Ironsides Family/Bowie/Soirée

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The Soirée in Chesland

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Arriving in his new estate in Chesland, Lord Bowie saw that things were already arranged as he instructed earlier.

His estate, though still under construction, was decorated and prepared for a grand party. Much of the attraction was outside the manor, particularly the garden and the terrace. The terrace was decorated with lanterns and streams of cloth of red and yellow and then purple and white. The garden had a walkway that, though not entirely polished, traveled through a decently arranged set of flowers and maturing fruit trees.

Further back was a small but curious building completely square with no windows. This was the beginning of Lord Bowie's apiary. His family in Dulbin mastered the trade of bee keeping and returned their wealth by that profession. Since Bowie had just visited his home region, albeit briefly, he took back with him a queen bee. The bee was set up to be gazed at by the guests of the evening.

Near the entrance to his manor, just next to the terrace and the mouth of the garden path was where Bowie would likely spend most of his evening - the bar.

With things nearly ready, he queried his scribe if the invitations had gone out yet. They had not, and so Lord Bowie insisted that now would be a good time.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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You receive a letter in your daily mail reading such:

All Nobles of Terran are invited to attend the soirée at Lord Ironsides Estate in Chesland.

BYOC (Bring Your Own Cheer)


The Demon of Dwilight,

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Angel looked at herself one last time in the mirror. Her lustrous blond hair had been twisted and swept away from her face with jeweled pins. Her sapphire colored dress brought out the blue of her eyes, the material soft but tight accentuated her curves. She wasn’t very tall, but she had presence, that had to matter. Usually plain, she had decided to at least try for this occasion. She idly wondered how her companion would look like.

Ready, she turned away from the mirror and left for Sir Bowie’s estate. It didn’t take long for her carriage to take her there. Before she even announced herself or made way to the party area, she looked to see if her escort had arrived yet.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Labell Enstance

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Labell looked at the invitation. The demon of Dwilight was hosting a party. He snorted derisively.

"Shall I ready the carriage, milord?" his scribe asked, readying his quill for note taking.

"No. Today's plan is unchanged."

"Milord?" Labell was usually not one to not make an appearance at the noble feasts, if only for appearances' sake.

"I hired you because you can both read and write, my child." The last two words had a certain warmth behind them. "Read the signature. The demon of Dwilight is hosting this party, and I shall have nothing to do with this one. He endangers the realm with this mere signature, let alone his-" Labell stopped and waved the scribe out, painfully aware that he had let slip his honest opinion to a commoner. He sat back in his chair as the scribe bowed and left, somehow not worried at all. He knew the scribe would keep his mouth shut and pretend the moment of confidence had never happened. What did bother Labell somewhat was, that he actually liked the man.

Labell Enstance

Senator of Shokalom

Roleplay from Hireshmont II Vellos

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Hireshmont's liege-man Forlang entered his study where he was hard at work tending to the affairs of the city. He waited at the door to be recognized. After a few moments, Hireshmont gestured to him without looking up, and the man took a few steps forward.

"M'lord, a message for you, from the Lord Ironsides; it appears to be an invitation."

Setting down his quill for a moment, Hireshmont looked up at Forlang and held out his hand for the letter. Forlang approached, handed it to his lord, then took a few nervous steps back. Hireshmont was a just man, but picky about manners: very, very picky.

The Senator read the invitation quietly for a few moments.

"The Demon of Dwilight," he mumbled.

He refolded the letter, then held it over a candle until it was well aflame, and set it in his ash bowl. When naught but ash remained, he returned to his work. While doing so, he spoke in a measured tone, "It was an invitation to a party at Lord Ironsides' estate. He used a title which I forbade him from using so long as he remains among us. As such, I will not be attending his party. However, Forlang, you will. I would like you to go, and be sure to insult Sir Bowie. Do not refer to him by that insulting title, nor as Lord Ironsides. In Terran, he is now Sir Bowie, nothing more. If he attempts to use any title, continue mocking him. If he attempts to lay hands upon you, remind him that you are under my protection and that to commit a crime against you I would consider a most personal offense."

Somewhat aghast at his lord's command, but knowing the Senator well enough to realize it was not a joke, Forlang bowed and nervously walked out. He always got the worst assignments.

Hireshmont II Vellos

Senator of Chesney

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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At the bar, Lord Bowie welcomed the few incoming guests. Most were lesser nobles of the region of Chesland. The bureaucrats, the tax collectors, leaders of the militia. Men and women who wanted to be like the nobles who fought and who ruled, but did not have enough wealth or social connections.

Amongst the chatter, it was not infrequent for Bowie to overhear the words "daimons" whispered from time to time, and he sensed that the crowd was talking about him.

After finishing his drink he addressed the small audience by smashing his glass on the floor silencing the whole room. He spoke,

"Daimons? You want to know about the daimons? I can tell you about them. They are nothing! The power they have over you is in your minds. Look at you, whispering, huddling in the corners like mice. I guarantee that I will never come across a daimon for the rest of my life, nor will we ever hear of their activities since their ambush of me. They are as powerful as a puff of smoke from their volcano. How dare we fear them! I spent some time investigating their regions. It was empty. I tried to address their leaders, they don't exist! Be afraid of daimons, ha! I am the Demon of Dwilight, possessed by a demon and loving it. Fear me first!"

His attendant came over and repositioned him to the bar. Bowie did not resist and found his hand already holding another drink.

He hoped more guests would come, at least to see his queen bee.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)

Roleplay from Hireshmont II Vellos

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Seeing an opportunity, and not wishing to disappoint his lord, Forlang intervened before Lady Angel responded to Sir Bowie's advance.

"And a fine space indeed, near half as fine as that you've given to the bees. Methinks lord Bowie likes his Queen bee mayhaps too much, and perhaps he has been stung a wee bit too often, and so his haphazard walk and way and words methinks may be from more than excessive drink while yet the night is young."

His insult made, the grizzled old veteran of Chesney's court intrigues took a step back, and noted with pleasure that Sir Bowie was not carrying a sword at his side.

Hireshmont II Vellos

Senator of Chesney

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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Raziel, mounted on his fine black horse on his way towards the estates of Sir Bowie, happened upon a pair of nobles on the road, and instantly recongnized the man Elias Stormreaver from a painting he had seen. Raziel straightened his red and sliver clothed pelisse and road towards them, his immaculate uniform sporting gold braid and intricate lace, in addition to five golden stars on his epaulettes that were mark of an Ithillian Field Marshal. Raziel had long since left the Kingdom, but still wore the dark blue uniform, though now it was berift of insignia. His knee-high black riding boots, made of fine leather, were adorned with a pair of gilded prick-spurs. A heavy cavalry sabre hung at his side, the Mysterious Nightblade of Unlife. The ornate blade slapped against his side in his sheath as he rode, and behind him was a small detail of men. One, a young ensign, the son of a hedge-knight, carried Raziel's colors. A plethora of capture banners all hung, upside-down, beneath his own, a silken scarlet banner with the emblem of a blade piercing the world. Raziel tipped his hat, a wide brimmed black, felt hat with a braid of gold, to the young lady and Senator Elias.

"Senator Elias, pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Field Marshal Raziel III Himoura, True Baron of Dunstoke, and the Scourge of the Vikings." he said courtesly."

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Angel stopped in her tracks to the man who was now before her. She watched him with interest until she realized it was Sir Bowie himself, and her mild curiosity turned to pleasure. She was about to introduce herself but before she could, someone interrupted them and she turned in the man’s direction. Her blue eyes darkening at his lack of manners. More so, the rudeness that emanated from him was baffling, was this excuse of a man truly in the flesh?

Angel had to bite her tongue to hold back a vicious retort and fight the itch from her fingers to take out her concealed dagger. Reminding herself she wasn’t in a tavern but in Sir Bowie’s estate surrounded by his guests, she kept silent. It was his place to speak in turn to venomous words to his person and not her place to speak for him. Though the dirty look she shot the man was filled with liquid fire.

She then gave a sidelong look at Elias, meeting his gaze, the meaning in her eyes unmistakable. The man before them had not only insulted Bowie, but herself; this she would not take lightly. She on the other hand knew that beneath his robe, Elias had quite an array of blades she had no doubt he knew how to use.

Behind the couple a ways back, she noticed the man who had met them on the way there, a Sir Raziel Himoura… a dangerous looking man. If the man before them was not careful he would have more than one insulted person to be weary of.

She would let Bowie deal with the man and then she would introduce herself.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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Raziel had a keen sense of things, and hated to see a lady insulted. His scars, particulary the one on his right cheek, were an advertisement to the life he had led, devoted to duelling and war.

"M'lady, I trust these men aren't bothering you... Are they?" he said in a stern tone, his hand on the handle of his blade, and glaring daggers at Bowie and Hireshmont.

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Angel inhaled sharply and looked to Raziel. “Not all of them,” she spoke meaningfully and rolled her eyes at the only stranger among them. “This miniscule pest” she noted in hireshmont’s man direction, laughably enough she was the shortest of everyone there but she didn’t see it that way at all. “I believe some need lessons in manners, who are you man?” She completely forgot to let Bowie speak and turned her displeasure towards him.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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"Is that so?" Raziel said, staring at Hireshmont's man, a fierce gaze, the gaze of a man who had stared down the field of battle more times than could be recollected. Raziel was clearly a dangerous man, and while he preferred fighting on horseback, he had a natural talent for swordplay, which he had honed after leaving Atamara.

"I suggest you leave at once little man, I have killed for far less in the past, and a duel would be a wonderful way to kick the festivities off, would you not agree?"

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Hireshmont II Vellos

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Somewhat taken aback by the lady's evident wrath, Forlang, who for all his loyalty to his lord and grumpy resilience to the world was still quite weak around women, bent his head slightly, as if ashamed.

"M'lady, m'name's Forlang, son of Formund, who settled first in Paisly during the reign of Albert de Blanc of Melodia, and there was made squire to Quintus Scarlett during the Republican period. I am Formund's son, and named the master of servants for His Grace the Senator Hireshmont Vellos II, of Chesney, and in that house I have been named a Baronet of... Murthing Street."

His long introduction, erudite in history, clearly proud of his lord, trailed off to embarrassment towards the end and the comic title which Senator Hireshmont had bestowed on him. It was a legal title, quite formal, but Murthing Street was the site of numerous houses of ill repute, which Forlang had been known to visit with such frequency that Hireshmont had proclaimed to be his lawful fief, outside of also managing his household. Forlang only hoped that the more northern nobility would not recognize the name.

"And, ah, I was told to inform any who should ask that I'm under His Grace's protection, and harm to my person the Senator will count as harm to himself."

Hireshmont II Vellos

Senator of Chesney

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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The fire in her eyes didn’t quite die down but at the length of his title, she found herself smirking. “And you believe throwing yourself among nobility with such behaviour will not look badly upon your lord?” she asked him but clearly brushed him off as she looked back to Raziel. “Thank you Sir Raziel but I believe his suffering existence and title at this point are punishment enough… I shall speak to his lord myself if the chance presents itself. “

Her unwavering gaze then locked to Forlang’s and she watched him as she would an insect. “Unless of course you wanted to add something else?” she waited, a challenge in her eyes.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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Raziel doubled over with harsh laughter.

"You're the lord of an entire street! Ladies and Gents, look out, we have the Lord of Mableberry Lane in attendence tonight. Don't let his vast tracks of land deter you from speaking to him however." Raziel announced to the room, and then turned on the young man, and leaned down to stare right into the man's eyes.

"Bugger your Senator's protection. If you insult a lady, you answer to me, with steel. Have you ever been in a battle, boy? Ever climbed walls, hacked through the screaming and the dying, coated yourself in the blood of your enemies?"

Raziel didn't wait for an answer.

"I, as you may know, am Raziel the Third, son of Raziel the Second, Son of Raziel the First. Both died in combat. My father in a duel against a master swordsman, and my grandpappy in a battle. I am the rightful Baron of Dunstoke, Claimant to the City of Leohampton, and a Field Marshal. Foreign titles in a foreign land, but more than the mere stewardship of a pathetic little street. Scamper on youngling, before the adults hurt your feelings."

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Fyodor Van Kaya

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Fyodor sat hunched over his desk, pouring over the dozens of reports scattered nonchalantly across his desk. Among them where requests from citiziens, reports detailing region production as well as several scout reports from the frontier. The relative peace had led to a relaxed air in the camp and from outside he could hear the men cheering as they used this free time to cheerfully clean their weapons, drink or gamble (sometimes though, not in that order). Just then Fyodor's eyes glanced over an unopened envelope that looked as if it had been sitting their unattended for quite some days. Fyodor picked it up, roughly opening the package with a large dagger that was clearly not suited for such a delicate purpose. Ah, some personal mail, what a treat Fyodor thought to himself.

The letter was an invitation to a party hosted at the new knight of Chesland's estate. Looking at the date on the envelope Fyodor, somewhat disappointedly, realized that the party was probably well underway by this point. However there was somethng else about the letter that stuck out. The signature at bottom of the invitation read the Demon of Dwilight.. the nickname made him uncomfortable, not in a solemn or fearful way but because it was rather silly in his eyes. Fyodor had never confronted a Daemon before but he had certainly heard of the terror and he had seen the vast Daemon armies on the outskirts of the Zuma Deep sitting,almost patiently it seemed, on Terran's borders. Just recently there were reports of an entire army detachment in the North being ambushed and decimated by the Zuma. Certainly those Daimons were not as kind as Lord Bowie as to send an invitation before their slaughter and thus the choice in nickname seemed childish and naive.

Nevertheless, silly name or not, Fyodor was eager to meet this new man even if it wouldn't be at this particular party. Ahh I bet they're all there now, Fyodor thought to himself, drinking more than they should be, challenging servants to fights and all clumsily after the same woman.....

Looking out into the deep woods on the other side of Odona's borders Fyodor knew that he must get his mind off such triteness. There could be monsters barreling through those woods at any moment and preparedness was key...

Fyodor Van Kaya

Senator of Odona, Marshal of the Army of the Lowlands

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Clearly ignoring Forlang now, Angel turned back to Sir Bowie, who no doubt at this point most likely though her uncouth for her behaviour in his home. She had wished to have a nice evening in fine company and not be troubled by the same type of issues she usually dealt with in taverns. She was truly unlike most noblewomen…

“I must apologize” she told him softly. “I am Lady Angel Deveraux. It is nice to finally meet you Sir Bowie. Now I will have a face and voice to attach to the letters I receive from you…” she smiled, the fire in her eyes had dissipated but not quite. One could tell that no matter her petite frame and lack of height, she had quite the temper to make up for it. Even though she was surrounded by these nobles, subconsciously her other hand slipped to Elias’ arm, clear indication she was there with the Senator.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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Raziel perked up upon hearing the name Bowie, and brushed past the insolent lord of a lane, and presented himself to Bowie.

"Sir Bowie, I have heard many things about you... I admire and despise you equally. I am, as you may be aware, Raziel III Himoura, Field Marshal, Claimant of Leohampton and the True Baron of Dunstoke."

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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Just about to make acquaintance with the Lady, a lesser noble intervened and spoke “humour.” The guests reacted with outrage and insult, and at first Bowie worried the poor man would be assaulted by the looks in some of his noble guests’ eyes, but this Forlang made his claim and said he was acting on behalf of Senator Hireshmont. That’s when Bowie saw the gag.

“Ah! Haha! I get it now, you are acting “on behalf” of the Duke, right? Oh, fellow guests don’t you see, this IS Lord Hireshmont – in disguise! Should we be so rude to one of our realm’s most respected nobles? In fact guests, excuse me for the moment while I give our dear friend a quick tour. Forlang, you wish to be known as now? Follow me to the bar!”

Hurrying the man without a moment to spare over to the bar, Bowie poured his own drink and another for the Baronet. Then, moving too quick, as he lifted the drink to give to Forlang he “accidentally” spilled it all over his shirt.

“So clumsy of me Senator, please, let’s get you a towel?”

Leaving his own drink and rushing the man over to the entrance of the manor, he knocked and was greeted by one of the kitchen staff. He requested a towel at once and the aide left the scene. But before the item could be brought Bowie picked up some dirt on the ground and started rubbing it on the man’s shirt.

“They are taking far too long don’t you think? Quick, let me clean you with this dirt, it will remove the likeliness of stain.”

Then, before the aide returned, Bowie turned and quickly pulled the man, who by now noticed the series of mishaps and began protesting, over to the display case where the queen bee nested.

“Here, my friend, here is the bell of this ball. Have you seen anything like her before? So majestic and beautiful. During my stay in Dulbin I snatched a few cases of honey would you like to taste some?”

Reaching behind the case he pulled out a small jar of honey, opened it, and lifted a pile with his two fingers and started to rub it on Forlang’s face.

“One cannot resist the taste of this honey. It is something remarkable isn’t it?”

Forlang resisted and pushed away and Bowie stopped trying to feed the man.

“Why Lord Hireshmont, do you not like my family honey?”

Before Forlang could answer, Bowie saw Lady Angel watching the scenario unfold and behind her a man he had not seen in a very long time. With a quick glance and a sudden push, Forlang was on the ground and Bowie was back over speaking with his incoming guests.

He addressed Lady Angel first,

“It truly is a pleasure to finally meet you. This night is made all the special, memorable in fact, for being graced with your presence. Each of the nobles here are bedazzled by one look at you. Senator Elias here is a fortunate man, may he cherish the breeze of his good luck.”

Bowing and then having the familiar man introduce himself, Bowie hesitated at first.

“Lord Raziel? I thought you were dead! And you should be you back stabbing scoundrel.”

The guests overheard Bowie raise his voice and wondered about the commotion, but most quite expected a night at the Demon of Dwilight’s estate to be so turbulent.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Chesland)

Roleplay from Raziel III Himoura

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"I can't die whilst there are bigger scoundrel like yourself left in the world for Fate to work her wicked game on. How are you Sir Bowie? I had thought you dead myself actually." Raziel said, his hand still on the handle of his magnificient sword.

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Knight of Shokalom)

Roleplay from Angel Deveraux

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Angel had to stifle her laughter at the tour and the state the aide ended up in. At his compliment she smiled and looked in Elias’ direction.

Though she was made to watch as Bowie and Raziel began to speak with one another, knowing it really didn’t pertain to her, she nudged Elias and led him to the actual bar for a drink.

Lady Angel Deveraux (Dame of Saffalore)