Ritual Magic and You: A Guide to the Arcane Arts

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Chapter 1: Scrolls and You

Scrolls are the most important part of casting spells, since the art of Magic was long ago lost to all but a handful of a few individuals. Scrolls can be purchased from adventurers, assuming they've come into contact with a Wizard. Scrolls contain a variety of spells, some more useful than others. The following list contains scrolls and their known effects.

- Scroll of Accident: causes the target to suffer a terrible accident, wounding the individual.
- Scroll of Decay: causes food in the region to instantly rot.
- Scroll of Banishment: Destroys one unit of Daimons. If the unit is particularly strong or large it may only destroy part of the unit.
- Curse of Rust: Permanently damages the armor of all soldiers in the targeted unit.
- Scroll of Ecstasy: Causes peasants in the region to reproduce, causing a rise in population.
- Scroll of Fear: Reduces the morale of the targeted unit.
- Scroll of Fireball: causes a fireball to erupt from you hands.
- Fountain of Youth: the target gains two hours and loses half of their fatigue.
- Scroll of Hammerfall: Damages fortifications in the region.
- Scroll of Healing: Heals the target.
- Scroll of Holy Light: works like a scroll of Banishment, for undead.
- Scroll of Magic Weapons: enchants a units weapons, increasing their effectiveness for a single battle.
- Scroll of Miracle: converts part of a region's population to your religion.
- Scroll of Panic: causes morale in a region to drop.
- Scroll of Summon Undead: summons undead in the region.
- Scroll of Teleportation: transports you to any region on the continent. Cannot be used while leading a unit.

There are a number of scrolls whose effects are not yet documented, but can be guessed at, however, this publication will not engage in conjecture.
-Scroll of Glow of Health
-Scroll of Magic Armours
-Scroll of Magic Steeds
-Scroll of Pain and Suffering
-Scroll of Splash of Acid

Chapter 2: Ritual Preparation
When preparing to cast a spell from a scroll, one must ensure they first have the basic components required to make a circle. The circle can be made a number of ways, some more effective than others. The most basic way is to draw a circle in the ground, though this is the least effective method. Circles can be made from salt, blood (human works best), or powdered silver. Diamond dust has proven to be the most effective material, but is especially rare. Combinations of the materials seem to be more effective with certain spells, and less effective with others. Spells targeting oneself seem to be more effective with the incorporation of one's own blood in the ritual.

There are many things to consider when casting a spell, such as timing: A scroll of Fear does no good if you cast it after the battle is fought. A scroll of decay is better used after a Margrave buys a major shipment of food... Not before. Certain unique items are extremely valuable in casting spells, as they provide insight into the casting of spells, increasing your skill. This is extraordinarily valuable, as the only way to increase your skill in spell casting is by casting spells. There are no spell casting tutors.