Order of the White Rose/Hierarchy

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The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle are the members of the Order who are responsible for making the decision on promotion from the ranks of an ordinary member to the Inner Circle

Grand Master

The Grand Master was master of the order for his life. The Grand Master is appointed by the previous Grand Master and they are only then named when the previous Grand Master is on his death bed. It is at this time, and no other, that the new Grand Master's name shall be known to the Justicar


The Seneschal is the right hand of the Grand Master, when he speaks he speaks with the authority and power of the Grand Master as it is he who has appointed him.


The Justicar is the third rank within the Order of the White Rose. It is the Justicar's role to meet out the punishment to other members of the Order for breaking the code or failing to uphold the values. The Justicar is also the only person who may hear the confessions of the other members. A member is free to come to the Justicar with a confession of their own failure to uphold the code or the values. This is not to say that punishment will not be dealt out, however one who recognises their own failings may receive a less harsh punishment for their confessions.

Guardian of the Code

The Guardian of the Code is a rank given to a member who has proven himself time and time again to uphold the code and the values of the order. A Brother may only be promoted to that of a Guardian when the current members of the Inner Circle deem that their actions both on the field of battle and off show them to be of a high enough honour.

Members of the White Rose

Members of the White Rose have proven that they are able to maintain the Code and the Values of the Order on numerous occassions. Members of the White Rose are responsible for seeing that the Code of the White Rose and the Values of the White Rose are upheld wherever they are within the world.


A Brother of the White Rose is a member who has been seen to uphold the Code and the Values by other Brothers of the Order. In order to become a Brother of the White Rose you must be voted into the rank by a majority vote of the other Brothers and higher.


A Disciple of the White Rose is a member who has has just been promoted from the rank of Initiate. It is by proving themselves over and over again through their deeds and their words that will see them move to the rank of Brother.

Initiates of the White Rose


The Initiates of the White Rose are members who are as of yet unproven in keeping with the Code of the Order. In order for an initiate to become a full member of the Order they are required to have three full members vouch for their actions both on and off the battlefield. It is only then that an initiate of the White Rose is able to become a full member of the Order.