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   A. The Constitution defines the basic criminal laws of Xerolco. Other,
      lesser administrative laws are created by the Obsidian Consortium and bound
      under the title of Imperial Legislation.


   A. These laws are the supreme criminal law within Xerolco.
      Where there is conflict between this Constitution and an Imperial Legislation, the Constitution has 

   B. These laws apply uniformly to all citizens of any nation within Xerolco,
      and to all citizens of Xerolco in any nation.

   C. Unless an appeal for the contrary is approved by the Inquisition, an individual
      can be held accountable for the acts of his kin in blood.

   A. All people are inherently endowed with essential rights. These are, in order 
      of importance,

     1. the right to obey and to be governed, as this is the basis of our society;

     2. the right to a strong government, because our cohesion defines what we can accomplish; and

     3. the right to property, so that we can protect the rewards of our accomplishments.


   A. The rights of a noble must not deny a more essential right of another 
      noble. Where the rights of two nobles overlap, the lesser right 
      becomes a privilege, which must be specifically granted by the other noble 
      before it can be expected.

      1. Actions of an individual must be restricted

         A. within, or with regards to, the property of another,

         B. if it restricts the abilities of the realm, or

         C. if it harms the life of an unconvicted citizen of equal or greater rank.

      2. No noble may become the property of another.


   A. Those whose actions violate the rights of another, shall forfeit their own 

      1. All violations of another's rights will result in whatever punishment the High Inquisitor deems fit.


   A. All nobles must worship the Dark Lord Teros and enforce his teachings.

   B. All nobles with any sort of title must lead through example.

   C. All nobles must further the realm's interests whenever possible. 

   D. All nobles must denounce traitors and heretics to the appropriate council immediately.


   A. The Inquisition shall be entrusted to enforce these laws.

   B. Suspected Criminals shall be charged and prosecuted by the High Inquisitor of 
      the Theocracy.

   C. Disrespect of this Constitution will remove legitimacy from one's reign.

As signed by Nicolas Chénier, Founding Sovereign of Xerolco.