Fury Family/Arden

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My Lords,

As most of you do not know, I shall now tell you of how Sir Milmice and I came to Fissoa. It was in Caerwyn that Sir Milmice first contacted me in a most unusual way - asking me for my coat no less with nary an introduction. My first thought was that he was a batty old knight (apologies, Sir Milmice!) who spoke strangely and talked of daemons.

In time, I have found him to be the most noble knight I have ever known - one who clothes himself with honour and chivalry. An adventurous explorer who delights in all things Dwilight. There is no fear of him overthrowing anyone. On our journey here at the invitation of Duke Leon (the reason of which I shall leave for another time), Sir Milmice has confided much in me and it would be extremely unlikely that he has any ulterior motive other than the welfare of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa.

I do not say anything lightly of any man, and the fact that I have followed him here for hundreds of miles should speak volumes of my respect for this great man. He has suffered much and in return has much to offer. I trust him with my life.

Eternal Fury Earl of Mangai

I am returning to Fissoa after the disaster at Nuas with all my men wiped out. I had my squire hold all messages while I took a long nap on a long trip to the capital and it seems I've missed all the excitement. As such, I will now speak my peace.

The Grand Duke has his reasons for doing what he is doing and he will make things known in good time. The realms are uniting and it will be the Duke's prerogative to explain... or not. The flurry of protests will not hasten the explanation. He is of sound mind, sounder than any with foresight and vision. The threat we shall be facing shall be explained by the Grand Duke and it is not my place to step before him. It is our duty stand behind him that he may be able to present a strong and united Fissoa before the realms of Dwilight.

As for Sir Milmice, Judge of Fissoa, I shall also speak my peace as one who knows him better than any here save one. Sir Milmice and I have travelled from Caerwyn. We are not natives of Fissoa but have made our home here. It may be that the local Fissoans have a different way of reacting to things but I know Sir Milmice as a knight who upholds honour and chivalry. Insults, intended or otherwise - directly or indirectly casts a slur upon his honour and his code of chivalry will always demand a duel and I have seen it happen. While he may be new to Fissoa, he is a knight with much honour and experience behind his armour and it would be in the better interest of us all to court that experience and honour rather than confront it. He has no notions of power or holding on to it but rather uses it as a tool to serve the realm. In fact he has a greater destiny and confronts his future with humility - and this too I have personally experienced.

So, forgive him should his words cause concern for they come from a heart that cares and suffers not slights to his honour or to the realm that he serves. Eternal Fury Earl of Mangai

On his return to Mangai, the region of Fissoa that sits upon a narrow gulf creating a safe and natural harbour from the treacherous storms of the southern seas and characterised by its generous expanse of grassland bordered by a desert of wild palm trees to its north and and a close-knit forest to its east, Eternal Fury found himself invited to a spiritual ceremony in the clouded peaks of Mt. Mangai.

Mangai, which takes its name from Mt. Mangai - a mysterious mountain that cuts a solitary figure opening into the gulf, is a popular destination for pilgrims of all faiths who come from afar to make a spiritual pilgrimage. As Eternal made his way to the top accompanied by his squire he was warmly welcomed by dozens of pilgrims who rose as he approached and bowed deeply.

"Arden! Arden! Lord of the land - Lord of Mangai! May you be blessed." And the pilgrims departed swiftly and silently as they descended the mountain with low murmurs of "Arden...Arden...".

It was then that Eternal realised his spiritual annointing and blessings. He was and will always be Eternal Fury but to the spiritual pilgrims he is, in the ancient and forgotten languages of Dwilight, Arden - desire, fervour, passion and intensity. Arden pondered upon the meaning of it all as he surveyed the view from the top of Mt. Mangai that extends beyond the seas of Dwilight into the unknown...

Arden Fury Earl of Mangai