Lapallanch Family/Hernfelk/Hernfelk's Roleplays VIII

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Chapter 14.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As Hernfelk got off the ship, he looked around the harbour but there was no one around the harbour except those who came to Perdan with him.

He bought himself a horse and rode all the way to Partora, the heart of the Empire.

He sent a few letters to those who once served him, hoping they would return to serve him again though he had doubts he could get all the members he once had.

While waiting for replies, he rented a room in a small inn near Partora's biggest market place and collected thoughts on the days he spent in Thalmarkin, Beluaterra.

Just thinking about Daimon Lord Overlord gave him a chill down his spine. A five meter tall Daimon capable of crushing walls with his bare hands was not something you wanted to face on an open field. Also, Overlord was never alone, always bringing a horde of his kinds behind him. The horde was called 'horrors' and they lived up to their name. No man could stand against them alone.

Hernfelk only realized the frightening power of the horrors after his first battle when the allied armies of Thalmarkin, Old Grekh and Melhed collided with Overlord on the field. Every daimon could kill at least ten well trained soldiers in a matter of minutes, spreading panic among the ranks of the allied armies.

After his first defeat, the allied armies were chased down even in the capital of Thalmarkin. There Overlord showed his true strength. There he almost broke succeeded in destroying the grey city. But in less than two weeks, the allied armies assembled again and challenged the master of all daimons again... and emerged victorious.

Overlord, who slaughtered soldiers like a storm flattening a wheat field, lost his life to Pyrix the Nightbane and his eight brave soldiers. After his defeat, Hernfelk thought the continent was saved but it was only the beginning of the end. The remaining daimons fought until Overlord, who was bound to his world after the loss of his mortal vassal, closed all portals, taking all blighted regions with him.

The ocean water filled where blighted regions were once located. After their defeat, several problems broke out. Daimons who did not return to their land still wreaked havoc while witches began to show themselves, carrying scrolls to summon monsters and undead. This caused tension among the ranks of Thalmarkin and Hernfelk was in the center of it. At the end, he was challenged to a duel by Baron Durzo. Hernfelk slew Durzo in a personal combat in front of Durzo's son and other peasants. After that, he questioned his reason to stay in Thalmarkin and returned to Perdan since he achieved his original goal of saving the continent.

Now he was ready to serve the Empire he once served again. This time not as a knight but as a walking shadow...

Chapter 14.5

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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After a week, Hernfelk got all the letters he wrote back. None of his letters reached his former soldiers. He expected something like this would happen but he thought at least one of his soldiers would get his letter. With his disappointment behind, Hernfelk visited the recruitment office to get himself some soldiers to reform his platoon.

The office became much bigger than he last visited, probably was enlarged to accommodate all the new soldiers from new recruitment centers. Most of them were very well armoured unlike the men he encountered in Thalmarkin. Of course it was understandable considering the circumstance Thalmarkians were in.

Hernfelk saw some old faces and one of the workers seemed to remember him quite well.

"Sir, I thought you left Perdan to fight some monsters.", the recruitment officer spoke as he extended his right hand , gesturing a handshake.

Hernfelk answered the gesture by gripping the officer's hand with his hand, "Well I did fight daimons for a couple months. But once they were driven back to their world, I realized my reason to stay there also left with the daimons. So I returned after slaying a baron in a duel."

"Impressive. You survived a death duel?"

"Indeed I have. Defeating someone better than me wasn't easy."

After a few minutes of conversation, Hernfelk asked the officer about recruiting men. The officer flipped through a pile of papers near him quickly.

"Well we have enough thousands of infantrymen waiting to be recruited. Some of them are finest on the continent."

"Are there any mixed infantry centers? I am curious to test them out."

"We do have some mixed infantry centers. Not the best but they are good enough."

"I want to recruit them then.", Hernfelk agreed immediately.

"Are you sure, Sir? They do not always follow orders.", said the officer as he handed paper works to Hernfelk.

"Who do you think I am. I survived the daimon invasion. I think I can handle my men effortlessly."

Hernfelk finished signing all the papers and gave them back to the officer.

"I will call my unit 6th Platoon! I hope they will last longer than my previous platoons."

Chapter 14.6

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (51 recipients)

Hernfelk and his men arrived in the grand city of Oligarch. Once the capital of the realm of Oligarch, the greatest city in the north was now a mere capital of one of the two duchies of the Kingdom of Westmoor. The city was not as grand as the city of Perdan or as beautiful as the city of Partora but it was built to look very tough for any enemies. Also, the grey colour of the city made it look bigger than its actual size.

The city looked undamaged from afar even after fighting the Republic of Sirion which seemed a little strange to Hernfelk who was used to seeing enemies assaulting cities whenever they could. When he approached the main gate, he realized that the city was never attacked in the first place.

When gate guards approached him, Hernfelk asked one of them about the city during the Siro-Westmoorian war.

"Well, Duke Corwin recruited many men from the city as militias to strengthen Oligarch's defence. Of course the city would have fallen if Sirion actually attacked the city with their full might but they did not. Maybe they were afraid."

"Those sly elves were afraid of something? Afraid of what?", Hernfelk mumbled to himself. Afraid to crawl out of their walled garden perhaps? While Hernfelk was lost in thought, one of the guards asked Hernfelk's new captain Werner about the reason of their visit. Werner simply told the guard they were visiting the city to tour the grandest city of the north as he had no reason to reveal their true purpose.

As they entered the city through the main gate, Hernfelk saw a beggar putting his hands forward while leering his men carefully. If it was a few months ago, he would have just ignored the beggar but after receiving his training in the academy of Partora, he could clearly tell the man was no beggar. The man looked dirty but he did not look as desperate or as hungry as other beggars. When he realized this, Hernfelk immediately hit the beggar with the pommel of his sword, rendering the man unconscious.

"Werner, grab this man. We will have to ask him some questions."

"Aye, Sir."

As soon as renting a room in a nearby inn, Hernfelk ordered Werner to tie the man up. When the man was tied, Werner poured a bucketful of cold water on him, waking the man up immediately. Hernfelk grabbed a wooden club and hit the man's left shin, breaking it in half. The man opened his mouth to scream but just before he began screaming, Hernfelk hit his right shoulder, collapsing it. When the man began to scream, Hernfelk grabbed his throat to stop the scream.

"Who sent you to spy on me?! Better talk before I really try!"

"Ack! Ach! Cack!"

"So you want to do this the hard way, huh!"

"Uh, Sir. You are still throttling him.", Werner pointed Hernfelk's hand.

"Oh right.", Hernfelk opened his hand. The man coughed for a good minute before he could finally lift his head. His face was distorted with pain and his eyes were shaking from fear.

"Now talk before I get serious."

"K..Kronogos Neji sent me to on Oligarch."

"Kro- what?"

"K.. Kronogos of Nivemus sent me! I was only doing what he has ordered!"

"Anything else?"

"What do you mean? I am just a scout! I know nothing! P... Please let me go!"

"You know nothing? Damn. Useless fool. Werner, end his misery and toss him down a well or something."

Werner nodded and got behind the man. When Werner took out his dagger, the man screamed and yelled.

"You... you said you would let me go! I answered what you wanted to know! Please spare me!"

"What are you talking about? I never said I would let you live. Werner!"

Werner quickly stabbed the back of the man's neck, ending his life. Two of the 6th Platoon's soldiers put the dead man's body in a wheat sack and carried him out of the room.

Chapter 14.7

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

When Hernfelk arrived in the city of Westmoor, the heart of the kingdom of Westmoor, he realized everyone has left the city already.

"It seems we were the last ones to be ordered to return."

"Shoudn't we hurry and try to catch up with the main army, Sir?"

"Why? It is not like we are being chased or anything. Sirion and Westmoor signed the peace treaty they both been dragging for sometime. We only have to worry about bandits and monsters on our way back home. But I will follow your suggestion, Captain. Let's get out of Westmoor. I think we have stayed in this realm for too long."

"Indeed Sir. Some of the men are feeling homesick. I couldn't find any whores or bars to keep them occupied in Oligarch."

"No worries, Captain. I will buy you all a drink when we reach Perdan! Unlike Thalmarkian bars, Perdanese bars serve real beers."

"What do they serve in Thalmarkin, Sir?"

"They were low on drinks so they mixed their drinks with something. I still do not know what they mixed but the drink I drank tasted like sewer water."

"Maybe it was sewer water, Sir."


Chapter 14.8

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As the sun hid behind the walls of Kazakh, a city ruled by Emperor Shady himself, Hernfelk arrived at the city's southern gate with his hairy squire, Michelle. The roads of the city looked exceptionally clean. Of course he could still spot a dung or two here and there but that pale in comparison to the great flow of feces covering the streets of any other cities. At least he spotted less flies and other annoying insects which made the trip to the north worth the trouble.

As he rode deeper into the city, he saw small groups of nobles entering an inn which looked nicer than the ones he encountered on his way toward the city center.

"Michelle, we will stay in this inn today. Those tents they usually provide are not that great anyway. I'd rather pay some coins and stay in an inn. Take care of the horses and get us a room while I eat and drink."

Leaving his squire behind, Hernfelk entered the inn. He recognized some faces, mostly ones from the last tournament. After looking around for a brief moment, Hernfelk found an empty seat near the bar and sat there to order something to eat.

Chapter 14.9

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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After visiting Aix, the city of Duke Nightmare who he considers to be the most generous duke in the kingdom, Hernfelk begins his journey to his estate in Ar Mosul by the order of his marshal. When he almost arrives to Beziers, he meets a messenger who is covered in dirt from riding all day.

Hernfelk - "Werner. Talk to the messenger."

Captain Werner - "Yes, Sir."

Werner slowly approaches the messenger and asks him to deliver the message. Werner's face expression changes several times. When the message is delivered, Werner quickly rides back to his master to repeat what the messenger said.

Hernfelk - "So what did he say?"

Captain Werner - "Sir, you are not going to believe this! Malo just joined our kingdom!"

Hernfelk - "Malo? Who is that? It sounds familiar."

Captain Werner - "The man who lost his head this morning, Sir!"

Hernfelk - "What? That Malo? Malo from Armonia? How on earth can he still be alive? Didn't he lose his head?"

Captain Werner - "That is what I heard, Sir. People said his head was cut clean and his body spewed blood like a fountain!"

Hernfelk - "Gods! How do we kill who has no life?! Will he crumble like the undead when we crush his skull?"

Captain Werner - "I cannot answer that, Sir. I am not an exorcist. What should we do now, Sir? Shouldn't we return to the capital to protect our newly crowned king?"

Hernfelk - "Uh... well, I do not know. Send a messenger to Marshal Ben. I am sure he knows what to do."