Mysticism/Planes of Existence

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Mystical Planes of Existence

Oblivion- Oblivion is the plane of existence where souls go who do not wish to to live at all. They do not want anything to do with the planes of life and divine. While they exists their existence has no purpose no meaning. Their existence will never change. They just merely are. Not much of an existence is it? A soul must chose to leave oblivion. They must chose that they want to be more the just an another soul among many. They must chose to move on to the plane of Life. A soul can chose to leave oblivion at any time they wish. Though if for some reason they grow weary of an existence on one of the other plans they can return to oblivion at any time just by choosing. Mystics often wonder why a soul would wish to return to oblivion but they often times do. It is always sad when this happens and is one of the great mysteries of both of the other planes of existence. A soul can once again raise out of oblivion though there is no guarantee that when soul a soul returns to the plane of life for the 2nd(or more) time will have the same amount of power. They may find that while they where in oblivion they lost most of their power and their followers and other gods have forgotten about them. There is nothing stopping them from gaining power again and chances are that if they do decide to climb up the divine hierarchy that it will be easier to do so.

Life- The plane of life is the world that we live in. It is what we see around us every day. It is what we do and who we are. This is where a soul truly begins its journey. A soul can exist on the plane of life forever it is so choses. It can wander the world and enjoy many things in life. It is effected by everything and everyone. It has control over nothing but itself. Though at some time the soul must ask it self one simple question. Is there more to life then just doing whatever suits their fancy. Is there a greater purpose or something beyond itself. This is where a soul gets the first glimpse of the divine realm. The first glimpse that there is something more to life. This is when they realize that everything they do pales in comparison to what goes on on the divine plane. This is when he see that the desire to join other souls on the Divine Hierarchy. They now realize to understand the full meaning of life and to comprehend the divine realm they must become a god. Currently there are two know that are known to mystics that a mimic can become a god. That is though earning the eight badges of divinity or the soul trade. By earning the eight badges of divinity a soul does eight great tasks that when completed will prove that they are worthy of being a god. It will prove that they have the basic understand of the way the works on the plane of life and the interaction of souls. The second way is though the soul trade. In this method a soul enters into an agreement with a god. Which is a very unique and power experience in and of it self. The God will give the soul some task that that it must complete. Upon completion of the task the god promises to recommend that the soul should become a god once their mortal body fails them. Now what the tasks are asked of a soul in exchange for a recommendation or how the soul completes the eight badges is different depending on the soul. Each soul views the planes of life and divinity differently. So what they see in life or how the perceive the divine realm will be different. Both of these things will effect the path a soul takes during it ascension to godhood. Though each journey down a path is what each individual soul needs. The paths of different souls may pass each other and combine for a bit but end the end each one is still as unique as the soul going on the journey.

Divine- In the divine realm is where a soul really begins its journey. It is here that they get some control over things other than just what they are able to do. They are able to change their form and control lesser souls. This includes all mimics and any lesser form of divine souls. It is here that they must begin to get mimics to follow and believe them. It is here that they show who and what they really are. With each step the gain more power and a better understanding of themselves and their place in the universe and how all the souls in the universe interact. At each level of godhood a soul may be tempted to stay there for a bit and think that this is the highest they can go. Though` until the reach the stage in the hierarchy where the soul is a paramount god then there will always be that longing for something more.

Evolutionary Mystic

Autumn of 18 YD