Ironsides Family/Bowie/Asylum Terms

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Terms of Asylum

In order to become a knight of the Morek Empire, Bowie must abide by these terms:

Letter from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Sir Bowie,

The Zuma are silent for the moment.

I have only few requests for you, upon which you are kindly requested to agree before I offer you the oath that will give you an estate in Muspelheim.

The first regards our faith. You are free to speak your mind on Sanguis Astroism and are welcome to do so, but only in a polite and respectful way. I am aware the aggressive attitude is likely to be assumed by someone that is not you in case you touch the faith argument; that is the point of the request. Please refrain from arguing on that topic too much.

The second is about foreign relations. I cannot but extend the prohibition of the Daimons: you are requested not to set foot in the Occidens under the flag of Morek, or you are going to be banished. Soon I shall write to the Leader of the Zuma to explain the situation. Futile words with any probability, but this means I am very serious about this.

In addition, I would invite you to at least inform me if you are going on a foreign trip, and state the objective. I am aware that for a researcher of your status travelling is quite natural, but again doing so under the flag of Morek could relay the troubles that seem inevitable to follow you to us. If you are found stirring troubles in a foreign country again I can't assure your protection.

For the moment also, please, stay away from the regions whose Lords forbade you the entrance. Its applicability is being discussed but it may take a while.

If you give me your word on this clauses, then I shall send you the necessary paperwork for the oath. You should meanwhile look around the city for free estate of your liking. We can successively discuss how can you eventually be of service for the duchy and the realm.

Let me know. I shall soon leave for the north, thus the soon we can have this done the better.


Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Grandmaster of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim