DuPre Family/Dante

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Dante Eirncul DuPre


Childhood Years

Dante was born in Giblot to Waltfeld and Natarle DuPre, and lived on the family estate. He was the pride on joy of the family until the birth in later years of his brother Dalvanius. By then Dante had begun his training under the watchful eyes of his Uncle Yzakra, who for many years fought under the banner of Giblot. At such a young age Dante showed great potential in the art of swordplay and at the age of eight he could defeat those lesser in the Giblot militia. And soon Yzakra would show something of even more interest to young Dante. Discarding his other teachings for the pure pursuit of fighting, he went along with his uncle on a learning expedition. But what he would see during that outing, would change him and his path into the future. Uncle Yzakra took him into the underworld and showed him the history of his family, the Cult of Tierl.

Cult of Tierl

Dante had joined some of his family in following the Cult of Tierl at the age of 10, in defiance of his parents. And even left to stay with his uncle who had become more like a father then his own dear dad. His initiation to his family legacy was bloodier then the others had expected. A girl six years his senior was brought down into the catacombs below the city surface and laid out in front of the young Dante. He would kill the girl before everyone present and then be marked by her blood by the cults leader at the time. To the disbelief of all those that witnessed the death, they were dismayed at the extent Dante would go to. After killing her with a dagger to her heart, Maester Siegel marked him with the blood that flowed from her. While the others left due to the ceremony being at its end, the young Dante jumped up on the stone slab alter. The girl was still alive even with such a mortal wound, and slowly Dante begun to disrobe her to the chilled air. Her gurgled screams spewing forth blood that had collected in her mouth. Standing above the naked body he started carving names into her skin, those of his parent, his brother, those that had abandoned him when Dalvanius was born. Climbing on top of her still quacking body Dante then sunk his canines into the flesh of the girls neck. An uncanny growth of the families canines becoming a form of power, especially with those whose would grow longer then others. From the meek little wound he would suck on the blood that flowed from her. And when finally no more flowed he ended her life by extracted her heart. Returning to the family estate to confront his 6-year-old brother, he gave him a little present. The heart of the girl he had killed during his initiation into his new family. In the coming years Dante’s thirst for blood would increase with every kill he took part in.

Coming of Age

When Dante turned 18 he was sent to the Militant family in Drenga to complete his final tests. He would learn and further his skills in war under the guidance of those within the Militant household. A family who had been close to his own for many generations, but had gained more renown then his own. His training was quick to commence and quick to come to an end. Keeping his bloodlust hidden from those around him, yet people in Drenga became more concerned when the killer of those drained of blood could not be found. Soon he would leave Drenga to return once again to his home in Giblot and confront the elders who seeked to strengthen the families holding. At the time Dante worked with his family making it known to those nobles within Giblot. Yet while this happened his parents and brother would leave, and not take Dante with them. Alone he became the head of the family with the departure of his father, and with it brought to light the Cult of Tierl once again.

Serving Giblot

At the age of 22 Dante joined the other nobles of Giblot and soon found himself joining the service under Goergyboy Militant. During the previous years he had not made much attempt to consort with those of the Militant household, yet now he found himself working with one. Going to Drenga to meet with Goergyboy to escort him onto Helsera were he was to be appointed as count. Yet not all was well between the two due to an incident in Koolaris, that left Goergyboy and his caravan fending of an undead attack, while Dante and his men took a detour to instead watch them. Upon arrival in Helsera and Goergyboy’s later appointment as Count, Dante himself swore to protect the people of Helsera. But instead found himself working in fields alongside peasants. And the rift between Goergyboy and Dante grew even bigger with every insulting duty that was forced upon him. Dante found himself being able to meet with other nobles of the republic in helping to further its future. And in ernest he found himself seeking battle with those of Outer Tilog. Although he knew nothing of these people at the time, it didn’t change his mind. Determined to strike out at those he himself thought to be enemies of Giblot. When the attack on Rollsover commenced he was on the frontlines and ready to battle the enemy, and later he would enter the mountains of Steepglades in search of more battle. While others stayed in Rollsover convincing peasants that they now had just rulers. During one of Dante's excursions a so called relative by the name of Sohei Takiyama came to Giblot. When Dante returned he bid Sohei greetins but that was the last of it, due to Dante not believing him a true DuPre. When Dante later returned to Giblot and the Republic, he found that he didn’t hate Outer Tilog. As he did hate the regime of Thanatos Reaver and those within the Giblot council. He watched as nobles he looked up to left out of disgust for Thanatos. Because Helsera had been lost to Outer Tilog while they were asked to sit back and watch. Sadi SaDiablo and Gheros Patel left for greener pasters, and Dante would soon find himself doing similar. Speaking out openly against both Militants and later Prime Minister Thanatos. He found himself and the House DuPre exiled from Giblot’s lands, by none other then his so called liege Goergyboy.

Outer Tilog and Freedom

Leaving Giblot for the darker realm of Outer Tilog, he was warmly greeted when the learnt of why he was exiled. To them the taunting and feasting upon of Giblot nobility and peasantry alike had been a long lasting past-time. Enlisting in the army of Outer Tilog under the command of Maester Angus Na Leodaich. But that was not all he did, he made public his distaste towards the leadership of Giblot and his wants to destroy it. Cut off the chickens head and watch it run wildly without order. Dante emmersed himself into Outer Tilog's society, and started to feel for the one he hated the most. Moira has since carved many things into Dante's skin. And each have become accustomed to the loss of blood, which frequents such simple events as just meeting one another. Yet his has become one of lust, yearning for the sweet taste of her blood that quenches his thirst. Without the crimson nectar of Moira he must drink daily the blood of other. Just to hinder the madness that ravages his now incomplete body. During Dante's departure of Giblot lands during a recent battle, he slaughtered a whole outer village in Rollsover. The bloody scenes becoming more entricate as he has been going along. But in his fleet he left word with one surviving local for Gander Militant to follow him into the moutains of Steepglades. A request that Gander did not pursue, but instead Goergyboy along with an attacking force of Giblots nobles. Perched in the mountains overlooking the carnage that would ensue Dante watched on. Later to enter the Outer Tilogs camp in search of Moira once again. Receiving another one of her markings he left after draining her of some blood. This time calling for Goergyboy to come and find him while he slumbered.


Dante had awoken from his lengthy slumber in hunger. For weeks blood had failed to touch his lips. The essence of life for all. ~~#0000FF:We'll be right back after a word from our sponsers.

Are you feeling lonely, unwanted by those around you...
Well come on down to your local catacombs...
And the Cult of Tierl will make your dreams come true.~~ ~~#FF0000:Fine so I can't remember everything, guess I should update more often. But atleast I will fill this section in eventually.~~

Rebirth of a Traitor

During a stay in the dungeons of Giblot, Dante was visit by the Judge Lisa. Her so called acts of torture were childs play compared to what he had already endured. His own hands and those of others had done far worse. Then the day came for the final performance, the last song that was Dante DuPre. ~~#FF0000:Execution link found below.~~ Within the following weeks things started to happen. First the body of Dante had vanished, and days later his head would be stolen from Count Gander's mansion. It wouldn't take long before both found each other. In the hands of the Cult of Tierl life would be given the dead. Already the dead ravaged the once peaceful lands of Giblot. Much like the day he first presented himself to the noble court. The dead would rise to great him once again. They had used similar techniques to there Tilogian brothers who had created the demonspawn Thanares. But this was no golem they toiled with on this fateful night. No tonight would beckon the return of the Maester to Giblot soil. Soon rumours begun to spread amoung the land of someone resembling the dead Dante. More rumours spoke of an indivual who bore the same name. Without his memories, without knowing who he is... without a care in the world.


Unknown World

The New World

Current Whereabouts