Artemesia Family/Garret

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Garret was born named Galahad Artemis, older brother of Sefrino Artemis, and successor to the original noble house of Artemis, now united as the house of Artemesia.

After leaving his home in the East Continent to pursue his own fortunes in the Far East, where he hoped his hard work would bring him glory, he found his world suddenly shattered, literally, into several pieces when Lasanar split apart. Believing the Duke of Akanos' words, Garret gave his support to Esorp Motab, but due to an infiltrator's actions, both he and Esorp were wounded, and Halcyon Jaczuma weaseled his way into the throne, proclaiming himself emperor. Esorp managed to appoint Garret as the Baron of Upasael, and soon afterward Halcyon exchanged Upasael to the remnants of Lasanar. As the sole inhabitant of Upasael for two weeks, Garret managed to maintain Upasael in good condition, and acquired the Silver Shield off a freeman. Within another week, Garret received a letter from Jared about a land to the west, yet untamed. Seeking to start anew, Garret took a ship to Dwilight.

He arrived in Shadovar, where he lived quietly, going abroad to do trade, and mapping the western lands still covered under darkness. He sought not fame or riches, only a chance to work hard as he had hoped to do in Lasanar. But once more that would change when Mathias Ridder called forth a rebellion in Shadovar based on the frivolous reasoning that Dictator Edelstein Greenburie wrongfully banned Katayanna Ogren for being part of the rebellion. It turned out that Katayanna was, in fact, a true rebel, and Mathias had been planning a rebellion from the start. His crony Yoruk Bronzeweasel called a fake movement into Nebel to clear the capital of Port Nebel, and so the rebels managed to usurp power. Interestingly enough, within days Mathias ousted Duke ConDoin of Port Raviel, and was struck by a lightning bolt for the act. He also called for the disposal of Marquis Bronzeweasel, the very agent he used to secure his rebellion. How fitting for the "Scarlet Emperor" to quickly take the opportunity to stain himself scarlet with the blood of his enemies and his subordinates.

Garret moved east, to the desert, with an intense feeling of hatred, and an understanding that one day, he would live to see Mathias fall, to see the degeneration of Katayanna, and to return in an ironic twist of fate with the true dictator Edelstein. However, while he lay exhausted in the Desert of Silhouettes, a trio of lights appeared to him, becalming his spirits. He followed those stars, to the plains of Morek.

In time, Garret learned to understand the subtle pulls of the Trinity on his being. Eventually, he came to understand, and he did as he knew was right. He forgave his enemies, even if he did not forget. And from that moment on, he lived life looking forward, never bothered even when forced to look back.

Titles held and/or currently holding:

  • Knight of Larodais
  • Baron of Upasael
  • Knight of Nebel
  • Knight of Port Raviel
  • Knight of Cailyn
  • Asterion of Aquilegia
  • Knight of Flowrestown
  • Fiduciary of Aquilegia (Temporary substitute)
  • Knight of Turbul
  • Viscount of Turbul (Temporary substitute)
  • Viscount of Tranquil (Temporary substitute)
  • Knight of Tranquil
  • Kalos Kagathos of Aquilegia (Temporary substitute)
  • Arbiter of Aquilegia
  • Duke of Flowrestown (Special arrangement)
  • Viscount of Fatexna (Temporary substitute)
  • Marshal of the Covenant of Phantoms of Aquilegia