Ironsides Family/Bowie/Bowie Jail

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Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

The Prince awoke from his long nap in the couched area of the King's palace. He had been waiting a while and requested his old habit from a servant. After finishing the bottle he went to sleep. When he awoke, he noticed an extra guard or two watching over him. They seemed a little more alert than earlier. One did not take his eyes off him, and the other was standing near the entrance. Bowie shrugged and signaled for more wine.

He stretched and put his chin on his hand waiting to be seen.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"You may wait outside" she looked back at the guard "And I do not think this will be necessary" she grabbed the bottle of wine from the maid

She gripped Selena's hand and took a few steps forward to make sure Bowie could see all of her. Little pig tails adorn her precious round face, her green eyes looked curiously at the man before her as she put her fingers in her mouth and hid behind her mothers long white dress for security. She watched and studied him like a shy child would and she tried to remain unseen by the stranger in front of her.

"Selena" she knelt down and faced her daughter smiling "Will you go see daddy and ask him to play with you" she took her chin in her hands to see eye level with her

"Yes mommy, I play wif daddy" she hopped a couple times in excitement gripping the sides of her knee high blue velvet dress, she turned to Bowie excitedly off guard "I play wif my daddy" she smiled and came to a quick stop as she looked at Bowie frown from her comment. His eyes pierce at her words and Selena stepped back and once again hid behind her mother.

"Mommy I not like dat man" she whispered as Kisharianda rose back to her feet and she looked back at Bowie "Mommy will talk to him, okay" she waited for Selena to nod

"Now go find daddy" she gave her a tap on her behind and watched her run for the door "Guards" Kisharianda yelled and the door swung open and Selena ran out.

"See that she finds the King, and bring our guest down so we may talk" she ordered, she didn't want to mention Rathan just yet as she didn't want Bowie to know that he was here as well. "And send two more guards for the questioning, and bring my reports and letters from my study" she ordered calmly.

Her eyes locked into Bowie's and she sat further back into the sofa making herself comfortable. Her face showed no emotion, her breathing was regular and slow, she was calm.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long" she gave a lopsided grin "I hope that you were comfortable" she stood up and walked to the window

"Tell me Bowie, what would you do if you were King in a land like D'Hara?" she continued to look out the window. "Would you care for her and feed her people?" she paused "Would you take her riches and and share it equally across the land? and help her prosper into a bigger realm? or would you change what you see before you today?" she turned and looked at him.

Bowie wasn't aware that Kisharianda knew of his plot, and like a game of cat and mouse she hunted questions that would taunt him. She knew Bowie wouldn't pass the opportunity to remind her how he thought the King was a failure in his eyes, and how he was greedy and wrong for the position and even for her, but she couldn't help herself she asked knowing he would bash the King in her presence without caring for his choices of words.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

The Prince answered,

"Well my dear Duchess, that is an interesting question. I suppose I have some ideas on what I would do as the King of D'Hara, but the crown of these islands does not interest me much. Sure if it were to fall on my forehead I would use it as any other would, probably better. Why, are you offering me the job? I was brought in here because of some kidnapping ploy, and because I discovered Lady Sorsha in an inn. Is she alright? She seemed ill last I saw her but she left me without saying a word. Something must have been on her mind."

He shifted and paused a little.

"The little rascal is getting bigger. She is growing wonderfully under your care. I knew you were the right person."

He looked around hoping the servant would return with his bottle of wine.

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Yes she is, she will grow up to be an honorable loyal woman despite her bloodline and the curse you suffer" she turned to the walk to the window

"Well I am pleased to inform you that with the latest report from the Black Lions that the Duke has been found well. In fact I was also informed that he and Lady Sorsha are both making their way back here to the Port as we speak, it shouldn't be much longer now" her hand caressed the thick long braid that hung over her shoulders as she smiled

"You must be wondering why I am holding you here at the palace?" she took the bottle of wine from the desk "Would you" she waited for him to open the bottle for her and she poured herself a glass and returned the bottle to it's former place without offering him a glass.

"I am having difficulty understanding how a Duke was actually taken from D'hara and how four capable men were outsmarted into a real abduction of the Duke. Explain to me the night events so that I may put the missing pieces together. As of now there is no trail of evidence and we are chasing a ghost" she cocked her head "Lady Sorsha was clubbed over the head and thrown overboard a burning ship, her memory doesn't recollect any events from that night but a fire, I'm hoping you could shed some light" she sipped her wine and waited for him to answer her

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"Oh I see, well let me relate my perspective of the story. I was sent a letter from Duke Hexic inviting me to participate in a mock abduction of Duke Mathias. The idea was that we would force him to avoid all of the responsibilities he obsesses over and celebrate his upcoming marriage, a bachelor party. I thought that Duke Hexic had a great idea and I replied that I would attend. When I showed up, we did things mainly as we planned and we kicked off the party. I did not get a chance to speak with many guests, or even to congratulate Lord Mathias, though he failed to notify me of his proposal to Lady Sorsha, nevertheless I attended. As the party carried on I fell back into my old habits and was absent for all of the excitement. When my companion and I exited our hideaway we left the ship and were nabbed by the Black Lions. Oh, and we collected as much alcohol as we could from the empty ship. I do not recall corpses or hearing anything unusual. Forgive me if that does not fill in your gaps."

He reached out and poured himself a glass, raising an eyebrow to her. He knew that there was some chaos about, the Black Lions had twisted his arm for some reason. There was more she would ask he assumed, so he took a long sip and sat back awaiting the torrent of whatever she may throw at him. Though he thought to ask,

"Will your husband be joining us for wine, my dear?"

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"I'm afraid not, he's tied up with other matters at this time, but I do not need him here to assess this situation" she paused "Let's just say it's best if he were not" she sipped her wine as she watched him pour himself some wine.

"I see you do not have much information to share from that night, so lets move on to another matter that has been bothering me" she reached over to the pile of letters on the desk.

"Let me read you some interesting missives, I have recently been given" she sat back in her chair making sure he could see the seal

"You might recognize the nature of these letters considering they are yours" she flickered the wax and looked up at him. "I do not think you can deny this as it is your personal seal" she looked down and began to read

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (10 days, 13 hours ago)

Alright Marquis, the two of us have usually been similar in method though different in motive. Since you have already begun to separate yourself from this realm in your mind then you may be more receptive to what I am about to tell you. You should immediately realize the danger I have just put myself in, but, I have always been a risk taker and I certainly do not hold much weight in trust.

It has occurred to me that Cenarious is leading the realm in the exact opposite direction of where I want it to go. He has left me in the dust and I am not happy. I have always been a patient and determined man and I have ambitions and goals. Since we overthrew the Old Bat I have been operating with the position of cooperation in hopes of accomplishing my aims. Cenarious is no longer interested in cooperation. Cenarious has become an obstacle.

You say there are things in the realm that are causing you to move away? Why should you leave and start the incredibly long and immensely difficult journey of traveling all the way west and attempting to build a new home for yourself? Instead why don't you push out the thing that is causing you to move? I want to push out Cenarious and take D'Hara for myself. A coup d'etat. Those who will likely oppose me will be his wife, the Duchess of Port Raviel, most likely the Duke of Port Nebel, and probably a lot of the other Lords whose minds are unformed and too feeble to realize his inadequacies. That means there will be room for a lot of promotion. This plan is my unfinished business. Sallowtown will never be mine so long as that dolt blocks me. Either I push him out of the way or I fold.

Proposition. Instead of building a whole new realm far west, taking all of that time and effort, you and your two companions join my collegiate and we steal this realm for ourselves. There will be a city in it for you, and a nice government rank. Any one except banker is for your choosing. It should be obvious that I will be the ruler in this scheme. If we fail then we move to Caerwyn as colonists, gather resources and make an attempt at Echiur, the last best city.

Does that douse your intention to leave? Do you find it appealing? You know we could do it. We just have to sell it the right way.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Or this one.. she picked up another letter from Bowie to Rathan

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (9 days, 16 hours ago)

Ha! I was planning on burning down his temple in Port Nebel in a great purge of Astromancy! Great ideas really do foster other great ideas. If you wish to kill him, I won't stop you! We can make it a festival!

Alright, let us begin the scheme. The Confessor position is yours, and depending on the outcome, you may have one of the cities. We must look towards gathering our forces in the capital and slowly poison the environment of the people around us. What I wish to do is make the realm, who are largely lazy and uninformed, understand that all we are doing is replacing one man with another. Cenarious for me. Of course the whole cast of lords will probably change, but so long as they feel they are not going to experience a major change, they might not mind and they might not resist.

I have ideas that I am nurturing on how to spin this, and I will start sending out short and subtle letters to my colleagues in the realm to gauge their loyalty to the Cabbage (his code name from now on). We must try to gather as many sympathetic nobles into our camp without telling them our true intentions. This way when we finally do chop the head of the snake they will likely step aside instead of step in the way.

Please introduce me to your friends and feel free to share any other ideas you have. This league of chivalry that exists in Port Raviel I assume is the Cabbage's effort. That must be destroyed as well after we take power.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

"As I see you have already promised my position to Rathan as Confessor to the realm, that arrogance will cost you more then you'll know but this is the most intimidating letters of them all since it incriminates both you and Rathan in kidnapping the Duke for real" she smiled and continued to ruffle through the letters. "Here it is" she pulled it from the bottom of the pile

Letter from Bowie Ironsides (7 days, 11 hours ago)

The party will take place when Duke Hexic arrives in Port Nebel. How should we proceed with the plan. I do not want your hearthrows to interfere with our plans to take the crown, so here is what I propose.

You should intercept our attempt and kidnap Mathias for real. This way, it would seem like you are trying one last attempt to gain Sorsha and not let the Astromancer have her. By the time the full event plays out, after the search and rescue, and the accusations etc. we may be ready to strike. I can say for certainty that next week will not be a good time for me to engage in anything, I will be kept busy on business. Once I return, we can initiate, or begin preparing for, the final curtain. Would you be able to stall the rescue of Mathias until then? About a week of keeping him tucked away? It may just serve as a distraction while we gather in the capital and build our forces. We will need many to defeat the militia plus.

Is there a time limit for your departure? I did not know you were being herded out.

The Prince,

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

"Do you honestly think after all the commotions you have already created in the realm that it's nobles would follow you, you are deceitful and untrusting but most importantly Bowie you are the snake which needs to be put down and your followers as well.. now I do not need to venture far to know that Kratos is already involved in this and his silence speaks more words then he will ever try to hide. As he has already been incriminated by his own letters to another member of D'Hara. The way I see it you are both at the edge and the only thing I need to do is flicker you both out of my site. I am not a woman of torture nor do I marvel in the pain of others, but for putting our lands at risk and most importantly my family which consists of your own blood you will see my wrath at it's full capacity this I promise you" she stood up and her voice grew more dark "You are my Champion! how could you betray me this way, you claim to love me and in the same breath you stab me in the back. For this Bowie you will never be forgiven.. and do not worry yourself you will not be forgotten either, not by the nobles of this realm, but I promise you Selena will never know the likes of you nor will she be tied to your name!" she turned her back to him as she signaled the guards to get closer. "You can reflect on this while I decide what to do with you, but know this if you attempt to break free or cause any harm to anyone of this house your punishment will be quicker then you hoped for. I told you once Bowie I do not like to be double crossed, you chose the wrong person to step on this time my friend" she shook her head "the wrong person" she watched the guards defile him of his weapons and search him thoroughly she had been fooled by Rathan but she was not going to be fool twice. "Take him to his cell" she turned her back to him and her eyes filled with water "I'll decide what to do with him later" she walked passed him as they drug him out the room.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

Dragged out of the room, Bowie yells back to the Confessor.

"Did Rathan give you any of the letters with his name on them? Did you even ask him? How convenient! Did you even bother to ask about what he erased, what he rewrote? Ha! Some justice! You avoid interrogation, you ignore investigation because of my reputation? I am your Champion! You are raising my daughter! You know how I feel for you. Rathan is lying to you. Duchess! Duchess! I was double crossed first! Just like the Old Bat before him your husband has broken our contract! Is he not bound to your laws? Judge him! Interrogate him! You are not solving anything by silencing meeee!"

He is thwacked on the head and dragged out of her earshot.

Bowie Ironsides (Duke)

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Message sent to everyone in your realm (27 recipients)

She closed her eyes as she heard his plea, the tears ran down her cheek and she sat on the sofa holding her legs close to her chest and let it out. She was alone now the silence filled the room and Misha walked in.

"My Queen" she said concerned "Is everything ok?" she sat near Kish and handed her a handkerchief and Kisharianda nodded. "Yes I'll be find, I hate deceit, lies" she choked up again. "Today I do not like my job" she stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes "But it's never easy to hurt the ones you love" she walked out the door leaving Misha in the room.

Walking to the council room she found Cenarious sitting waiting for her as he occupied Selena with her dolls. He smiled at her and stood up to pull her chair "Have you finished with Bowie" he asked pushing the chair forward and she nodded.

"I am not done with them, I didn't give him a chance to defend himself I presented him with the facts and sent him to a cell. I ordered for Rathan to be brought for the questioning but the guards never brought him. I was informed after the guards at the door refused entry due to my recent order to let no one in the room. At least I know where the loyalty of my guards stand, if only the rest of the nobles were so compliant to obey their orders we wouldn't be in this mess." she took a shaky breath "This is not going to be easy for me you know this right?" she looked up at him

"I know my love, but you'll see this through and you'll be fine when it's all done. Think of the children and the nobles you are saving from his wrath." he patted her back and walked back to his chair.

"Bowie claims that Rathan had just as much to do with this then he did, that he lied and is hiding behind the truth. It's only fair that I give Bowie the same opportunity as I have Rathan, after all he has a right to present his defense" she looked at Selena who continued to play on the floor with her dolls. "But I know damn well he will manipulate the words as Rathan could have with Bowie's letters. At this point I am almost tempted to bring them both to trial and charge them both of treason and kidnapping and so on. They both orchestrated this they should both be punish equally.

Cenarious looked at her and smiled "Now you see why you are Confessor, you will get to the heart of it all Kish, you always do, have a little faith in yourself." he smiled and grabbed his brandy glass "I do" he winked at her behind over his glass.

Kisharianda Onyxien

Confessor of D'Hara, Duchess of Port Raviel