Ironsides Family/Bowie/Soirée Finished

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The Soirée Finishes

Roleplay from Metis Highland

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Metis made her way through the gates of Sir Bowie's estate. The trip from Shoka had been long and tiring but the stop at the inn in Mistight had refreshed her enough. Even after she returned to her estate, she only had enough time to wash the dust out of her hair and find her high priestess robe to wear. As she made her way to the estate the variety of minor nobles and dignitaries of Chesland bowed in respect and greeted her. Metis replied to every greeting, reciting the names in her mind of all who came to her. So many names to remember and positions to know. Duties of state, Metis never fully enjoyed them.

"Lady Metis Highland, Senator of Chesland, high priestess of Triunism." As the servant announced her entrance, Metis noticed the party was already in full swing. Sir Bowie and Senator Elias sitting by the bar. Lady Angel and Sir Raziel were dancing on the floor, but the rest of the faces blurred together. Lady Angel left for the company of Bowie and Elias again, Raziel went to sit by himself by the bar. He was a dark man, but one loyal to his convictions.

Metis took a drink from a passing waiter and made her way to say her greetings to Sir Bowie.

Metis Highland

Senator of Chesland, Ambassador of Terran

Roleplay from Elias Stormreaver

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Elias had remained by the bar, sipping his drink and taking in the various guests at the party. He'd spent far too long behind piles of paper or in the dark and this was something welcome; though he found himself in old habits rather quickly.

His attention was split from Angel as she returned as Senator Metis entered. He gave Angel a mischevious smirk but didn't comment on the looks they'd shared earlier, trying not to reaad into the mischief that danced across her face as she danced with Raziel; rather simply offered to fill her cup once more.

As Senator Metis approached, he offers her a sweeping bow. "Senator Metis, it fills my heart with joy to see you well and attending. I trust you've been well?"

Sir Elias Stormreaver

Senator of Saffalore, Marshal of the Terran Corps of Engineers

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Angel took the new drink offered by Elias and then turned her attention to the new arrival, Senator Metis. Well it was nice to see another noblewoman among them; she smiled in the woman’s direction and watched the interaction with curiosity.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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After the song and dance and with a new guest arriving, Bowie stirred from his position at the bar. He did not make much commotion as he felt the party was for his guests and not for him, but he was not altogether absent.

He stood from his seat and greeted Lady Metis after Sir Elias made his welcome.

"Welcome Senator, this party is made possible by your provision of this estate to me. Please, of all the guests here, as my Lady you may make this your home. You see there is much about and with your cheer we shall continue to have a wonderful evening."

He gestured to the bar and again sat down.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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As the nobles were mingling and enjoying the night, Bowie's entertainment finally arrived.

A minstrel entered the terrace and raised his hand for everyone's attention. Bowie sat back with a wide grin on his face.

The minstrel began,

"Ye who are privileged and fortunate to have decided to spend your evening here shall be witness to a song fitting of our host. Before I sing I must state clearly that I was not the author of this work but only its vocalist. The honour and praise belongs to my benefactor, Lord Bowie Ironsides."

The minstrel bowed and started to pluck his instrument. The song was titled "The Demon of Dwilight Fears no Daimons," went as such,

Wander Dwilight and soon you’ll hear,

Of a man who carries no fear.

This man has been to the bottom and the top,

And he has found no one that can make him stop!

Not even the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Not even those lazy, forgotten beasts!

Not even the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Who are as aggressive as female priests!

Ask a Dwilighé and you’ll learn,

Of a man whose name causes heads to turn.

This man is both immortal and divine,

And he often indulges in the wine.

But never with the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Not with those lazy, forgotten beasts!

Not with the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Who are as aggressive as female priests!

One spring this man once ventured to their lair,

With ambition and purpose he did dare.

Guess what he found when he spoke true,

That they were paper and had nothing better to do!

Let’s curse those daimons, daimons, daimons,

Those lazy, forgotten beasts!

Let’s ignore the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Who are as aggressive as female priests!

Now our man has returned home,

To Dwilight where his heart can roam.

Listen to his words and watch his demeanor,

As he warns you that he is meaner.

Meaner than the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Those weak lazy, forgotten beasts!

Scarier than the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Who are as aggressive as female priests!

Of this land there is only one true demon,

He lives amongst you and earns a living as a beeman.

This man you must love and adore,

Or he will cut you down like a boar!

Unlike the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Those dumb lazy forgotten beasts!

Better than the daimons, daimons, daimons,

Who are as aggressive as female priests!

Who are as aggressive as female priestssss!

The minstrel finished and bowed again, then waited for the audience's response.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)