Lapallanch Family/Hernfelk/Hernfelk's Roleplays VII

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Chapter 12.0

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

After two days of a rough sea ride, Hernfelk arrived in the shores of the daimon infested continent of Beluaterra. From there, he caught a ride to the capital of Thalmarkin, Unger, a symbol of the human resistance against daimons. On his way to the city, he saw peasants working on their fields despite another battle looming over the horizon. The peasants were obviously trying to forget about the coming doom by keeping themselves busy with work.

The city of Unger was filled with soldiers, too many for the city in fact. Many soldiers were seem to be forced to sit on the walls and streets. Hernfelk has never seen so many well trained soldiers even from his days in the mighty kingdom of Perdan.

As he entered a smithy nearest to the gate he just entered, he could hear endless sounds of metals being hammered by smiths. The smiths moved nonstop to forge weapons and armours for soldiers waiting around the place. Hernfelk ordered a sword and a breastplate for himself from the place. After paying for his purchases, only a few coins remained in his hands.

While waiting for his equipment, he visited the ducal palace hoping to find a liege to serve.

Chapter 12.1

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients) Hernfelk's first night in Thalmarkin was a cold one. His nose was running from standing outside for only a few minutes and his body shivered like that of a dying old man after half an hour. That was when he realized many Thalmarkians were not wearing plate armours. Instead many of them were wearing thick wolf or bear hides or leather armours.

He visited the smithy he visited in the morning to get something similar to what Thalmarkians were wearing. The smith he saw a couple hours ago smiled as Hernfelk entered the building. The smile on the smith's face was more of a smirk than a smile for customers. He ignored the smith's smile and asked about hides. The smith brought several wolf and bear hides and put them across a table by him.

Hernfelk-"How much is the white wolf one?"

Smith-"Five gold coins, Sir."

Hernfelk-"Uh... Five? I bought my breastplate for three!"

Smith-"Do you even know how rare white wolf pelts are?"

Hernfelk-"Ergh... How about the white bear one?"

Smith put two of fingers up.

Hernfelk-"Two go-"

Smith-"Ten gold coins."

Hernfelk-"What?! You just put two fingers-"

Smith-"Two times the price of the white wolf pelt, Sir. Well if you don't have enough gold I can-"

Hernfelk-"... Give me both."

Smith-"Pardon, Sir?"

Hernfelk-"I said give me both!"

Hernfelk grabbed the white wolf and bear hides and threw fifteen gold coins on the table and left the smithy. The smith collected the coins as Hernfelk rushed out from the building. From behind the smith, an old man approached him.

Old Man-"How's the business?"

Smith-"Going well, father. Can't go better than this."

Chapter 12.2

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

In the middle of the main square of the city, a giant statue of King Fingolfin was sitting on a throne made out of black bones of his vanquished foes. The statue seemed to be designed so its eyes would follow those who walk pass the statue. It was a simple eye tracking optical illusion but it was effective enough to make visiting children cry or wet their pants.

Hernfelk stood in front of the statue, staring into the eyes of the king. After good ten minutes of staring, he turned away from the statue with a stiff neck and dry eyes. The reason he came to see the statue was because he had nothing better to do after ordering his men to train for six hours. His new unit, 2nd Platoon was not as well armoured as his previous unit from Perdan but they had bigger axes to chop heads of the daimons. When he visited the recruitment office, many recruitment officers suggested him to recruit infantry units with axes. To fight tall daimons, it was best to chop their legs down as if they were trees. It sounded stupid at first but he decided to listen to people as they were more expert than he was about fighting daimons. After all Hernfelk has not yet seen any daimon.

As Hernfelk massaged his stiff neck, a messenger came to him to give General Enzo's order.

Chapter 12.3

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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When Hernfelk heard a dire news of a monster invasion from Wailing Wood, a forest just above the city of Unger, he led his men to defeat foul beasts causing havoc in the region. As soon as they arrived in the outskirts of the forest, they engaged the monsters. Six boar looking monsters charged Hernfelk's men as they formed the line formation. A fierce battle took place and 2nd Platoon managed to kill four monsters while driving back two for a short period of time. Nine men lost their lives during the first battle. After salvaging their equipment, the men buried their dead comrades and began their chase.

The men searched for the two remaining monsters for the rest of the day but they did not find them. When the night fell upon them, they stopped their search to build tents. To prevent any ambush from the monsters, they dug ditches around the site. Not too long after the men entered their tents, the monsters began their attack. They managed to kill three soldiers sleeping in the closest tent to them but their loud attack woke the rest and another battle broke out. The men rushed out of their tents with only holding their axes. For a brief moment, both monsters and soldiers went silent. But when Hernfelk came out of his tent and ordered his men to throw their axes at the monsters, the battle ended quickly. The monsters could not dodge the flying axes in the tent site.

Chapter 12.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

Not too long after Hernfelk arrived in Unger, he heard a dire news of yet another daimon attack on Thalmarkin soil. After burning Lastfell, Overlord moved his daimon army to Wailing Wood. Hearing the news of Overlord sent chills down Hernfelk's spine... or maybe it was drops of cold water dropping from icicles hanging under a roof he was standing under.

After paying his gold hungry men with coins he received from the generous duke Dunbor Lorganson of Unger, he entered a nearby tavern with two gold coins, hoping some drinks will help him forget about daimons. And also he hasn't had a chance to try out fine drinks of Thalmarkin.

As Hernfelk entered the tavern, he could feel the heat and smell a strong scent of alcohol feeling the air. The tavern was packed with people gathered from all over the city. Most of them were soldiers and nobles who had nothing better to do but drink while waiting for orders from their marshals. Since tables for nobles were already full, Hernfelk had to sit with soldiers. Once he sat on his chair, a waitress approached him. He ordered a bottle of wine but the waitress shook her head and told him the tavern was out of wine.

Hernfelk-"Hmm. What do you have?"

Waitress-"We are out of anything good, Sir. In fact, you won't find any good drink in the city. People from Old Grekh have been drinking ever since they entered the city."

Hernfelk-"And our own people have been drinking long before that, I assume?"

Waitress-"Yes. With daimons lurking just outside of the city, merchants are not visiting the city as often as they used to."

Hernfelk-"Just give me anything that will make me forget about daimons."

Waitress-"How much can you drink, Sir?"

Hernfelk-"I am the biggest man in the first floor. I think I can out drink anyone here."

Waitress-"I will bring some two cups of brown ale. Well it isn't really brown ale but people want to believe it is. That will be two silvers, Sir. I know you are a noble but we want to get our coins before you are too drunk to pay."

Hernfelk-"Two silvers? I can get a glass of one of the best wines from Perdan with that!"

Waitress-"Well, You are not in Perdan anymore. Welcome to Thalmarkin, Sir. Two silvers please."

Hernfelk-"Urgh. This better be worth it."

Hernfelk gave the waitress one of his remaining two gold coins. After three minutes, the waitress returned with his change and two cups. Cups were full of brown coloured liquid. He could smell a stench of something awful he did not wish to know from his cups.

Chapter 12.5

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

When Hernfelk heard of the news of the festival being held in the central square where all the fancy statues of the heroes of the old and new stood, he rushed out of the filthy tavern with his dying stomach. For the past two days, he did forget about daimons thanks to the excruciating pain from his revolting stomach. He needed something good to calm the beast down or he was going to be imprisoned in a tight room with a hole on the floor.

As he arrived in the central square, he noticed a newly built statue of someone. Under the statue, there was a short description of who the statue was made for:

Lady Rila Daybreaker, the Conqueror of Darkest Hour of the West.

The statue of the Lady stood proudly with one of her legs placed on top of the giant skull of Darkest Hour of the West. Before he could closely examine the face of the statue, food started to come out. Hernfelk sat on one of the closet chairs to from the statue and began eat the food on the table. He has not had any good food ever since he arrived in Thalmarkin for financial reasons and his goal was to shove as much food into his stomach as possible. When he was half way through his dish, some soldiers opened casks and barrels Duke Dunbor has been saving for.

Unlike the brownish pee coloured stomach revolting liquors he drank in the tavern, Duke Dunbor's beers were the real deal. At least they did not smell as bad.

Chapter 12.6

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

The battle began as soon as the sun hid behind hills of Winifael. As the shadow of the night fell upon daimons and humans, they charged at each other.

Hernfelk and his 2nd Platoon were placed in the front line. It would usually be one of the most dangerous and honourable position as those in the front line were given the honour of the first blood. He was excited when he was placed in the front line with foreigners from Old Greakh and Melhed but that excitement quickly turned into fear as the horde of daimons approached closer to him and his men.

Hernfelk's face grew pale as the daimons got closer to him and he shivered when he could finally see the faces of his enemies in details. They looked exactly like demons his mother and aunt used to tell him.

Hernfelk, with shaking hands, unsheathed his sword from his belt and gripped it tightly. He could hear his men gulping to ease the tension as the daimons began to charge toward them. Before they knew it, the daimons clashed with the front line.

Everyone swung their weapons desperately to stay alive. That was the only thing they could think of each time daimons ripped people to shreds. Hernfelk and his men surrounded two daimons who approached them after massacring the unit standing to the right of them. Before Hernfelk could even order, his men charged - probably out of fear - to the daimons after letting out battle cries - or terrorized screams. They managed to kill both daimons while losing only a couple men thanks to waves of arrows which fell upon the horde. But when the rain of arrows stopped, another wave of daimons appeared beyond the corpses of slain daimons.

Hernfelk quickly ordered his men to form a line, hoping to regroup his men before fighting another wave of daimons. But when he turned his eyes to gaze upon the horde, he saw something unreal. A daimon, as big as a small mountain showed himself. Wearing an armour, glittering with baleful shines, the daimon slowly walked toward Hernfelk. The sheer size of the daimon was good enough to make any man to flee in fear.

The daimon left nothing but a trail of death and destruction. Nothing could stop the daimon. Hernfelk's men all died in a single swing of an arm. Each time the daimon killed a man, his armour shined briefly. And that brief shine was what woke Hernfelk up. He remembered what he heard from others about daimons and realized the daimon in a glittering armour was 'Overlord'. When he realized this simple fact, he quickly lay on the ground and covered himself with blood of all the fallen men around him and acted like a dead man. He lied on the ground for the rest of the battle. But he could still hear...

Hear screams, shouts, and prayers.

After two hours of slaughter the battle ended. None of his men survived. Every last one of his men fell from the battle. After burying some of his men - ones he could still recognize, he returned to Unger.

Chapter 12.7

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

As soon as Hernfelk returned to Unger, he ran to the recruitment office to recruit a new unit to lead. His previous unit, the 2nd Platoon was massacred in Winifael. Recruitment officers tried to convince him to recruit infantrymen with axes again but he completely ignored them this time after witnessing daimons himself. So called 'chopping legs to make daimons shorter' strategy had a major flaw and that almost costed Hernfelk his life. Axe men fell before they got near the daimons as their axes were too big and heavy. Daimons were simply too quick for slow moving infantrymen to deal with. Also, big axes weren't good for running away from the battlefield.

This time, Hernfelk recruited cavalry units, hoping to out run daimons on the battlefield. An inexperienced captain called Rambrecht joined his unit to lead.

Hernfelk-"So captain. Have you ever seen a daimon before?"

Rambrecht-"Yes, Sir. I have seen them when they attacked the city. But I wasn't a soldier back then so I did not get a chance to fight them. How about you, Sir? Have you fought one before?"

Hernfelk-"I fought an entire horde of them in Winifael, not even half a day ago. And trust me, captain. They are not something you want to fight. They are walking nightmares. They devoured a lot of good men and women in Winifael. They will slay ones claimed by fear. "

Rambrecht-"Have you seen 'Overlord', Sir? I heard if we defeat him, we will win this invasion."

Hernfelk-"Overlord... just run when you see him. When you see a black hill moving towards you, get out of its path. Overlord will destroy anything on his path. Humans, horses, walls... I haven't seen that monster stop even for a second in the last battle."

Just thinking about Overlord made him shiver with fear. Standing before a giant dark figure shrouded with a dreaded black fog was a situation which any man would want to avoid. If his men did not charge out of fear or he did not move quickly to put the blood on his body to fake his death, he would not be in the recruitment office to recruit units.

As Hernfelk finished describing the daimons, a messenger entered the recruitment office to find someone. The messenger looked around and when he saw Hernfelk, he walked right to him.

Messenger-"Sir, please prepare for a siege battle. Overlord will be attacking the city after sunrise."

Hernfelk-"What? Captain, get the men ready. It is going to be a long morning. I just hope I survive."

As the sun rose from the ground to start another day, Hernfelk could see the same horde he encountered in Winifael. It did not look like the horde lost much from the previous battle. From one of many towers of the city, he could easily spot Overlord leading the horde from the center. The armour of the daimon seemed to shine more brightly than before.

Hernfelk and his men were position farthest away from the walls as his cavalry unit was useless unless Overlord breached the walls. Soon after his men positioned themselves away from the walls, terrible roars of the daimons shook the city - a horrifying sound to begin the battle with.

The ground shook as the daimons marched towards the walls. Hernfelk watched the backs of others from few hundred meters away from the walls. But the scene changed rapidly as the daimons began to climb the walls. Archers fired their arrows as fast as they could while infantrymen tried to push the daimons off the walls. Some daimons managed to climb the walls but they were quickly pushed off the walls by knights and other heavily armed soldiers. Some women were running across the walls to supply archers with arrows while old soldiers handed out spears they carried from the nearest smithies.

The battle raged on and after the first hour, the main gate opened for a short time. Through the gate, a few brave knights led small squads of cavalries to attack the horde directly but they were crushed like insects within minutes. The gate was quickly closed to prevent any daimon from breaking in.

When Overlord, who had a few spears and arrows sticking out of his body, destroyed the first line of defence - mainly consisted of melee combatants, someone Hernfelk has seen before rushed to the side of the walls Overlord was standing and struck the legs of Overlord with a black sword. It was Rila Daybreaker! Hernfelk's jaw dropped after witnessing such heroism. But even she was forced to retreat when the horde poured through the walls where Overlord managed to breach. The daimons charged into the vulnerable archer lines and slaughtered tens of archers.

As archers began to die, Hernfelk realized it was his time to fight. His gaze turned on the man standing to his right to see his captain. Captain Rambrecht nodded silently. Hernfelk put his right fist up high and ordered his men forward.


Rambrecht-"Charge! Form the wedge formation! Don't fall behind!"

They quickly charged up stairs and clashed with the daimons who just came up to the walls. They managed to kill a few daimons with the first charge but once the formation broke and it turned close to a hand to hand combat, the men of the 3rd Platoon quickly fell.

When Overlord climbed back up on the walls, his giant shadow fell upon Hernfelk who was just ending a daimon's life with a spear he took from one of his dead soldiers. Hernfelk raised his head to see what creature could possibly have such a big shadow, and that was when his eyes met the giant eyes of Overlord. Hernfelk was stunned by fear and could not move a muscle. He fell from his horse and lost the grip on his sword.

Overlord grabbed a rock, or a broken piece of the walls, and threw it at Hernfelk, or to kill people behind him along with Henfelk. When the rock was about to hit Hernfelk, he felt someone pushing him away from the flying rock. As he fell on the ground, he snapped out of himself and looked around to find his sword. But the only things he found were his horse and his captain who was missing his left arm. He rushed to his captain and helped him get up.

Rambrecht-"Are.. you okay, Sir?"

Hernfelk-"Thanks for saving my life, Captain. Let's get out of here. We did everything we could here. I don't think we can do more at this point. I cracked a couple ribs when I fell from my horse and you sacrificed your arm to save me. Just hold on for a few minutes. I will get you out of here. Don't fall asleep!"

Rambrecht-"I.. I will try."

Hernfelk tied Rambrecht on the saddle and rode away from the walls. As he was riding away from the battlefield, he could see Overlord rampaging through the archers with his daimons.

Chapter 12.8

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

When Hernfelk heard who became the new general, he punched the messenger who was sent from the capital to deliver the message. The messenger, who had to sneak through daimons and climb the mountains of Jedinchel to reach Hernfelk, wanted to cry but he did not want to get punched again so he kept his mouth shut.

Hernfelk-"Pathetic fools. They elected that failure Selis to our new general. We are all doomed now..."

Captain Ulfred, a new captain of Hernfelk's infantry unit, patted Hernfelk's shoulder to calm him down.

Ulfred-"Well, Sir. You still got 6 votes. That isn't too bad. You might beat her next time."

Hernfelk-"That is not the point, you fool. I don't want to follow her suicidal orders. I am getting enough of them already. You, messenger."

Messenger-"Yes, Sir?"

The messenger was rubbing his left cheek with his hand when Hernfelk called him. He tried to stand a couple meters away from Hernfelk just in case he tried to punch him again.

Hernfelk-"Do you have any other news? I heard Sint sent some reinforcement to aid us."

Ulfred-"You mean that tiny army they gathered in Winifael?"

Messenger-"Uh... they were ambushed by blight creatures from the blight, Sir. They lost pretty much all of their men."

Hernfelk-"... Well I heard tales of their uselessness but now I understand."

Chapter 12.9

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (39 recipients)

After spending days in the mountains of Jedinchel, Hernfelk returned to the city of Unger. On his way down from the mountains, he could see black columns of smokes rising from the city as the daimons were ravaging through the city like a black tide. Hernfelk could hear screams and shouts as he approached the city carefully.

As he approached the shattered western gate, the same gate he used to escape from the city as he was ordered, he saw piles of bodies on the walls of the city, once a proud symbol of human resistance against the invading force from the world beyond. Arms, legs, and other parts ripped from the bodies forming the piles were scattered around the walls and the gate, creating a site which would strike fear into any man. The smell coming from the rotting bodies made the scene feel realistic.

Before entering the city, Hernfelk sent Captain Ulfred and his men into the city first to find a way to the ducal palace, where the survivors were holding the last line of defence against Overlord. When all of his men entered the city, Hernfelk followed them - while keeping some distance just in case - to find a safe place to hide. As Captain Ulfred ordered the men to search different directions, Hernfelk entered a tall but abandoned house built beside the walls. From there, he could see where the horde and his men were.

Most of the horde was focused around the ducal castle in the centre of the city, fighting last of the remaining militia units but smaller groups of daimons were running amok, terrorizing the populace. Overlord himself was flying over his daimons, shouting in an incomprehensible language which seems to be impossible for human tongues to imitate. Beside him, another big – yet smaller than Overlord – daimon was flopping his wings and watching the city.

When the night came, the daimons around the ducal palace slowly broke their siege. Unlike a week ago, only the ducal palace had any source of light. The darkness of the night claimed the rest of the daimon occupied city. The horde spread throughout the city to feed on helpless citizens of the city.

Hernfelk waited his men in the center of the house where he could see all the windows from but no one showed up near the house. Once in awhile, a daimon or two showed up around the house, making Hernfelk sweat but for hours, none of his men was sighted. As the eastern sky turned orange, he prudently left the house and found his path into the ducal palace by himself.

Chapter 13.0

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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The first thing that came into Hernfelk sight as he arrived in Wailing Wood was a flag of Thalmarkin. The flag with a bear face, which he thought was a wolf when he first arrived, under a sword waved vehemently as Hernfelk and his men approached the campsite of other Thalmarkinians.

The forest of Wailing Wood did not change much but places where settlements once stood were mostly destroyed and ravaged by daimons. The surviving populace gathered around the campsite, hoping for some protection against wild beasts and monsters.

As he arrived in the region, he saw soldiers busying themselves by assisting peasants who gathered around the campsite. Some soldiers helped peasants build temporary houses around the campsite while others helped them by sharing whatever supply they brought with them.

Captain Theoderic-"Sir, should we help them as well?"

Hernfelk-"Did we bring enough food? I left the city pretty quickly."

Captain T-"I think we have enough to last a month or so, Sir."

Hernfelk-"Share half of what we have then. We won't be staying here that long. We are most likely to fight Overlord before the capital collapses entirely and the capital won't last that long."

Captain T-"Aye, Sir."

Hernfelk-"Oh. If you can, try to trade with them. See if they have any valuable things with them. You never know."

As Theoderic began to order the men to share the food with the surviving peasants, Hernfelk joined other nobles in the center of the campsite.

Chapter 13.1

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to all allies in the region Unger (75 recipients)

As the sun bathed the city with rays of light, soldiers, children, women and anyone who could hold something were all gathered under different banners for one purpose - to defeat the most vile being of all, Overlord who has terrorized humans for a full year. His four generals wreaked havoc all over the continent, razing hundreds of villages and killing thousands of soldiers. Overlord himself burned women and raped cities as he passed through them, leaving only ruins and corpses behind. As the sun rose higher, the daimon army marched toward the city gate which has been restored to stop the daimons. The gate was reinforced with junks and rubble gathered from the city.

As the daimons slowly marched toward the walls, Generals and Marshals deployed their men to the walls with haste. Hernfelk and his 4th Platoon, to his dismay, was placed right beside General Selis' 10th Infantry Division. When he saw Selis' face, he knew something bad was going to happen to him in the battle. Selis approached him with a serious face.

"Hold your line even if Overlord comes this way. Don't run with your men like the last time. I will execute you on the spot if you pull that again.", Selis growled as she frowned.

"I only ran because our line shattered. I do not push my men into a hopeless battle. If you don't want to see my men run, then make this battle look like something we can win.", Hernfelk answered as he pushed Selis out of his way. As Selis opened her mouth to say something to Hernfelk, the sound of battle horns echoed over the city. Soon after the horn sounds, the walls shook from the daimons throwing their bodies against it. A couple daimons clawed their way up the lowered walls.

Hernfelk quickly grabbed a spear one of his men was holding as he rushed to the low side of the walls, "Push them with spears! Go for the eyes!". As the men stabbed the first daimon who tried to get on the walls, Hernfelk managed to push the second daimon off the walls.

When all the daimons on his side of the walls were pushed away, he looked around to see how the battle was going. That is when he saw his liege Duke Dunbor and Chancellor Brant pushed off of the walls by claiming daimons. One of the claiming daimons was Overlord. He easily crushed the soldiers guarding the duke and the chancellor with his superior strength and massive fists. Just a gentle touch from him was enough to kill a dozen men. Whenever he swung his arms, he created small openings in the forest of men.

But even after witnessing such destruction, soldiers bravely charged at Overlord. They were crushed, broken, shattered, and cut in pieces but they did not stop. That was when nine brave men, led by Judge Pyrix, struck Overlord from his left side and shattered his armour. Overlord, angered by the attack, punched the men closest to him. The men flew across the walls and disappeared from the sight.

As the men disappeared, Hernfelk heard a desperate shout coming from the behind, "Sir! To your right!" When he looked, only thing he saw was a pair of glittering green eyes. Before he took his second breath, he was falling from the walls like his liege and the chancellor.

Thankfully, he landed on a cart full of straw but he felt sharp pains along his right ribs. He got up after a few attempts and climbed back to the walls through a ladder. As he got back on the walls with cracked ribs, he heard a scream like roar from his left. When he turned his head, he saw Overlord collapsing slowly while bleeding profusely from his heart.

Hernfelk's jaw widened as the soldiers around Overlord threw Judge Pyrix into the air with joy. It was over. The war was finally over. The dark shadow which fell upon humanity has finally been lifted. Everyone hugged whoever was closest to them in delight. Peasants, nobles, and royals rejoiced the victory like one. Hernfelk even got a kiss from a noble lady he has never seen before.

Nobles and soldiers who have gathered here today might fight each other in the future but they sung the song of victory together for now.

Chapter 13.2

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (39 recipients)

On the walls of the city, just above the main gate, Overlord's dismembered corpse was lying down on his back. His body was covered with black blood he spilled during the battle. His eyes, which struck fear into the hearts of humans, were aimlessly gazing the sky, and his horns, the symbol of his pride, were cut offed from the head. Someone even took the heart out of the great daimon. As Hernfelk examined the body, his men gathered around the daimon to claim parts of the creature as well. Some soldiers believed eating the parts of their enemies would grant him a fraction of the power his enemies once had. After a moment of silence, one of the soldiers shoved his sword into one of Overlord's eye sockets to pop the eye out. After that, everyone began to claim the body parts. It was a sickening sight. Hernfelk tried to find his captain to stop this madness but Captain Theoderic was busying himself with cleaving Overlord's skull to claim the brain. As Overlord became a skeleton by the hands of his men, Hernfelk stepped back from the scene.

"Maybe we fought the daimons for too long. I can't tell if we truly defeated daimons. We might have won battles but they might have won the war.", Hernfelk murmured to himself as he turned away from his men. As he walked away from them, he found the armour Overlord was wearing during the battle which was rumoured to be forged from the souls of the conquered enemies. The armour was not glittering with baleful shines anymore but it still caught his attention. He gathered the remains of the armour and left the battlefield alone.

Chapter 13.3

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (41 recipients)

The sun hid behind grey clouds above Rolbury as armies from three realms gathered to defeat the northern Blight Daimon who was terrorizing the western Old Grekh for weeks. As the battle began with long horn sounds coming from the three different armies, archers stepped forward with their bows in one hand and arrows on the other. The archers formed a line and planted their arrows in the ground.

As marshals raised their hands, archers nocked arrows and pulled the bow strings with their bows raised high while watching the daimons, led by the northern Blight Daimon, charging toward them. Once the daimons entered the range of fire, the marshals lowered their hands and with it, barrage of arrows rained on the beasts, knocking down almost half of them.

But before the archers could load arrows for the second time, the daimons arrived before them. As the daimons began to attack the archers, the infantry line advanced forward. Like the last time, Hernfelk was placed right beside Selis' men. Selis came over to him just before the battle began and lectured him to follow her orders.

"Hernfelk. When the marshals order the infantry line to advance, make sure you advance at the same time as my men, alright? Just do what I do and you will not become a burden.", Selis advised with her high pitched tone of voice which made Hernfelk frown his face immediately.

"Selis, just go back to your men. I know what I need to do. I am not so inexperienced as you believe I am. Do you think I am an idiot who can't take care of himself?"

"Yes. You are an idiot. You bought two hides for 10 gold coins and you expected to be called smart? Who buys hides for 10 gold coins? They cost a gold each at most.", Selis reminded Hernfelk of his first few days in Unger. Hernfelk felt ashamed when he found out the two hides he bought was only worth a gold each. When he found it out it was too late as he was forced to leave the capital due to Overlord's daimons. After they reclaimed the city, the store he bought his hides from was emptied out.

As Hernfelk tried to think of something to prove her wrong, the daimons began to charge toward the archers and the marshals gave the infantry line the advance order they were waiting for.

The northern Blight Daimon's presence paled in comparison to Overlord's. The battle hardened soldiers did not even flinch from seeing the small daimon, yet still bigger than any other daimon on the field.

After an hour long battle, the army of daimons shattered before the might of the allied armies once again.

Chapter 13.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk finally returned to his estate, which was called by the name 'estate', after a long campaign against daimons. Before returning to his estate, he visited the smithing district with his men to fix damaged equipment but when he saw the entire district crowding with returned soldiers, he left his men in the hands of Captain Theoderic and went ahead to his manor. As he entered his manor, a man approached him to greet him. The man, Jodin was his name, was a steward sent from the city to take care of Hernfelk's estate.

"Welcome back, Sir.", Jodin greeted Hernfelk with a high pitched voice. Hernfelk frowned for a second when he heard his voice as it sounded like his aunt's voice. Just thinking about his aunt made him want to throw something.

"You are... Jo... Jordan right?"

"No Sir. It is Jodin.", Jodin raised his voice even higher.

"Right. Jordin. That was the name."

"Jodin, not Jordin, Sir.", Jodin's voice was becoming a squeak. Hernfelk put his right hand on Jodin's left shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Right, Right. So do you have anything to report? Any letter from someone I know?"

"Your aunt sent you a letter, Sir.", said Jodin as he handed a letter over to Hernfelk. The letter was sealed with red wax which had a large 'L' stamped on it.

"My aunt? I don't remember asking for any gold from her...", Hernfelk opened the letter and began to read the content. As his eyes moved down across the letter, his face changed from a frown to a grimace.

The letter was not too long. It was only a page long but the content was more than enough to make Hernfelk feel baffled. His aunt was telling him to find a wife since he became twenty years of age. She has already found a couple young ladies in several places.

"I never knew my cousins married... Even my brother married? So I am the oblivious one here?..."

Chapter 13.5

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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In the morning, a carriage arrived at Hernfelk's manor. When Hernfelk and Jodin heard the sound of the carriage entering the manor yard, they adjusted their clothes. As they finished adjusting, the carriage stopped in front of them and the door opened. Through it, a well built figure exited the carriage.

"The blight has fell upon me, Jordin... my life has just been blighted.", Hernfelk's voice deepened with despair as the figure approached him. Jodin, who usually fixed Hernfelk when he got his name wrong, remained silent with his half opened mouth.

"Good morning, Sir Hernfelk. I believe you have heard about me from your aunt?", the well built lady figure spoke.

"Uh... She told me I would be getting some visitors but she did not specify anything, la- lady... Uhmm..."

"Oh then you probably do not know who I am, Sir Hernfelk. I am Castellia of Veovi, a minor family in the kingdom. You probably have not heard about my family as we are just a minor family."

"You are right, Lady Castellia. I have never heard of your family. Have you heard of her family, Jordin?"

"Unfortunately I only know families from the capital, and my name is Jodin, Sir.", Jodin shook his head sideways.

"Well, Lady Castellia, if it isn't rude, may I ask which region your family is from?"

When Hernfelk asked Castellia about her family, her face became somewhat grim.

"My family home no longer exists. It is under the blight and I doubt our estate is still intact."

"Oh... Dam- I mean oh how unfortunate, Lady Castellia. I am sure the northern Blight Daimon will die soon and you will be able to return to your family home soon. Anyway, it was nice talking to you. Jodin will see you off."

"Wait.", Jodin quickly grabbed Hernfelk's right shoulder to stop him.

"Sir. Shouldn't you invite the lady for a breakfast at least?"

"Right, Right. Excuse my manners, Lady Castellia. Would you care to join me? I will open one of my finest wines as an apology"

Castellia put her right hand forward and Hernfelk gently held her hand with his left hand.

Chapter 13.6

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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The breakfast with Lady Castellia ended quietly. Hernfelk could come up with anything interesting to say and Castellia was just quiet, expected from a tall muscular person. Jodin poked and glared at him a couple times but Hernfelk still said nothing. When the breakfast was over, Jodin brought two glasses of wine and put them before Hernfelk.

He grabbed one of the two glasses and turned toward Jodin who was looking down on him from the behind, "Jodin, I don't drink this much in the morning. One glass is enough for me. Remember that from now on."

Jodin quickly bent his back toward Hernfelk and put his mouth near Hernfelk's right ear.

"Sir, I am not trying to be rude but have the daimons knock your manners out of you? Give this glass to the lady!"

"Right, right. But why is she drinking my wine too? Have I not fed her already?"

Jodin did not say a word. Instead he glared down Hernfelk silently. After a few seconds of silently staring at each other's eyes, Hernfelk flinched. He grabbed the second glass and walked toward Lady Castellia who was stretching her hands, making sounds with her fingers which made Hernfelk walk faster.

"Ahem, Lady Castellia, would you like to try one of my finest wine?"

"Oh~ Thank you Sir Hernfelk. I do not mind drinking a glass of wine in the morning."

When Castellia held the glass in her right hand, the glass cracked then shattered. Hernfelk quickly ripped Jodin's cloth and handed it over to Castellia. Castellia hesitated for a second but grabbed the piece of cloth to wipe her hand.

"Sir Hernfelk. Where is this glass from?"


"Uh, if I remember it right, it is from Nothoi."

"Can you stop buying things made in Nothoi? They suc- I mean they are not worth a single coin of mine."

"But they are cheap, Sir. And you don't bring enough coins for me to buy anything from Fronen or Riombara."

"I apologize for this, Lady Castellia. I never though I was this poor."

"So did I Sir Hernfelk. Your aunt said your family home was one of the biggest mansions in Sirion."

"Because my aunt hoards all the gold. Also, I've been fighting daimons for the past month. I did not have the time to earn gold."

Castellia nodded understandingly. But understanding Hernfelk's situation and marrying him even after knowing how poor he were two different things. She was not interested in marrying a poor knight.

When Hernfelk and Jodin followed her to the door to see her leave the manor, she did not even turn back once to say goodbye.

Chapter 13.7

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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The news of the death of the northern Blight Daimon reached the city of Unger. Soon after another news reached the proud city. The blight has receded from the northern border, revealing some of the lost regions. But killing the daimon took too long. Now only 10 days remained. Will Thalmarkin be able to defeat another northern Blight Daimon in time to free the rest of the north? The task seemed to be very difficult in Hernfelk's eyes. But it must be done regardless of the difficulty of the task.

The new age is approaching. With the daimons slowly retreating back to their world, dragging all those who they have enslaved with them. People no one could save, who will leave in the world where others cannot reach. They will leave without hope eternally.

Nobles will enjoy the victory they have earned, even the ones who didn't accomplish much in this invasion, while peasants mourn the dead and enslaved relatives. Will the black clouds of the blight truly be lifted from our lands? It may linger in the minds of the people for the years to come. But people are moving on. They are working hard to forget the painful memories and experiences.

The shining stars above the city never changed like the enduring people of Beluaterra. Once this invasion ends, people will fight each other once again until the next invasion. Suppressed feelings and emotions will explode and cover the land with blood. Hernfelk sharpened his sword for the coming days. With blood comes honour and glory. Unlike Selis, who now looks weary of wars, he is still eager and ready to fight to earn a place on this continent.

Chapter 13.8

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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The sky of Luhgrethen was dark grey, allowing only enough light to see the silhouettes of the soundings. The grey sun was the only indicator of time in the dark barren of Luhgrethen. Torches carried by Hernfelk and his men could barely light a few meters. Hernfelk led his men through the region to find a settlement or other signs of survivors but it was impossible to navigate through even with a map. Everything changed too much while the region was under the blight. Like Overlord said, peasants were mostly abducted by daimons to fuel their evil world.

Deeper they travelled into the region, quieter things got. Torches dimmed and footsteps died. When the torches died, Hernfelk could no longer hear the footsteps of his men. When he turned around to make sure his men were okay, he could barely see the face of Captain Theoderic. He could only see the silhouettes of his men without any torch.

"Captain, let's take a break to light a few torches."

"Yes, Sir.", Theoderic's voice was so low, Hernfelk thought his captain was whispering.

"We should speak a bit louder!", Hernfelk shouted.

"Like this?", Theoderic shouted back, but it was slightly louder than before.

Hernfelk nodded. Something was strange about Luhgrethen. He regretted not waiting for Selis. He knew nothing about the black cloud. He never thought things would be this bad. He could only see the silhouettes moving busily around him. It felt like he was trapped in a world full of shadows.

After enough time to drink a cup of tea passed, Hernfelk's men finally began to gather with torches in their hands.

"Captain. Let's set up a tent. We can't advance farther without others. I don't even know the way out anymore."

Chapter 13.9

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As the grey sun rose to shed light on the dark land of Luhgrethen, Hernfelk saw a group of silhouettes approaching his camp. A dark slim figure approached Hernfelk ahead of the group. The face of the figure was slowly revealed as the figure approached closer to Hernfelk, who was surrounded five torches. The figure was a lady Hernfelk saw some time ago.

"Sir Hernfelk?", the lady asked.

"Oh! Lady Na... Uh... Nerra! Yes, Lady Nerra! It is good to see you in this place full of shadows. I thought you were one of those walking bones. Captain! Is the soup ready? Make more! We have guests!", Henfelk quickly ordered his captain to greet Nerra's men.

Chapter 14.0

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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After receiving the return order, Hernfelk departed with Lady Nerra who decided to continue her march to help others. Men left the tent for Nerra and her men and marched back to the capital immediately.

Hours passed silently until they reached Bessimir. The sound of footsteps returned and the colour of the sky was grey no more. The sun was bright once again. Smiles and laughs returned to Hernfelk and his men.

"Praise the king for sending the return order! Everyone, once we arrive in the capital I will buy you all a cup full of cold water!"

"No beer, Sir?"

"Do you honestly want to drink that sewage water they serve in the taverns?"

Chapter 14.1

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As soon as Hernfelk arrived in Unger, he visited a house of healing to treat his wound. He was wounded while fighting risen peasants in Wailing Wood. One of the dead peasants poked Hernfelk's horse from the behind with a pike. The horse shook Hernfelk off and ran off on its own. The zombie who piked the horse's behind tried to stab Hernfelk in the face but as he lifted his eyes fell from his face, rendering him blind, thus missing Hernfelk face. The sharp edge of the pike stretched Hernfelk right cheek, covering his right cheek in red, but it helped Hernfelk pull himself back and strike the zombie down. By the time he got up, Captain Theoderic was finishing the last of the dead peasants off.

When Hernfelk entered the house of healing, an elderly man approached him with a smile.

"How can I help you, Sir?"

"I want to get this treated.", Hernfelk pointed his cheek with his finger. "Without leaving a scar."

The elderly man took a close look at the scar on Hernfelk's right cheek. "Hmm... Well I don't think it is possible to treat a cut without leaving a scar."

"Really? No way of healing this cut without leaving a scar?", Hernfelk felt his head being whitened by the thought of having a scar on his unworldly handsome face of his. Having a scar on his face would be a big loss for all the Thalmarkian ladies waiting for Hernfelk.

"Sorry, Sir. There is nothing I can do about it."

The elderly man walked away from Hernfelk after apologizing to Hernfelk.

"Damn it. This can't be true..."

"Sir, Can I help you? I can help you better than that quack."

A sly looking man approached Hernfelk with a smile. His eyes were glittering with greedy and his smile was more of a smirk than a smile but to Hernfelk's desperate eyes, the man's smirk was a smile of a confident man.

"Can you heal my cheek without leaving a scar then?"

"Yes, Sir. Have you heard of a healing scroll?", the man put his right hand into his pocket.

"You mean one of those magical-"

"Yes, Sir! I happen to have one. If you are willing to pay for it, I can give it to you.", the man's eyes narrowed.

"How much do you want.", Hernfelk pulled out his pouch.

"Usually they are quite expensive but ever since the war ended, there seem to be less demand for it. I am willing to be apart from it for 20 gold, Sir. Only twenty."

Hernfelk hesitated for a second. 20 gold? That was more than half of this week's income.

"Here. Twenty gold."

The hesitation was only a brief one. To heal the cut without a scar and to relieve all the ladies of Thalmarkin of despair, Hernfelk happily handed over twenty gold coins.

"A wise choice, Sir. Now take this scroll and listen well. I will tell you how to use it. You have to take a bath under a full moon then walk under the moon naked until you meet a young maiden with a red flower in her hands. Once you find her rip the scroll in half and kiss her in the right cheek. Your scar will then disappear from your face and appear in hers instead."

"What? My scar will transfer to her face? Then why is the scroll called a scroll of healing?"

"I do not know, Sir. I only call it with that name because a wizard told me that was the name of the scroll."

"Alright. I hope this is worth the gold."

"You will be satisfied by the result, Sir. I wish you luck."

The man quickly walked away from Hernfelk as if Hernfelk was going to catch him.

Chapter 14.2

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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A full moon! The eye of the sky fully opened!

Hernfelk took a bath just past midnight then he grabbed the healing scroll and left his manor naked. It was bloody cold outside. The chill wind blowing between his legs made his hair stand up. He regretted not drying himself before leaving the manor but he could not go back now. He had to find a young maiden with a red flower in her hands.

"Damn it. Where am I supposed to find the maiden? Should have asked that before letting him go. Curses!"

Hernfelk hid in abandoned houses whenever he saw patrolling soldiers. Most soldiers just walked by without checking thoroughly but some new soldiers checked empty houses through windows, making Hernfelk feel nervous.

He continued his search for the maiden while avoiding soldiers. But he did not find anyone until stars began to fade away. As the day brightened it became hard for him to hide from the soldiers. As he entered one of the main streets, a group of soldiers found him. The soldiers were stunned by meeting a naked man on the street and Hernfelk used the moment to run for his life. He knew his life would end if the soldiers would catch him. He would die of embarrassment.

"Hey! Stop! Follow him!"

But as soon as Hernfelk began to run, the soldiers quickly followed him. Some of the soldiers broke off to call for reinforcements.

"Damn it! I shouldn't have trusted that bastard! Why did I even try to look for a bloody maiden at night!"

"Corner him! We almost got him!"

Hernfelk managed to out run the soldiers that were chasing him but he soon found another group entering the street ahead of him. He quickly entered the nearest alley. The alley was narrow, stopping too many soldiers from chasing Hernfelk. But what waited Hernfelk at the end was a dead end. The alley was leading to a stable full of horses. Hernfelk quickly looked around to find a place to hide but there weren't that many places to hide. Only one place looked promising...

"Oh dear gods... no..."

"We almost got him! It is a dead end!"

The soldiers were approaching the stable and Hernfelk had to make a choice between embarrassing himself by getting caught or...

As the sun rose, Hernfelk returned to his manor. Flies were flying around Hernfelk, annoying him greatly. Hernfelk wanted to cry and kill whoever gave him the scroll. He swore he would never trust anyone with scrolls.

Chapter 14.3

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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The sun set beyond the walls of the grey heart of Thalmarkin. As the shadows of the buildings began to claim the streets, Hernfelk and Theoderic left the manor to meet Baron Durzo. On his way to meet the baron, Hernfelk visited a small store hidden tall buildings and bought himself a sword. Theoderic unsheathed the sword and carefully examined the blade of the sword.

"This is the correct one, Sir."

"Perfect. Lucky me. I can't believe I just bought a saw blade."

"Indeed, Sir. It is made by a good smith as well. Teeth are very small and sharp."

"I hope this will lead me to victory. Alright. Time to go, Captain. Let's meet Durzo and end this."

Hernfelk soon met his opponent Durzo, Baron of Pellan, who was with his captain. Both of them silent unsheathed their swords and began to circle around each other but they soon charged at each other, exchanging multiple blows. The duel was even until Hernfelk managed to slash Durzo's thigh. It was nothing serious at first but as the duel continued, Durzo's wound widened, eventually making his thigh drench in blood. As Durzo began to slow down, Hernfelk managed to slash Durzo's the other thigh. Durzo who had already lost enough blood at that point, could barely stand still.

Instead of being continuously aggressive, Hernfelk decided to drag the battle to exhaust Durzo. He swung his sword to keep Durzo busy, making him move more, making his thighs bleed more. After a few mintues, Hernfelk found an opening and cut Durzo's back. He could see Durzo's eyes shaking from losing too much blood. Durzo seemed be unable to even lift his sword anymore. Hernfelk lowered his body, putting his mouth close to Durzo's right ear.

"It was a good fight, Baron Durzo. But it is time for you to join our warriors in the afterlife. Do not worry though. I will make sure no one will ever use those scrolls to bring you back."

Then he pulled his dagger out and stabbed Durzo's neck twice and kicked his back to pull his dagger out. As Durzo bled profusely, Hernfelk left the place with his captain.

Chapter 14.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk saw his ship approaching the port of Lastfell as the sun rose above the river which separated Thalmarkin from Melhed. He was alone in the port. He departed with Captain Theoderic in an abandoned village in Kannoktet while the captain was wounded. Theoderic begged Hernfelk to take him to Lastfell but Hernfelk refused and ended their relationship by giving the captain four gold coins. After leaving behind Theoderic who screamed and cursed Hernfelk until a horde of undead stormed the village, he rode to Lastfell alone to leave Thalmarkin.

When he first arrived in Thalmarkin, the kingdom was under assault from Overlord and his generals. Soon after his arrival, he had to face Overlord himself on the battlefield. That was went he witnessed the true might of what people called 'horrors'. There was no word which could describe the group of daimons led by Overlord better. The horrifying horde of daimons massacred the allied armies of humans and struck the heart of Thalmarkin.

The city was abandoned after two battles until the allied armies managed to gather in Unger again. Participating in the glorious battle of Unger, which ended the terrible reign of Overlord, was probably the biggest thing he has achieved in Thalmarkin. But killing his own comrade really made him feel it was time for him to leave Thalmarkin. He left the body of Overlord and other valuables he collected in the hands of Selis.

As the ship prepared to sail again, Hernfelk got on board and gazed in the direction of Unger one last time before he turned to east where he originally came from.