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Many tribes inhabit Talerium.

The Khans

the Khan Family once ruled much of what is now Talerium, when it was a tribal group, one of the strongest tribes for a long time, long ago in a forgotten age, split into three smaller distract clans.


A confederation of tribes


The true Taleri.

Hab'b (Iptl)

Live in Axzaloc and formed a confederation that warred with the Taleri


Alright. I've come up with a kind of structure with the region naming (feel free to slap me if you disagree)

  • -oc: -land. The o is a schwa vowel, so throw any short vowel in there. Examples, Ipec (Old People Land), Axzaloc (Nothing of Interest Land) Ptaphoc (??? Land).
  • -al: A Taleri suffix for city.
  • -mec: I dunno, work with it.
  • -tl: -people. From the noun marker used in Aztec. RL example, Chipotl (chipotle). BM Example, Iptl.

Feel free to add more naming conventions.