Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 10

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Roleplay from Kultan
For the second time of the evening, Kultan was relegated to being a mere spectator, frozen along the wall as he watched the unfathomable happen. Julia's destructive energy, a whirlwind of hatred and venegeance, Philippe's fall, her mercy and brief moment of vulnerability, followed by Philippe revealing his stony interior. Half-dazed, barely thinking, Kultan pulled out a small flute and began to play. Most of the time his playing was just for show, to entertain the audience in order to extract a few more coins or at least stave off a hail of projectiles; this time, though, it was a song from his heart.

The music, beautifully haunted and speaking of unrequited love and anguish and heartache and longing, filled the room, taking flight. Even Philippe paused when he heard the ethereal melody, and Kultan thought for a second that he saw a golden tear shed from the stone man's jeweled eye.

Roleplay from Julia (41 recipients) (5 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm -"I could crush your throat princess, stone is good at that.... " his threat trailed off as she felt Philippe studying her, his hand pressing her throat cutting off Julia's breath

Finally bringing her closer he says,

-"Or I could finish your training in the code, teach you to direct your anger, to expand your hatred of men to all lesser creatures; to make you the full Black Knight you were meant to be."

Teardrops still running from her eyes, the Amazon replied, struggling to fill her lungs with fresh air

-"No Philippe, Philip, Avatar of him or whatever your true name is. I didn't win the most difficult battle of my life to submit to your evil teaching. I do not seek for power Philippe. I am a Dame of the People, an Amazon Princess, an Avamarian. I know not of Black Nights. I care not. I seek for no power"

Julia's free hand moved slowly toward her leather belt where Doccy's Whip was resting

-"My desires had always been much humbler Philippe. I do not seek for power, at least not the power you are referring to. I seek for true power Philippe. I seek for peace and love"

By saying the last word, Julia drags the small dagger, hidden until now behind Doccy's whip. The same dagger Philip had returned to her when she came back to Avamar after her long trip.

Phillipe catches the unusual glint out of the corner of his eye. The blade is sharp but what catches his attention is that there's still wrapped around the handle a chain, ending with a golden teardrop, the symbol of Sacrifice.

-"It was not meant to end like that. I'm sorry. I really am. Goodbye Philip" Julia says as she stubs again and again the eerie faceless Avatar

Roleplay from Philip
‘‘Julia's free hand moved slowly toward her leather belt where Doccy's Whip was resting’‘

Seeing her move slowly towards her whip Philippe scoffed, stupid woman, did she really think that would do anything?

‘‘-"My desires had always been much humbler Philippe. I do not seek for power, at least not the power you are referring to. I seek for true power Philippe. I seek for peace and love"

By saying the last word, Julia drags the small dagger, hidden until now behind Doccy's whip. The same dagger Philip had returned to her when she came back to Avamar after her long trip.’‘

Seeing the dagger race towards his head Philippe curls his fingers causing the blade to twist and warp flowing out of the way but ‘‘Phillipe catches the unusual glint out of the corner of his eye. The blade is sharp but what catches his attention is that there's still wrapped around the handle a chain, ending with a golden teardrop, the symbol of Sacrifice.’‘ His powers faltering for but a second as the mask speaks again, the blade to sinks home.

‘‘-"It was not meant to end like that. I'm sorry. I really am. Goodbye Philip" Julia says as she stubs again and again the eerie faceless Avatar’‘

As the knife slid between the eye slit and pierced the golem's head for the third blow of the evening everyone in the crowd could almost see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place:

‘‘Turning in slow motion, his cloak swirling out around him, Philip watched as the quarrel tore through the air towards his helmet and desperately tried to bring his arm up to block..... Hurling himself forward Sir Yimlos intercepted the quarrel.

Kira to notice that it was Philip and pull his sword away from the strike but he did plant his foot to the face of Philip when he was trying to recover and flipped to the other side of Philip.

Kira's blade rapped into the side of Philip's helmet, making a ringing sound, while he said, "You duel poorly hero...."‘‘

While the people of Avamar realized the weakness of the construct, Philippe could sense the magical stone from the far off Ubent mountains begin to crumble. As the living stone died Philippe raged against the inevitable and desperately tried to hold together his link to the world through sheer force of will and power; but not all things can be solved by force alone. All on lookers watched as the towering figure of black metal and cold stone collapsed with a roar into a sea of gravel and bits of metal. The monster in man form, the Black Knight, was gone.

Struggling out of the entangling pile of scrap and sand Julia dragged herself to freedom while desperately clawing at the gauntlet still wrapped around her throat. As she fought on a small jewel of swirling red was pulled by the flagstones inch by inch towards an open drain.

Okay after this part things are a mess, I'll have to rewrite the ending.

Roleplay from Kultan
Kultan was running up with the rest of the spectators to help Julia when he caught a glint of light out of the corner of his eye (bards having a natural attraction to shiny objects, after all). Turning, he saw what appeared to be a small jewel flowing towards an open drain on the current of rubble, and, quickly judging that the rest of the party would be able to do just fine helping Julia without him, dove for the object. It was just out of his reach, but with flute still in hand he managed to bat it out of the path of rubble.

Roleplay from Kultan
Staring in shock as his flute deflected away from the stone and wrapped itself around his arm, Kultan tried to pull himself towards it, but to no avail. The flute was dragging his one arm back, and the stream of rubble seemed to divide into two, one pushing the stone ever closer towards the drain and the other acting as a screen between it and Kultan. He yelled, but everybody else was too far away with Julia, and it was doubtless that any of them could hear with the rainlike falling of the debris. Only seconds remained before the stone slipped away.

Roleplay from Kultan
Damn him! Kultan swore to himself, watching the prize float away. The screen of rubble floated in the air in front of him, stinging his face, but he could still see the gem head closer to the drain. He banged his hand down in frustration and heard a sharp clatter at the same time as a dull pain spread through his hand. Looking down, he saw a piece of the black armour, most likely a piece of arm or leg guard. Just lying there ...

Kultan's mind flashed back to some nameless tavern he had once visited clear across the continent. The locals weren't that interested in his music, but at least they let him sit for a drink. Some wizzened old man had tried to sell him an amulet made of what he called "Black Iron" which he claimed to make the wearer impervious to magic. Kultan had scoffed at the claims, in part because he didn't want any extended bargaining to reveal the dire state of his finance at the time. The thing was, that charm had the exact same sheen to it as the armour piece lying in front of him!

Picking it up, Kultan waved it over his enclosed arm and felt the pull of his treacherous flute falter. He was about to pull the flute lose when he saw the gem almost reach the drain, and decided to reassess his priorities. His aim true, the fragment passed through the rubble screen with no impediment, to knock the gem out of the groove. Immediately the rubble shifted, trying to reclaim its prize, but Kultan quickly picked up another piece of armour and used it to clear a path to the gem, batting away the streams of rock. By this point Julia had loosened the gauntlet from her neck, and started using it to clear the rubble away. With an almost human-like hiss of vexation, the rubble turned as one and flew down the drain, leaving only the stunned Avamarians, bits of armour and the gem.

Message from Tasadar (41 recipients) (5 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Tasadar seeing Kultans impending doom lept in fron of the arrow just in time to take the arrow in the shoulder. He immediatley fell to the ground and yelled to Kultan "Hey now you owe me one, I just saved your life" immediatley followed by the questions "What is going on?" and "What happened to Phillipe I thought I could fight him? I am more confused then ever". Seeing an opportunity he stealthily slid into a corner near the back of the room. "Hopefully I can hide here until I can straighten things out."

Roleplay from One (41 recipients) (5 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm One using his burocratic speed pulled from his jacket the book of laws for Avamar. One tossed the book between Kultan and the crossbow just as it fired.

"Stop in the name of Justice!!!"

Considering Avamar has over twenty-eight thousand laws the book easily stopped the bolt, damaging only the section on what color pants one is allowed to wear on a Wednesday.

Roleplay from One (41 recipients) (5 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm "Good thing I stopped that second bolt or you would have been toast, toast is food, you eat food, soup is food, a fly was in my soup!!!

I will find you who ever put that fly in my soup and I will get my revenge!!!"

Roleplay from Kultan (41 recipients) (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm "Umm, Tasadar? That's a rock you're sitting on. The jewel's in my hand here."

Tasadar blushed and shrugged again. "F*k that hurts! Well, I'm going to head to the healers while the rest of you sit here blahblahblahing."

As he headed off to get his shoulder attended to, Kultan and the rest of the group had a close look at the gem. "It must be immensely powerful, if Philippe tried so hard to keep it away from us" Lalakis opinioned. "We should keep it, maybe we could figure out how to use it against our enemies!" One suggested. "But maybe this is what corrupted Philip? Turned him into a black Knight and all," Eilonwy pointed out.

"Well, I know what I'm going to do with it" Kultan announced. Taking out the hammer he had used to aid construction in Montijo during his brief stint as a bureaucratic worker, he set the jewel on the ground and brought the hammer up ...

Roleplay from Eilonwy (40 recipients) (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Eilonwy walks back to her Judge's quarters after the battle with Philippe. It was done. Ended. As was everything she knew. Wiping grime from her face, she nodded to the remaining guards at the entrance to the building where she and the other government officials had their quarters, not daring to say a word for fear of the anguish she would hear in her voice. She would wait until she got to her bedroom, just a few more steps. . . .

"Khamil, bring me paper and a pen, I have a letter to write." she managed to squeak out to her manservent, managing to keep her voice somewhat in line, even if it went up and down a little more than she would have liked.

"Yes, m'lady. Is m'lady alright? Should I request Camia prepare a bath for you?"

"I'm fine, Khamil, but yes, ask her to get me a bath. Letter first."

After a moment, she sat down at her desk with paper and pen in front of her, and began to write.

My friends, with the loss of Philip, and his transformation to Philippe, which I now am forced to admit is reality, and not some dark twisted dream, I am somewhat at a loss. The man who showed me the Virtues is shown to be an evil most foul, and I am no longer sure of myself. Effective at once, I resign as Judge, for I believe I no longer have the conviction nor the clarity to see and do Justice.

Dame Eilonwy Evans Grand Justicar of Avamar Dame of Justice

She looked at the letter. "Khamil, I need this sent out to the whole realm as soon as . . . as soon as you can. Imp . . . important, business."

She slumped, losing what little energy she had left after the fight. When Khamil pulled the paper out from under her sleeping head, it was stained with tears.

Roleplay from Julia
A messanger from arrives in Avamar. She comes from Perdan as the banner she carries reveals.

-"Open up the Gates. I have an urgent message to Lady Julia of Avamar" The messanger shouts

The giant wooden and metal gates slowly open and Lord Kamenos appears

-"Is there something wrong? Julia is not available right now, by I can handle her the message you are bringing"

The messanger, after checking Kamenos papers, gives out a wrapped parchement and departs at once. Kamenos can't resist the temptation and reads the message as he walks to Unti's Warehouse

"My dear Sister,

I have been informed through the guild about the appointment of Philip as Duke of Avamar. I suggest to delay somehow the ceremony and then move, you or to any other of the Avamarian nobles, first to the Academy of Knoweldge in Montijo. There search and skim through Philip's, Thomas' and Lina's books. Then you must go straight to the temple in Oporto where Philip's hounding occured. You can also ask Lina and Thomas about Philip. I've heard that they know much more than it seems. There's something wrong about Philip! Do not trust him I urge you!

Always yours,

Pipeta of Perdan"

Kamenos reads the message again. Most Avamarians, including Julia, are fighting Philippe and his monsters right now. The mosters once Lina fought as kamenos recalls! But what can he possibly do alone?

Roleplay from Kamenos
Kamenos is troubled by the letter has just read. I have to find Lady Julia he mumbles over and over again while in his mind he considers the advice enclosed in the letter. Get to Montijo in the Temple of Wisdom, get to Oporto and see the books... Hm Montijo and Oporto are currently occupied by the evil and remorseless Fontanese... But 1 man could get past their lines.. for the right price of course...

Kamenos thinks about it over and over again while looking for Lady Julia. The more he thinks about the more mad the whole scheme appears (but after his recent intimate meeting with that Sirionite mace in Elmbar)Kamenos decides to put the plan in action... he will travel to Montijo and see what he can unearth there. Mortal dangers require mortal sacrifices he says while the good people of Avamar clear the way for the bandaged wild eyed noble who talks to himself!

At last Lady Julia appears in the distance, Kamenos would recognise her grave respectful countenance everywhere...

Roleplay from Lina
Arriving at the warehouse battered and bloody Lina smiled and, removing her feathered cap, made a sweeping bow, “So it is done. Thank you good people of Avamar for your aid, I am in your debt for your brave efforts this day.”

Grimacing Lina dragged herself forward towards the Knights of the People, “I know not why the monster founded your order, but take not his betrayal as a sign of the end. Your strength enabled you to resist his efforts and defeat him and so it seems some good came of his darkness. It is when we are tested that our true spirit shines through.”

Turning to Julia Lina continued, “Whatever feelings you had for the monster would have been wasted, creatures like him cannot return them. Take comfort in the fact that you did the right thing.” Lina’s words struck the crowd as rather similar to the view of Philippe; it appeared that Lina had a blind spot in her supposed virtuous nature.