Xanthine Family

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The Xanthine family originally came from a distant island, whose name is impossible to pronounce and has three silent K's. Their first home in the lands we know was in Clermont, on the East Continent. The Xanthines have three young men of age: Perrin, Domino, and Lucious. Having all three been born in Ibladesh, the brothers are incredibly loyal to their homeland and are religious die-hards.


Perrin is 33 years old, and Domino's twin. He's been in Ibladesh for his entire life, and is exceedingly loyal to his realm and realm-mates. Never one to show disrespect to his countrymen or superiors, Perrin has garnered a reputation for politesse and trustworthiness. Seemingly contradictory to his clean-cut personality, Perrin is an infiltrator and has put down many an enemy. Perrin places his religion even above his realm, and has been known to strike down many a foreign priest spreading their lies in his realm.


Domino, the more volatile of the Xanthine twins, started his career as a warrior in Taselak. He became renowned as a hero, and fought until the bitter end. After the tragic sinking of his home, he moved to Ash Sea Islands. Following a short yet bloody career in ASI, he returned to Ibladesh to join Perrin in defending their homeland. He is the most honored and prestigious of the three brothers, and as a result his ego is rather massive. He and Perrin have a bitter rivalry, but always defend each other if necessary.


Lucious is the oldest of the brothers, at 36 years old. He was a member of Lasanar for his entire career until the traitor Duke Esorp seceded, and then became one of the first members of Ohnar. He was Ohnar's first general, and remained loyal to Lasanar for a time. Following that, he moved across the border to Sartania and became a priest of the Church of Sartan, wishing to aid a dying realm while servicing a close variation on his own religion.