Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP7Ch2

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Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall sat once again gazing into the fire in the center of her camp, when she heard a loud scream from somewhere nearby.

Davendrall grinned, incredibly pleased by herself

"Bubbles! News update!"

"Yes ma'am. Well, you've definitely succeeded in causing trouble and Anneliese's camp"

"Excellent! I'd love to see her face. No doubt she'll come down here. That'll teach her. No one pulls a prank on Davendrall Felhand, ruler of all hallucinogenic alcohol, Goddess of plungers and other such household objects. Oh and where is Banana-Bus, he's suppose to be back by now"

"No idea. And'am, are you sure you can claim to be a Goddess?"

" has said otherwise so I don't see why not. Admittingly only Hammie the Warhamster is worshiping me so far...but I'm sure more will join."

Davendrall looked over to her hamster in a little hamster ball nearby, his head on his front paws.

"I have no idea how you got him to do that...but aren't you just copying Sir Smeganwulf?"

"Nonsense! He wants to be a God, I am a Goddess. Its a completely different scenario!"

"Right..." The scribe rolled her eyes. "Copycat" she muttered under hear breath.

"What did you just say to me?" Davendrall demanded

"Erm...nothing ma'am, by the way, a letter for you."

Davendrall took the letter and read it. She stood up and drew her sword, her other hand on her hip.

"So, you will challenge me to a duel must you Mr Snuggles?"

"He can't hear you ma'am."

"Shut up. He's a squirrel, they have good hearing!"

"But he's on the other side of the bridge..."

"Shut up you're ruining my speech."

Davendrall cleared her throat. "So, you will challenge me to a duel must you Mr Snuggles. Well, this may be deemed illegal at times of war, but I've annoyed the judge enough all ready it will make no difference. Well hear this Mr Snuggles, I accept your duel! No squirrel, man, peasant or any other inferior being shall question my gender and get away with it. You shall dare to fight me under the terms that, one you pay my fine, and two, you will admit I am a woman and accept you are my pet squirrel!"

Davendrall turned to her scribe. "If anyone asks...we're training."

"You shall regret the day you challenged the great Davendrall Felhand to a duel!"

Davendrall stormed forward with dignity, promptly falling over a previously unseen log. She glared at the log. "You will pay for this indignity, Mr Log, as soon as Mr Snuggles has payed for his." Davendrall got up, brushed herself down, and went to find Xaphan.

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall approached the camp of Sir Xaphan aka Mr Snuggles. She strode over the the squirrel

"Aha! You have a disadvantage! You have a mangle! Now Mr Snuggles, to prove further I am a woman, I shall fight you naked!"

With one rip her entire clothing came of, revealing she was indeed, a woman

Roleplay from Anneliese
Snickering and stifled laughter could be heard from the bushes behind Davendrall. The sound of leaves crushed underfoot and twigs snapping could also be heard. The undergrowth rustled as something inside the bushes moved.

Then, suddenly, all was quiet.

Letter from Smeagenwulf
Lady, squirrel, might I draw your attention to this mud filled arena I have constructed in feverish haste but a moment ago and suggest it as a perfect setting for holmgang.

Also, please disregard the man I have sitting by the side who will be sketching some drawings of this event.

You can blame x-Anne-x for losing most of the roleplays this time - she was supposed to do this story.

-Audacity 01:22, 27 November 2010 (CET)