Ironsides Family/Bowie/Letter of Grievance

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Public Letter of Grievance

This is the reason why Black Bowie Ironsides supported the rebels against the Dragon Queen Katayanna. The item to which was in contest for him was the city of Sallowtown. General Cenarious, as the likely victor in the Rebellion, became the authority that vindicated Black Bowie's claim to the city. Prior to this was the contract with the Dragon Queen.

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (32 recipients)

To those for a Better Tomorrow,


My words are these,

Dragon Queen, you know that you have shown me mercy and I have been controllable. In return, along with a very small few, a slim handful, I respected you. Now that you are abandoning your crown, you are no longer able to provide me with what I want. So, you relinquish your use and have reduced yourself. What is left for me to respect? What is left for me to say, “If I disobey her, she will take my city away?” Now you have nothing over me! The General has taken your place as the go to guy. So sorry.

I support the rebels!

Down with the Crown!

Black Bowie,

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Nebel)