Talk:Dwilight/Sallowsitte Dawn

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22 October 2008,

Sallowsitte Dawn

Since my character is planning on founding a realm in Sallowtown, my imagination went wild and I thought of writing a history as to what happened before he arrives. The full story encompases the regions of Sallowtown, Sallowwild, the Desert of Silhouettes, Axewild, Girich, Nyuushi, Shyussei, Mattan Dews, Lupa Lapu and Ciarin Tut. With these regions, I will fill in something for their wiki page that mentions their role in the Sallowsitte Cape history. Nothing here points to my character or any of his designs, but if he succeeds his realm will fit into the history. So if he fails, it will be open for anyone to take it where I leave off.

I hope that it is acceptable for me to do this, as I am creating a major cultural feature out of these regions. If there are any prior stories designed for them I hope we can mesh them well. I would not have a problem with it, as this history spans many millenia.

It is a really sweet story too. You'll all get the chance to read it soon :)

For any information on the realm I wish to create, I think I might begin to design a wiki page off of my own page to attract would be candidates. It is tough to found a realm on my own and I would like to recruit the proper characters to help...shady, underworld type characters...