User:Qmasterflex86/Project Dwi 01/Balance

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OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer on main page.

Event from Valiant
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Balance's Retreat
Valiant looked in approval at the disciples performing their daily activities with rare discipline. Many were meditating in well-organized neat rows and columns, all kneeling in the Temple, contemplating the complexities of what they sought to understand and to preserve. Some were outside in the courtyard, sparring with wooden staves in the crisp air surrounding the mountain fortress. Drums beating a constant rhythm kept a unifying tempo throughout Balance's Retreat, helping all the inhabitants live in constant harmony.

A messenger stopped Valiant in his daily tour of the grounds, confirming the number of acolytes who had passed successfully through the Alley of Swords into Tranquil, and who were eligible to become full warriors of the Great Balance. The messenger also brought news of those who failed, either by dying or deserting. Valiant nodded in understanding as the messenger listed many more names among the dead and missing than those who had succeeded the test. He knew that the Old Masters had entrusted them with a grave task, a very serious duty. And though their duty was but an infinitesimally small one compared to that of the Old Masters, nonetheless, among mortal men such a burden was incredible.

Only the strongest, in all parts of body, mind, spirit, and soul, would ever be worthy of becoming one of the Sentinels, the purest, most dedicated, and greatest among mortals who would upkeep the Great Balance that the Old Masters, having learned from their previous folly, sought never to disrupt again.
Valiant (Abbot of Balance's Retreat)