Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP8Ch5

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Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias, a simple knight in service of the lady with the whip. Had been walking around as he was munching on a sandwich he had made prior to the walk, when he had suddenly heard a bloodcurdling scream from the vicinity. He quickly rushed towards the area it had sounded from and found a tent there. He gripped his sword and rushed in.

... And rushed out just as fast.

"What, the heck?" He asked himself as he sat down outside the tent, inside the tent was a bunch of barrels filled with either mustard or slugs, a rope on the ground, and a naked woman he could've sworn was Lady Anneliese, who honestly looked rather upset.

Pondering for a few seconds as he played with his blonde curls, he walked up to the tent again and asked towards it:

"Is everything okay in there?" He did honestly not expect a positive answer, if a answer at all, but he would be damned if he did not have the situation explained to him, seeing how he liked to sleep at night, and not ponder through them.

As he heard the wind blow in the forest a bit away, he reached into his pocket and prepared his personal defense against norlanders and rodents. A bag filled with his home baked cookies, as he had realized that both those things would rather eat his cookies than bother him.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Having safely stored Anneliese' clothes with the rest of them, Davendrall returned to the bushes outside Smeganwulfs tent. After all, she didn't want Anneliese harmed...just embarrassed. The fact she had got to steal her clothes and see her naked in the process was just a bonus. That birthmark was definitely something to use against her.

Davendrall sat out of sight to watch over the tent. She got out some pop-corn and began to munch.

Then she heard Anneliese scream. Dammit. If she'd got Anneliese hurt...

Davendrall drew two daggers and ran towards the tent...bumping into Elonias.

"Hey! Get outa my way!" Then Davendrall recolonized who it was. "Oh...cookie man!"

Then Davendrall saw he was holding a bag of cookies. Davendrall eyes them, trying to hold back her temptations. Then after a few seconds she remembered

"Anneliese!" Davendrall began towards the tent again

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias eyed the woman, who had bumped into him suspiciously, Davendall if he remembered correctly, before she said:

"Oh...cookie man!" he shivered as he looked back at her, noticing she eyed his self-defense cookies, he was about to ask if she wanted them when she suddently jerked her eyes to wards the tent and said "Anneliese!" and rushed into the tent.

He patiently stood outside the tent and waited, realizing that it would not be that appropriate to walk into a tent where there was a nude woman. But that was his own opinion afterall.

Then, he suddently realized he had not been recognized as a knight, nor a marshal. But as a cookie man. he face palmed and sat down in front of the tent. cursing his feminine culinary skills.

Roleplay from Anneliese

After screaming, she curled into a ball and whimpered. The thought that she might have been... she might have slime from a slug all over her...

A man with a sword rushing and then quickly rushing out interrupted her thoughts. Suddenly, she realized how stupid she probably looked, and felt ashamed, then angry. "Stupid... Davendrall... it's all her fault..."

"Is everything okay in there?" A man's voice from outside called.

Anne stood up, and was just about to answer when she heard another voice, this time coming from inside the tent. "Kill her, kill her, kill her!" The odor of blood and decay settled into the room as her hawk appeared, landing on an unopened barrel. "Come on you miserable wretch, kill her!"

"But I..."

"What's so hard about this? You've killed plenty of other people, but you can't even kill your own tormentor. What kind of warrior are you?!"

"I... like her too much."

"Oh, so you love her now?" The goshawk opened its wings, and fluffed its feathers, "What a miserable creature you are, to have fallen in love with the woman who treated you like prey. A rabbit. The sort of animal I eat for dinner. If you were my hatchling, I would have killed you by now."

"SHUT UP!" She knocked over the barrel upon which it sat. The bird took flight, and flew around her head. The barrage of insults continued, always with the added suggestion of murder.

"AAAAAAAAAG!" Anneliese screamed once more, then ran out of the tent, no longer caring about her naked appearance. She bumped into Davendrall as she made her exit, but that did not stop her - if anything, that made her run faster. She ran out of Smeagenwulf's camp, and into the woods.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Anneliese!" Davendrall screamed, running after her. She followed her into the woods

"What happened?! They were only suppose to...draw some pictures of you or something. What did they do to you? Im sorry...Anneliese...where you hiding?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese was sitting in a bunch of brambles. Despite the thorns scratching into her skin, she felt much safer hiding here than in that tent with the slugs. Trees and bushes blocked her view, but she could hear Davendrall in the woods, calling to her. Anne pondered whether she should reply - whether she wanted to reply, or would be better off staying quiet...

"You do realize I can fly, don't you?" The goshawk appeared above, resting on the limb of a tree. "Don't say anything. Now's your chance. If she gets close enough, you can sneak up on her and kill her!"

"GO AWAY!" Anneliese shouted at the hawk, then realized her mistake - Davendrall could probably find her position by that. She gulped. She wasn't intending to kill her, but she wasn't so sure what she would do if she go too close. The hawk was getting more insistent. "Don't come near me, Dave! It's not safe."

She closed her eyes, and curled into a tight ball in an attempt to block out the insults and suggestions from the hawk.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Im not leaving" Davendrall replied, thinking she was speaking to her. "What d'you mean it's not safe? Did Smeganwulf and his minions do something to you? Are they after you again?"

Davendrall followed the voice finding Anneliese curled up. Her body seemed tense. She looked so innocent.

Davendrall knelt down before her and moved some of Anneliese's hair out the way so she could see her face.

"What happened?" She said softly

Roleplay from Anneliese

"They didn't do anything to me there was just... slugs." She twitched, but did not move from her position. She felt someone brush her hair away, and tried not to move or respond, too afraid of what she might do.

"Oh come on, you're so close." It seemed as if the hawk was moving, so that its voice was near her ear. "You could strangle her now and have it be over with."

Anneliese tried to ignore the hawk, and answer Davendrall's questions. Perhaps she could make her understand why it wasn't safe. "...I washed the ink off and... slugs... so many slugs... in the barrels..." Her explanation was disjointed due her inability to pay attention to what she was saying - the hawk was too distracting. "The bird... It wants me to kill you. It's not safe."

Roleplay from Elonias

"I um... what?" Was the only words Elonias could muster after another scream, and two woman, one not clothed, rushed out of the tent, this time, he let his sanity out the window and followed them, standing just within hearing reach and listening in on the conversation as he looked back on the path that had led him there.

He decided after a while that if he were to join in the conversation, to understand what was going on, he would need to first, not appear as a complete lunatic or anything amongst those lines, so he coughed and took of his dark robe and started waving it outside the tree he had his back against, hoping the one that had called him cookie man would get the hint.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall rose an eyebrow

"I've gone a bit insane. Don't worry Anneliese, im sure the slugs and the birds aren't going to hurt you" Davendrall patted Anneliese on the head.

Davendrall saw a strange black cloak being waved about from a tree.

"Oh thank you Mr Tree" Davendrall took the cloak and wrapped it around Anneliese.

"Come on. We need to make you more sane." Davendrall put her hand under Anneliese's elbow to help her up and started leading her towards her camp

Roleplay from Anneliese

"...slugs in the barrels! There were slugs in the barrels!" Anneliese said, in an attempt to convince Davendrall of what she saw.

"See? She doesn't believe you! Why do you waste your time? Kill her already!"

"My hawk, it's my hawk, she's insulting me and..." She felt something being placed around her, and then opened her eyes as she was unwillingly pulled up. "...she want me to kill-" Her words started to speed up, trying to spit out the sentence before she did something stupid "-youandshedonethisbeforebutIcouldalwaysignore her and..." Anne finally stopped talking once Davendrall dragged her toward camp. She heard footsteps behind them both, but she couldn't be sure what it was. Another thing come to torment her?

"It's your sister behind you. She's in this! She was all along. I can't believe you couldn't see that. Now you can kill them both." The hawk, which was flying in the air, landed on her shoulder. "But first you must wait. You can't kill them both... no, no, you need a weapon. And a distraction."

"Shut up..." She whispered, hoping Davendrall didn't hear her.

Roleplay from Elonias

"Gnnnnn..." Elonias muttered as the women left, he had been demoted from cookie man, to a tree. feeling his pride hurt, he continued following the two women back to camp, though still taking care to not be seen or heard.

'At the very least, I could offer my cookies to them, that Anneliese could perhaps use them to calm down.' And if not, he could at least survive the day by sacrificing them.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 6