Ironsides Family/Bowie/Bowie Escape

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Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Hexic practically had to be dragged away from the mess hall, where he had been stuffing his face most of the night. The rest of the night he had spent bathing. It was unbelievably hard to get the undead stink off him, and out of his hair. Despite the softness of his undead pillow of the previous day, he vowed never to use a zombie as a pillow, ever again. Compromising with his need of food and his need to get off the ship, Hexic filled a wineskin, grabbed what was left of the boar leg, and disembarked.

Hexic ate and drank as he went, and was not surprised when he started hearing whispers from the peasants about how they all thought we was dead. News tends to get garbled when one Duke is abducted twice in one night, and another suffers serious injury in battle, and not even three days later is captured in battle. The peasants were even pointing at him. Feeling he might soon be swarmed by commoners demanding a telling of his recent exploits, the Duke promptly headed to the Recruitment Complex to hire himself some men. The last of his unit had been decimated by the undead in Sallowtown. Hopefully this one would fare better.

One errand down, two to go, possibly three. It was standard protocol that nobles lose their positions when incarcerated, so that the crown may appoint a steward or replacement without causing a loss of honour. He now headed up to the castle to petition regaining the Ducal Seat of Qubel Lighthouse, and the command of the D'Haran Guard. While in the castle, he would also visit with the Mother Confessor, whom desired to hear about his daring escape. And lastly, he still needed to find Duke Bowie. He had.... business, to.... discuss with him. Yes. If anyone asked, he had business to discuss with him. Hexic was sure the Mother Confessor would be able to arrange privacy for the two, to "discuss" things.

Hexic neared the castle gates, and noted that he should also find a physician to remove what was left of his canine tooth, and replace it with a gold one.

Sir Hexic Jeckyl (Duke)

Letter from Hexic Jeckyl

My friend,

I think it is likely you are in a cell, and rest assured, the man bearing this letter was either bribed by myself, or is receiving gold from the man I bribed. He will wait for you to compose a short reply, and deliver it to me if you are indeed incarcerated.

I am now in Port Raviel, and there are some things we need to discuss, in person. All I need is your location.

Sword and Shield,

Sir Hexic Jeckyl (Duke)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

As Bowie laid in his cell a messenger arrived. He handed him a few pieces of paper with a small note hidden inside then told him the news.

"Prince, your new essay has been published. Here is a copy for you to look over while you await sentencing."

The Prince looked at his newest project with pride, then noticed the smaller note bearing Duke Hexic's seal...

The Prince

"The Death of Xiahou Dun"

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Rathan tossed and turned in his bed. Sleep had finally visited him, but it was troubled. The disgust in Sorsha's voice echoed in his head, the image of the burning boat, and Sorsha on it haunted his dreams. He woke in a cold sweat, before drifting off again, into a more peaceful slumber. When he finally awoke, he knocked on the door, and opened it.

"I wish to speak to the Confessor at her earliest convenience. And bring some tea." and he shut the door, returning to bed.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Reading the latest report she noticed a new name added to the list of arrival in Port Raviel. "Kinnalaw Paulandon" she spoke at a whisper. She continued to ruffle through the letters and came across one of Kinnalaw's private letter addressing those in power. "From Madina, well this could be of interest why would he come here?" she sat back and a knock came to the door.

"Come" she answered and continued to read without making eye contact with the young guard before her "My Queen, Sir Rathan wishes to speak with you at your earliest convenience" he bowed and waited.

"Thank you, you may leave me now" she stood up and made her way to Rathan's room. She looked over at the guards who stood watch over the room and they knocked on the door announcing the Confessor's arrival.

The door swung opened and she entered. "You wished to see me"

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Mathias just stared at Sorsha unable to string two syllables together he was so infuriated, but then he realized it made no difference because he was still fine and his love was here with him. "Mo Searc...though it disgusts me to think that you would even for a second think to be with that monster even to free me. I don't even know what I myself might have done being put in the same situation...."

Mathias then turning noticed that the ship had arrived at port in Port Raviel, and with Sorsha in hand the two began to walk towards the palace.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Rathan stood and offered a slight bow, before taking a seat again, still weary from his ordeal.

"I've been thinking, and I realized I never provided you with the responses I gave Bowie. I openly admit to having gone along with him at first. I have the letters here if you wish to see them."

He paused for a moment, unsure of whether or not to ask the next question.

"Confessor, is Sorsha alright? I'd like to see her in person, and apologize for what I've done... I feel terrible." he said remorsefully.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Sorsha’s brow furrowed at his reaction. The Mathias she knew would have flown off in a rage, regardless of who was around. She knew she wanted to scream for all she was worth, but she was keeping it inside, waiting to use it on the appropriate subject. He had changed, more than even she knew.

As they walked off the ship, Sorsha noticed a unit of Black Lions in the harbor, only just arriving themselves. As she passed by, several looked up to see her and saluted. She quietly wondered from where they were returning. Many of them had weapons drawn, others were only now removing blood on them. Curious… Much was happening these days and it seemed she may have missed something.

Of course now was not the time to focus on the matter, she would ask them later. She had more pressing matters to deal with. The guards let them into the palace with some wishes for the Duke, “glad to see you are safe and well Duke Mathias,” one said and eyed the blood on their clothes with a slightly surprised expression.

Sorsha walked in with Mathias and then announced to the servant. “Inform the King and Queen that Sorsha and Mathias have returned. Should they need to see us I will be in my chambers,” she then paused and added, “mind only if it is of the most pressing urgency. The Duke and I have been through a great ordeal and wish for some time to, compose ourselves and recuperate.”

She led Mathias down the hall and back to what she now thought as her private room and closed the door behind her. “Shall we take care of that bath now?”

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Not having step fully through the door she look at Rathan and pondered his comment of providing her with his letters to Bowie.

"Well it would be in your best interest to forward me a copy of those letters Marquis before Bowie does. And although I know Bowie will be the first to hang you on your words it would give you more then an advantage in this case" she entered the room

"As for Lady Sorsha, a boat has arrived at the port and I believe it is transporting both the Duke and the Marshal" she looked at him "I'm sure you will be able to see for yourself" turning to face Rathan she pulled a letter she received earlier that morning.

"Your Duke wishes for your resignation to Nebel, and although I may decline his demand he is still Duke and that is his duchy. By law it is within his right to do so, since you have forfeited your roles as Marquis to him. However both you and Bowie will be receiving a fair trail this afternoon, and I have yet to get a full answer on the proposal I presented to the King. He is unsure if that is the best course of action." she looked passed Rathan to the window

"You have done many wrongs Rathan, and you should be grateful that I have even proposed this expedition as your punishment but do not think for one minute that i will make it easy for you to attain Sallowtown. It will be with the sweat of your brow that you will free Sallowtown and not with a silver spoon in your mouth." she cocked her head. "You have deliberately participated in abducting your Duke, did you expect him to turn his cheek and leave you in charge of Nebel while he continues to fund your pockets?" she turned to him

"What would you do if the tables were turned?" she asked pointing at him

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

"If he wasn't cooperating, I would have him killed, but in this identical situation, I would await your guidance, since the administration of justice is your job Confessor."

Rathan dug in his bag and handed her a stack of letters.

"There is my correspondence. Completely slipped my mind earlier."

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

The letters read...

(Personal message to Bowie Ironsides) They know enough. I've told them we're staying here, and instead of making a new realm, we'll just take our own.

I want Drakos to become the new Marquis of Nebel when I get my city.

And, actually, I think executing the cabbage might be more satisfying.

As for Mathias, I cannot take responsibility if I wish to obtain the hand of Sorsha. Could you perhaps try and delay their marriage?

Sir Rathan Himoura Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Rathan Himoura (11 days, 3 hours ago) (Personal message to Bowie Ironsides) Who is hosting it? If we can find out who is supposed to be staging the kidnapping, we can kill the men they've hired, and have our own men take him instead. I'm moving to Port Nebel now. I can help you with funding for this, I have no shortage of it. How many followers do you have in this?

Sir Rathan Himoura Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Rathan Himoura (11 days, 3 hours ago) (Personal message to Bowie Ironsides) As for a timeline, I cannot be here too long before striking without drawing suspicion. Two weeks would be ideal, a month at the most.

Sir Rathan Himoura Marquis of Nebel

Letter from Rathan Himoura (10 days, 1 hour ago) (Personal message to Bowie Ironsides) How I feel about Sorsha will not interfere with my ability. I remain cold and calculating. I will take care of Mathias and company, and hold them as long as I can.

Sir Rathan Himoura Marquis of Nebel

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Taking the letters from Rathan she proceeded in the room to the chair nearest to the window for proper lighting. She read carefully through the letters and folded them when done.

"You have one full hour to prepare Marquis, you will be given a quill and paper to formulate your defense and present to the court. Bowie will also be facing me today since you are both involved in the same crimes." she stood up and walked to the door "He claims to have these letters as well and I will want to compare them as you can understand. You have lost much trust from me in your course of action and though I am fair and will give you the chance to defend yourselves I only do so because it is within your rights. But know that the information I have is more then incriminating and enough to have you both banned from D'Hara." she walked to the door

"If you have a God Marquis I strongly suggest that you seek his guidance for you will need it" she walked to the door and looked back at him

"The King wishes your departure as well, but has left me in charge of deciding what I will do with you both, make sure you present your case thoroughly Rathan for that may be the only advantage you have. I have taken in full consideration your cooperation in this matter and that is the only reason why you are in this room instead of a cell. Your friend Bowie has not had the same luxury" she nodded and excused herself.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

"Thank you Confessor, it is more than I deserve."

Rathan said, standing and bowing as she left. He turned to look out the window, then set to preparing his defense.

Sir Rathan Himoura

Marquis of Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

(ooc- disregard the fact that Mathias and Sorsha are still walking to the palace, they are already in the room…;P I think John needs more time to wake up lol)

Sorsha couldn’t help smiling at his words and approached the dresser and began removing first her weapons, and then her bloodied gauntlets. Looking at all the dried blood, she reached up to touch her face. She could only imagine what she looked like. Should anyone see her, she would probably look like a nightmare of bloodlust. She turned to see him sitting on the bed, waiting. “Mathias… did they mistreat you?” she asked suddenly, the anger inside boiling.

Lady Sorsha McDowell

Marshal of the Black Lions

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Well besides the fact that I was tied and bound for nearly a week, and that they fed me slop. No I was not mistreated. Though I do wish my friend you found me with had lived to come back home with us....I...oh it doesn't matter so long as I am here with you now.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

After leaving Rathan's quarter she set to meet with Bowie in his cell. This was hard for her as she was fond of Bowie, she always seen him as being misunderstood and thought that deep down inside he would overcome the demons within, but with the recent events she could clearly see that he had let his inner hunger take full control of the situation. Arriving to the cell she looked in to see Bowie laying on his back looking back at her.

"Duchess" he nodded

"Bowie I have just received the letters Rathan has forwarded you. You will be given the same time to prepare for your defense in the accusations made against you" she called the guard

"Make sure the Count gets a quill and paper" the guard nodded and set to fetch the tools she requested

"This would be the time to present me the letters he has sent you. I do not trust either of you and will need the time to compare them" she grabbed the bars between them "You have one full hour to prepare yourself as I have given the Marquis the same allotted time" she stepped back

"Like I told the Marquis earlier, If you have a God now would be the time to seek his guidance"

Moments after she spoke with Bowie the guard returned with a quill and paper and handed her the items.

"Make good use of your hour"

She turned to the guard once again. "Bring him a bassinet with warm water so that he may clean himself up I do not wish to see him this way in my court" and the guard nodded "Yes my Queen"

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

The Prince sat in his cell washing himself before trial. Suddenly, a loud boom shook the whole dungeon followed by an explosion right above Bowie's head. The stone floor dropped down into rubble about his cell and Bowie dove for cover.

Above from the hole, a hand reached down and a familiar voice called down.

"Prince! Come on, we're busting you out!"

Bowie reached up and saw the face of his rescuer. It was Volkrad, Captain of the Black Army.

"Volkrad! I am supposed to wait for the Confessor."

Pulling the Prince out of the hole, Volkrad laughs,

"Since when did you wait for anyone? What, are you in love with her or something?"

Bowie blushes, then says.

"Well, I never had a chance in trial anyway. Have you seen the ton of letters Rathan inked? Alright boys this is your show. Let's start dancing."

Bowie exited the next hole in the wall and saw the whole Black Army restraining guards and clearing the street for their exit. He was deeply pleased to see the sight. Bowie stopped and grabbed a piece of paper and some ink.

"Hang on a second, let me do this first."

He quickly wrote a note, tossed it back into his cell, then jumped onto a horse and rode with his army towards the gates of the capital as fast as possible. They succeeded in a very good jail break.

While fleeing, he looked back hoping to catch one last glimpse of his love. The note was addressed to Duchess Kisharianda....

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

(Personal message to Kisharianda Onyxien)

The note you find in the broken dungeon cell...

Dearest Kisharianda,

This was never about you and I. You thought that my actions would harm you or our daughter but I was always sure that no matter what happened you would love her and care for her. Crown or not, kingdom or desert, she would be safe so long as she was with you. Giving her to you was the best decision I ever made. Now, we are both nobles and we build our lives as best we could. You are unfortunately inseparable from my greatest enemy. Whatever I would do to him would inevitably burn you. I love you first and hate your husband second. He is the barricade of my future and I needed to tear him down. I have chosen my side and so have you. That is that.

I will not apologize or ask for your forgiveness. Those things are not necessary. What you must know is that I have always been honest to you. I said what I always felt and hid nothing. Can you condemn me for that?

Take care, love Selena, and do me the last favour I will have the opportunity to ask, please chop off Rathan's head. Allowing him to remain in D'Hara will be an embarrassing mistake. If we followed the plan I wanted to execute, you would have an easier time of your job. The whole kidnapping scenario was his show. He conveniently edited out my feelings of that incident. You can spend the next month in court comparing letters and whatnot, but the end will be just the same.

I'm out.

With forbidden love,

Your Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)