Rossignon Family/Robin/Beginning

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The Beginning

Robin was intended by House of Rossignon to be sent to Minas Thalion to support the reign of Cathal Dubhaine whose dream was the revival of the Imperial Electorate of Minas Thalion through relocation in the Colonies. Robin was supposed to follow and support his non-identical twin brother's Bastian cause, but eventually Robin had his own dreams to chase. Robin was a well educated young man specialized in the arts of warfare and deceit, with a promising future ahead, if he could only manage to play his cards right.

Personal Details

Personality, spiritual service details are presented as evolving through the ages estimated by Robin's appearance.

~ At the age of 20 ~

~ At the age of 21 ~

The History

During night, Robin fled the House of Rossignon heading for the Republic of Chivalry - Oritolon. After a long journey from Koolaris, he managed to reach Alebad, a City only recently acquired from Oritolon. He was well received resulting to the swearing of an oath to his first liege, namely Duke Spearhead Reapers of Alebad. He was making quite a promising start in the realm by actively promoting dialogue and making friends when news of his flee reached his brother, Bastian. It took not too much before Bastian visited Oritolon looking for Robin, a meeting that was never accomplished. Bastian's coming disturbed Robin so much that began falling to one mistake after the other. Robin's mental downfall was unavoidable and Alebad's lost as well as the takeover mission to Warmanoras made his situation worse. Robin decided to look for a friend, one to trust and build the foundations of his rise to noble ranks. His reputation was quite tarnished, though he gave not efforts to prove himself and contribute to Oritolon's welfare.