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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area


Located on the east bank of the winding river that runs through the center of the Empire, beginning outside of the city of Eaglin, passing the shores of Cagil and finally entering the great southern sea by the city of Calis sits the rural region of Ansalle.

While there are badlands to the west, toward this river, the plains to the south and the small lake situated in the center of the province provides good rich harvests to feed not only the large local populace but also neighboring regions. Hamlets dot the locality, with the main centers of activity circling the Estates of the local lord and his knights.

While local militia and units from the Empire's defensive army sometimes are seen to patrol the area, many locals insist that it is only further south that such military is needed to deal with the frequent appearances of monsters and undead. In fact, as it is told, the region itself derives its name from the oldest languages of the continent, translating as Safety.

In all, the weather suits what is a mainly agricultural land and peace seems to prosper with the residents.


 - Traders Supplies
 - "Black Horsemen" Cavalry Recruitment
 - "Ansalle Swiftblades" Infantry Recruitment


Current Knights:

 - Sir Tristan Devlin
 - Sir Xyst Tybonn

Former Knights:

 - Earl Jeren Mithril Tybonn