heading south.
Mariana le Craint