Antoza Commonwealth

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The Antoza Commonwealth

anacan-icon.png History

The Antoza Coast has always been know for her hospitality and generous trading offers. The Coast had 3 cities, the biggest Anacan was ruled by a King. The two smaller ones, Taop and Azros were rulled by the aristocraty. Since know times Anacan always was the center of the trade and embarking ships in the Far East, her central location and open people tributed to that. For long, there had always been peace. Anacan, Taop and Azros had there city-wars, bandits did raid the outer villages sometimes, but never has there been a major conflit for almost 200 years. Until that day, the day when black sailes could been seen coming from the horizon, the pirate raid. Since Anacan never had any major conflict the Kings never took time to build any walls. This mistake would now be felt. The Pirates destroyed all the ships within the great harbor, women were raped, children were taken as slaves and for fun and any boy older looking then 13 to 14 years was butcherd. Luckely the pirates never destroyed the city, they made sure the city could rebuild and restore so they could raid her again. From all the gold that was left, the king orderd a pallisade to be made and everybody old enough to help...helped. The King orderd a few scouts to find mercenaries for the defense for their town, although not that well equiped these soldiers could fight. But the rich and influeced didn't only let their king create a army they created a hole new group of soldiers, The Anacan Blue Guards. Not the best trained soldiers but they had enough training to know how to use their equipent. Chaimail, good swords, good and big shields, closed helmets but with enough openings to not block their view. These soldiers were perfect for the defense against our city. And when the pirates came again they were butcherd and from the prisenors the King could tell there was only once place these bandits game from......Batesaor. From the conviscated pirate ships thei sailed and when the reached Batesaor, they city was looted and to the discadisfation of many officers and nobility...Butcherd. Waging war was expensive, even for such a rich city as Anacan. So the King attack the cities of Azros and Taop taking all the lands around them with them. The King got a taste for blood and war.....he had a never sadisfied hunger for power, the King became a war warmonger. So after he had the coast under one banner he attacked Palnasos thinking the Svunnetlanders were unpreparred for any assault. His soldiers got butcherd, more and more the Antozian people got unhappy and some tried to revolt, all were crushed and killed. When the King finaly died, the Antoza Coast was in a bad shape, torn by war and revolt, hunger because of bad crops, poor because of the Antozian-Svunnetland war. So a peace was signed between the coast and the Empire. And from that day on Antoza was Svunnetland territory.............but the people of the coast would get another change.........

anacan-icon.png The Lords

Name Rank days in realm
Dunpiel Royal 340
about Dunpiel:
Lu'an Lord 348
about Lu'an:
ShaddarRim Lord 348
about ShaddarRim:
A.J Knight 212
about A.J:
Shani Lord 306
about Shani:
Corey Lord 302
about Corey:
Pierre Reynald Lord 182
About Pierre Reynald:

Pierre is born in the east continent with his 2 brothers Vlad and Grego. after peacefully grewing up in Tokat, Fontan invaded Tokat and its surounding towns. When Fontan took full control of the region they brutaly crushed down Wladimirs Revolution, Pierre's father. At the end they executed Wladimir, his mother and his grandparents at the town Square. This bloody sight was to much for the brothers and so under the leadership of Vlad they continued a Guerilla warfare against Fontan. When Perdan helped Caligus fight Fontan they liberated the region from its upresing force. From that time Pierre traveld the east continent and finaly set sail to the Far East where he met a new friend, Lu'an, High Marshal of Antoza. After 5 months of service Pierre was apointed as Count of Edairn from that day he fell in love with the Region, the Lush forests and the kind people really raise your spirit. Edairn could be the place wich will heal Pierre's Soul after the tragic death of his parents...

Connor Mcloed Lord 136
about Connor Mcloed:
Tyler Lord 154
about Tyler:
Aries Lord 134
about Aries:

anacan-icon.png Regions

more coming soon

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