Nighthelm Weekly/Nobles/Scion

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Scion Calanar (The Wolf)

Scion is a bit different from most. He is a reluctant hero who learned the arts of trade, combat, and a bit of strategy. His family hails from the Grand Lodge, but he didn't fit in with the family. In order to avoid his family he became a trader for a while.

He went back and forth trading goods. Once when he was carrying a valuable shipment he was attacked by bandits. Only Scion and his body guard Mark survived the attack. Not wanting to return in shame Scion cut off all connections with his family and wandered as a mercenary for a couple of years. During this time he wandered the Far East as a ruthless killer. The way he killed got him the title as The Wolf. He trained in the art of blind fighting which greatly heightened his senses as well. Eventually he ended up killing someone he cared about and realized the problems with the path he walked.

In a state of depression he wandered the Far East until he came to a strange forest. In the forest he found a spring. It was here he learned to worship the Wind God Aeolus and found his sword Storm Caller. He then set off to atone for his crimes and seek a better life. This path led him to Nighthelm.