Olivaw Family/Giskard

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Giskard is a self motivated man from the Olivaw Family.

Early Life

Life In The Caglian Empire

Diary Entry 1

I just came back from my brother Daneel's ceremony before leaving our family manor. I do regret not seeing him again, but why should I not be able to earn honour and fame for the family just because I'm one year younger? I should have the right to leave and create my own glory rather than waiting home for news of his accomplishments. I am ready, and I have saved up enough to hire some troops who can travel with me from the next town. Byblack will not be my home for much longer. When should I leave? Why not tonight? Everyone is so tired from the ceremony they will definitely not notice. I hope that my parents will understand. My father is too much into that game Chess that an old family friend brought in some months ago. I can't believe he's infatuated with a game, though it is every bit intriguing as real warfare. Enough rambling, I will make preparations to leave tonight.

Diary Entry 2