Veritas Vincit/Custos

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Custos is a newly discovered god that is the known protector of Eston herself. Andrew McKay, the warrior King, and the Lion of Eston, Marouane, were called from death itself to serve Custos in the protection of Eston. At this time much is not known of Custos, beyond the fact that he is currenlty at war with a death god that is attempting to corrupt realms of Atamara, to raise an army to destroy Eston, and anyone else who harbors the truth. Custos revealed himself to Cornic, the leader of the Veritas, during the start of the Eston war with Darka, warning Cornic that an evil force, a death god, has corrupted the leaderhip of Darka and is attempting to destroy Eston, and the Veritas. During this time he revealed to Cornic, that previous histories of the god hidden in various ancient text will now revealed to Cornic, all he has to do is search it out.

Custos is known to be part of the guardian sect, a group of gods who have dedicated themselves to protecting humanity from the various evil gods who wish to destroy or enslave humans.