Mekorig Family/Baldur/Travel Log

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23 of March of the year 1008

A few days after my arrival, my acclimatization to Madina`s weather and my try to get a meeting with the Great Abbot, and began my journey to find a good place to claim my own. I depart from Madina in company of my scribe, some servants, three mules, supplies and a new horse. I really hope i find a good and prosper place to fund the Order.

23 of March of the year 1008

I stooped in Madina Gardens to hire some guides. I found a group of three willing ones, who tell me they know the souther tip of the west continent. I hope they are right. We bough some more supplies.

24 of March of the year 1008

We passed by the lawless province of Lugagun, and don't stop. The trip goes well. Shortly we will passing the Bol-Gun Bridge bridge.

24 of March of the year 1008

We passed the accursed bridge in the dead of the night because of a thrice dammed unit of Hobgoblins camping near it. If only i would be leading some soldiers...

25 of March of the year 1008

We arrived to Fatmilak. This decrepit region is occupied by simple peasants more afraid of the mosters that anything else. They told us of a abandoned tower and port to the north, Tower Fatmilak.

25 of March of the year 1008

We arrived to the tower, or what is left from it. Its inhabitants tell us the history of how a mighty warrior, surely a pirate Captain from what they said, build this tower to reign Fatmilak and defend it from roaming monster. From what i see, he failed.I don't know why, but it design makes me remember of Ikalakian architecture. I hired a boatman to cross us trough the strait to a city called Candiels.

26 of March of the year 1008

Candiels is what is left of what looks like a small military post in the southern tip of a peninsula. Its crumbled walls shows the scars of war machines, and few buildings inside the city are more than rubble. Part of it is dominated by gangs of bandits and goblins. Lucky, a family of humble scavengers gave us shelter for the night. One of their kids, the youngest shows great intelligence and wits, and they are more than willing to gave me him has a servant in exchange of a few coins of silver. The youngling, Lucas, is better with me than here, has he and his family shown sign of malnutrition. Has a side note, i have seen a number of sign stones scribed with strange runes. Lucas tell me that the runes are "old speech", the language of the ancients. Maybe he is referring to the old inhabitants of the city.

26 of March of the year 1008

Today we passed trough the townsland outside Candiels, or i would better say, what was left of it. Both rich states and commoner houses grided to ruble, looted and burned dotted the place. The remains of its inhabitants scaterred on the fields, his bones bleach white by the time and sun. And remains of the mighty siege weapons that teared down Candiels´s walls lay shattered here, rotten and burned. Only one inhabitant we found, a old and senile men. He was clearly crezy, has he speak wonders of Madina, to change at the seocnd and speak vile words about the republic, to change again to talk wonders of it. We left the poor soul to his own devices. A sign stones in what was left of a stoned road tells that the next province north of here is called Agl, and the woodland i can see to the west is called Tubrel.

27 of March of the year 1008

We passed trough Agl and spend the night near the rotten ruins of a road Inn. The fields are empty of cultivated grains, but it seems fertile. Properly populated and worked, this land could gave a huge amounts of grain each harvest.

27 of March of the year 1008

Our arrival to Celtiberia, has it is the name of the province acording to the ancient roadside sign stones, was not pleasant. Shortly after crossing a stream that market the frontier, we found an abandoned village, where we were attacked by a small goup of undeads, squeletons in this case, lead by a small champion. We quicly dispached it, but it seens it was just a welcoming party, has there were signs of a bigger unit in the region.

Some hours later we found some nomadic families living in the fringes of the province, fearful of the undead. This, like Agl, its a rich and fertile rural area, just waiting to be taken by a capable noble. In that case, its grain production could be one the highest i can remember, but this is just an especulation.

28 of March of the year 1008

After leaving Celtiberia behind, we headup to a forest up north, called the Rettlewood acording to the sign stones. The stone paved road is in good shape, but wines and trees have grow to near of the road, and now it is blocked by its branchs in some places, makin it dificult to pass. Also, a numbers of small hills make the road a little dificult sometimes.

Shortly before sunset, we cross paths with a crafter in a cart. His name was Creoric, a metalworker from a small forest village named Twainville, in the west woods, and was heading to another village named Rettleville, in the east part of the woods, in his bi-monthly selling travel. He gave me a good deal of information about the forest, that is huge according to him, and full of dangers further north, but little of the history of the place.