Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP8Ch4

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Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese was rolling on the ground, laughing so hard her face was almost blue. She paused a few times to catch her breath, but could not stop.

"Has she finally lost it?" Jessie wondered aloud.

"No," Catharina answered, coming up behind her. Anne's laughter had grown so loud that even she could not focus on her reading, despite the distance she put between her employer. "She's been antagonizing Davendrall again."

"What did she do?" The squire asked, curious.

"Here, read this." She handed a piece of parchment to Jessie. "After she interrupted my reading with her laughter, I thought I might as well see what trouble she had gotten herself up to this time."

"Oh!" Jes exclaimed, in a shout so she could be heard over Anne's laughter, "A museum! Is this the woman that...?"

"Yes," the scribe answered.

Anneliese, upon running out of breath, had instead stop her laughter and descended into occasional giggles.

"I wonder how she'll react," the squire thought aloud, in a much lower now that Anneliese had stopped laughing so loudly.

"We'll soon find out." Catharina said, "I hear footsteps."

"Oh, I'd like to see her face." Anne grinned - it was her first words in this entire conversation.

"Shouldn't you be hiding?" Jes pointed out.

"No. Not yet." Anneliese picked herself up, and dusted off her clothing. She composed herself into a much more controlled expression, though the edge of her lips curled into a smirk. Idly, she plucked a blade of grass out of her hair as she waited for Davendrall to emerge.

"We can't risk you getting murdered as well." The scribe took hold of Jessie's arm, "It would be best if we watch from the bushes."

"Alright," the squire grudgingly admitted as they found a hiding place, "Just as long as I can still see."

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall launched into whatever place Anneliese happened to be. Without stopping or thinking, she grabbed hold of Anneliese by the waist, picking her up, and stormed of to a secluded place
Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese was mildly shocked at being picked up and carried, but not terribly surprised. "What, no clever speech about how you are the 'Mistress of Darkness' and will bring unending pain to me and laugh your 'evil laugh of evilness'?" She smirked, but did not struggle or try to get away. "May I also point that I tried to help you. I volunteered to help you get rid of the things, but noooo, you said I was 'jealous'."

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Yeah well. Lets see how you like it" Davendrall grinned evilly, making her way to Smeganwulf's tent

She stopped behind some bushes in view of Smeganwulf's tent, still holding Anneliese tightly.

"Sorry about this."

Davendrall put a peg on her nose. Then, from an air-tight box, pulled out a single sock with some tweasers. "This sock. Belongs to Mick the Splasher." She said, waving it briefly in front of Anneliese's face, knocking her out.

Davendrall then began to undress Anneliese. After fully completing the task she stood back and grinned. Then picked Anneliese up again, walking straight into Smeganwulf's tent

Finding an appropriately sized barrel of Mustard, she tied the naked Anneliese to it.

"I brought you a gift oh great mustard man!" She announced before strolling back out the tent to pick up Anneliese's clothes and heading back to her troops.

Roleplay from Smeagenwulf
"Hmm... What is this fleshy thing tied to my mustard there," inquired Smeagenwulf, inspecting Anneliese's naked unconscious form.

"Its a woman I think," said Hagar.
"A woman! Well I'll be, I've heard of those!" said Smea with mild astonishment.
"What is this...'woman' creature doing strapped against my barrel there?" he asked.
Before Hagar the Boneless could venture a guess, though, Smeagenwulf snapped his fingers, saying:
"I know! she must be a gift from the gods! for all my hard work amassing mustard, they saw fit to send me a bride! I shall name her... Smeagenwulfia!"

"She seems rather familiar..." said Hagar.
"Mmmm, yes..." mused the brickwielder, examining the woman, "Mayhap I'm wrong... this female unit is no gift at all!" he exclaimed.
"She must have been placed here by the gods to tempt me! a trial by which they could asses my dedication to my mustardcraft. I will not give in to your womanly wiles, you vile temptress!" he yelled at Anneliese, still passed out, "I shall name you...Anti-Smeagenwulfia!"

"What should we do with her?" asked Hagar.
"Well, first unbind her from that barrel, I don't want her contaminating my mustard. Be careful not to squish her. I heard womanfolk are soft and delicate, and can evaporate or even melt if handed wrongly. Place her in my slug repository, next to the cat sand box repository - under heavy guard. We shall decide what to do with Anti-Smeagenwulfia later on." Instructed Smeagenwulf.
"My, that is an usual place for a birthmark," he mumbled as Hagar carried Anneliese passed him.

"Oh!" said Smea as Hagar was about to exit, "and call Grum, tell him to bring some ink and quills so we can draw funny things on her while she's still asleep," he ordered with a childish grin.

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese woke up to find herself lying down in a strange tent. Across her midsection and arms, she could feel a burning sensation. Incoherent mutterings escaped her mouth as she pulled herself up so she was sitting. "Dave...?" She blinked, and looked around. Barrels were all around, blocking her view - she would have to stand up to see if there was anything else.

Something felt very, very wrong - she felt exposed somehow, like the dream she sometimes had where she ran into a battle and forgotten her armor. Anne looked down, and found that she was completely naked. "Oh...." It was rather expected that Davendrall would do that to her, though being left naked in a private place such as a tent was a surprise. Anne thought Dave would pick some place more public, considering what she'd done.

She also noticed some scribbles on her arms, legs, and all over her body. She rolled her eyes and shouted, "Very mature, Dave!" Beneath the scribbles, on her arms and chest, she could see her skin had turned red - and felt rather like... rope burn? Anne frowned. It was as if someone had tied her to something, but had tied it improperly or too tight. She couldn't remember that happening, though she did recall a very horrible smell that was probably what had knocked her out.

Anneliese got up on her feet, and took a careful look around, and saw that the whole tent was full of barrels, except for that one small section in which she had been placed in. From this, she concluded she must be in Smeagenwulf's camp - and those barrels must be full of mustard. To test her hypothesis, she carefully removed the top of one.

It was merely water. Anne blinked, then shrugged, and decided to take advantage of her luck by washing the ink off her skin. She spotted a somewhat-clean rag on the floor and dipped it in the water, and set to work.

Interestingly, she noticed that most of the... graffiti, seemed to be drawings of obscene sort. For someone who wasn't interested in men, Davendrall knew an awfully lot about their anatomy.

After Anne had finished cleaning herself off and threw the rag into the corner, she had a sudden realization: she was thirsty. Not wanting to drink out of the same water she'd just used to clean herself, she pulled the top of another barrel and was rewarded with the sight of more water.

She cupped her hands and was about to draw some water into her mouth, when she noticed a dark shape in her hand. Anneliese turned white as a sheet. It was a slug. A slug! Without thinking, she immediately dropped the thing back into the water. Her eyes followed it as it sank lower, eventually reaching a large clump of... slugs. Anne realized with disgust. This barrel must have been contaminated somehow.

She pulled of the top of another barrel, and carefully checked inside. More slugs, this time clinging to the sides and the rim.

She hesitantly pushed off the top of a third barrel, trying not to touch it more than necessary. Slugs. With a sickening lurch of her stomach, it dawned on her that the whole place might be filled with slugs. After going through several more barrels, her hypothesis was confirmed.

Anneliese returned to the first barrel - the one with the she had used to clean herself with - and found it, too was full of slugs.

That last bit pushed over the edge. A scream came out of her mouth, so loud that she could be heard by those outside the tent.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 5