Ironsides Family/Bowie/Rathan Taunt

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Letter from Rathan Himoura

Oh dear Bowie, it seems you've been replaced. Not only did I walk with a 150 gold fine... But Sallowtown is mine. I've always been the true Pariah of D'hara. You can go ahead and remove that from your titles. Prince of Sallowtown too while you're at it.

How deliciously ironic. You get banned, and I get promoted. It's like stabbing a man in the gut with a rusted blade. Satisfying.

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel)

Death Duel Issued against Rathan.

"You will have my city over my dead body!"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Kisharianda Onyxien)

While you manage your routine business, a letter is delivered to you. It is plain, small and marked with the seal of the Demon Prince, though using a cheaper wax.

Dearest Duchess,

I do not blame you for the ban, it was expected. What I will chide you for is giving Rathan the order to take my city. How dare you be so rude! Have you any idea how much time and effort I put into trying to bring that city to our realm and the very day after I am banned you allow my betrayer to have it? That is an insult and I will not let him succeed. Mark my words beautiful one, your laws and bans on me are nothing compared to what I will do to Rathan. Both for selling me out and for taking the claim on my city. He laughs and taunts me because of your foolish decision. Shame on you!

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda was awaken by Misha who entered the Queen's room. "My Lady Selena refuses to go back to bed, she must of had a bad dream and only wishes to see you" Misha bowed humbly and nervous for having entered the King's chambers while he slept. Kisharianda rose quickly from her bed grabbing her robe she walked to Selena's room, upon entering the nursery Selena raised her arms and began to cry calling out to her.

"It's okay my baby, mommy's here" she picked up Selena and hugged her tightly "Did you have a bad dream?" she walked out the room and returned to her chambers and sat by the window in the rocking chair. Selena continued to fuss and sniffle holding her tightly her arms wrapped around her neck. Misha brought a blanket and a letter that had been delivered earlier that eve.

Kisharianda put the blanket around both of them and hummed a soft song, after a while Selena fell back asleep soundly and she carried her in her bed next to Cenarious, she grabbed the letter looking sadly at the seal opening it she read it's content and she closed her eyes and began to cry.

If only he knew she whispered It wasn't supposed to be this way my friend, if only you would have come back you could have had the opportunity to do what your heart desired she covered her face with her hands trying to stop herself from crying Rathan she whispered and her eyes narrowed Every dog has it's day and yours is coming, not only did I lose a great man I lost a friend and my Champion. she thought "And for that you will pay greatly" she rose from her chair and returned to her bed wrapping her arms tightly around Selena, she took a breath of her hair and closed her eyes "Oh Bowie if you would have only put more faith in me" the tears fell upon Selena's head and she rocked herself with her in her arms.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Duel refused

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel) has rejected your challenge of a duel.

Letter from Rathan Himoura

No no no, my dear Bowie. I won't kill you... Yet. If you wish to cross swords, a lesser stake will be required. I want you to suffer first.

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

That is not fair. You want my city, kill me for it! There is no lesser stake.

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Death Duel Issued

"The only appropriate path."

Duel refused

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel) has rejected your challenge of a duel.

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Its not your city anymore. I'm not letting you get out of this so easy. Death is too good for you.

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

It will be you who dies! You sold me out and now you reap my bounty?

Death on you Rathan, if you do not fight me I will find you and hurt you!

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

You have now challenged Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel) to a duel. Wait for the reply and remember that for the duel to be resolved both of you must be in the same region.

Duel refused

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel) has rejected your challenge of a duel.

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Live with your shame Bowie.

Oh, and I was the one who put the bounty on your head.

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel)

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)

You are worse than a worm Rathan! You are an infection, a parasite! Shame is for the weak, I will live with hatred!

This will not be the last time we clash you forsaken sheep.

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Letter from Rathan Himoura

Go along and snivel. I'll be sure to enjoy Sallowtown for you.

Sir Rathan Himoura (Knight of Nebel)