Ironsides Family/Bowie/Muspelheim Arrival

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The Duke's Palace

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Message sent to everyone in "Dwilight University" (43 recipients

Muspelheim, dawn.

The preparations for the inauguration of the new campus are almost done. There is a large festival in the city organized by the Duke to celebrate both the construction of the Ambassador of Morek sir Pierre von Genf's estate and the opening of the university.

A messenger enters the Ducal palace, a tall black building nested inside the old keep built by duke Cato and center of the power of the dissolved Theocracy of Virovene. Above some of the several archways connecting the rooms symbols of Virovene could still be seen, and inscriptions signed by Cato could be found at the entrance.

Milord, someone bearing the standards of Summerdale is approaching from the east road and demands audience.

The Duke, gazing out from a tall narrow window ornate with motives of the stars, answered with a low voice.

Very well, it must be sir Bowie. Give voice that the guest of honor for the inauguration has arrived. It was a meeting I was waiting for. Let him in and offer an adequate accommodation. Then bring him to the northern dining hall.

Dressing himself for the occasion Busto could not hold a smile, thinking that he will soon have as guest in his very house a declared and renowned enemy of the stars.

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Student of Dwilight University and Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in "Dwilight University" (43 recipients)

After being escorted into the Northern Dining Hall, and after receiving his drink of rum (one in which he demanded), he began to explore the room and its furnishings. He had never been to Muspelheim before and was interested in its seemingly ancient roots. He wondered how the ancient realm came and gone, and how it sprouted up again and then fell back into oblivion. Such is the ways of history he knew, and yet the truth always fascinated him. He was almost obsessed by it.

Awaiting his host and the ceremony, he finished his drink and sat down. To himself he thought, thank the mystics this ceremony will take place at the university and not at the church. I might be out of place in one of those....

Bowie Ironsides

Student of Dwilight University

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Reached the dining hall, Busto found Bowie there.

"Welcome to Muspelheim Dean Bowie. Finally you have arrived, it is a pleasure to have you here. You will be glad to know your coming has not gone unnoticed and I'm already been blamed for it. I hope your travel has not been too much harassed by the people that wanted to see a true enemy of the stars on the road and the accomodation is of your liking.

If you agree, we shall have a drink here and then proceed to the campus where there will be the inauguration banquet."

Noticing the guest was already served, Busto took a seat nearby the fireplace and opened up an old-looking bottle from which a sharp sweet scent of apples came from.

"You know, the former Duke of Muspelheim, Duke Cato I guess you know, had really some taste when dealing with liquors. And the whole history of his life and his realm was quite interesting. But I'm sure you are quite acquainted with such studies. So, tell me, how is Summerdale?"

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Tasting the apple liqueur, Bowie smiled.

"Ahh, this is a source of joy." Then readjusting himself to face the Duke and the fireplace, he continued.

"My first journey here was intercepted by a fanatical knight from Corsanctum. He tried to kill me in a death duel but I survived. As it turns out, I am immortal. Did you know that!? Did the Regent of Corsanctum give you any grief over my attempt to cross his realm? Instead of bothering him (and you) I found an alternate means of arriving in Muspelheim. I joined the tournament in Valkyrja then fealty hopped my way into Summerdale. From there I ventured south through the Libero Empire. Though I have only been there a short while, I sense that I am going to enjoy myself a great deal in Summerdale. It is already more active than Aquilegia, and Pian en Luries was for that matter, and I am drawn to those types of places."

Then, he leaned closer and spoke softly,

"Before we walk to the campus, I have a question to ask you. It might be confidential and that is the reason I am whispering. I have heard from a source that the Morek Empire, more particularly, a cadre lead by Allison Kabrinski, is going to invade Corsanctum to depose Regent Medugnatos. If this is true, I may have a new project to begin for the History Department. I must confess that I am a bit hesitant to believe that the Grandmistress could get away with such an attitude over her position of authority over Corsanctum. Is not that realm the central hub of your whole theocratic hegemony?"

He sat back, took a sip, and waited to see the reaction of the Ordermarshal.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Nifel)

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Smiling the Duke answered

"Indeed I heard of your crossing of Corsanctum. Sir Branthorpe and sir Medugnatus would both contact me and try to figure out why I was not yet actively trying to chop away your head like them were. I am glad to see you're still alive after their tries. No matter the reason it would be a pity to lose such a fine historian. And it is also good to know you found your place in Summerdale. I would be interested to know more about that realm, it's quite mysterious to me in truth."

Noticing the look of Bowie, clearly of someone who was waiting more answer than what was given, Busto added a bit annoyed

"Well I am not really comfortable to speak now about this Corsanctum issue. Allison is quite unpredictable and this time overstepped her bounds, yet Corsanctum is no longer felt as the heart of our religion by too many. It's a very complicate matter I am actually trying to solve without pointless bloodshed. Only time will tell if I succeeded. For now, that's more or less everything I am willing to say. I hope you can understand."

Finished their drinks, Busto stood up and invited Bowie to follow him

"So, we have a a celebration to attend to and you are the guest of honor. Shall we go? The campus has been build on the westernmost side of the city, upon a rocky slope that leads directly down to the surrounding countryside. It is not yet really much of a magnificent building, but still it is located in a beautiful place, I hope you'll like it."

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Ordermarshall of Morek Empire, Duke of Muspelheim

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico)

Rising with the Duke, Bowie outstretched his arm.

"Yes, we absolutely should. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time. You do not realize the length of my journey to finally return to the University. This, for me, as well as many other things, is a celebration of my return to normalcy. In my own version of normalcy anyway. I'll follow your lead Duke. You can give me a short tour along the way. I can see how historical this city is and it fascinates me endlessly."

As they started walking, Bowie realized that though he was in an Astromancer duchy, he never felt threatened or unwelcome. He then realized that this was because of the Duke. He was glad to have found a friend in him, even if they stood on opposite sides.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Nifel)