Exiled Family/Guide to Shadowstalking

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So you want to know the ins and outs of the infiltrator career? This guide is for those who have taken up the career path distasteful to the refined nobleman yet inevitably vital for anyone who wishes to advance far in their career whether in terms of prestige, council positions, or land.


Part of the basics of the infiltrator career is knowing what you can and can't do. So I have devised a list of infiltrator actions and the risk associated with it, as well as what the suggested skill level is before you attempt it.


Infiltrating the tax offices is really one of the backbones of the infil career, favoured by any self serving infil who can't get a bounty to chase. Different options have different risks associated with them, as well as different rewards.

Count only
Risk: 1/10
Counts the gold collected so far and tells you when the next tax day is. Useful for generals planning looting raids, or just training your skills.

Count and Steal
Risk: 5/10, 6/10 in cities.
Counts the gold as before, and you pocket 10%.

Grab and dash
Risk: 7/10
You grab 5-25% of all the gold in a region.


Simple stuff. Peasants put food in their granaries, you burn 'em down, they starve.

Low risk
Risk: 1/10
You'll burn down a few bushels, but break off if it looks too risky. good for training.

Medium risk
Risk: 2/10
You can burn down quite a lot with this. My current record is 140 bushels. Not bad for 3 hours work.

High risk
Risk: Unknown
Never tried this one. Seen amounts as high as 202 bushels burned down in one go though, probably with this option.


This is where the money is, if you take up the career of a bounty hunter.

Risk: Varies depending on how big the guys unit is, how much militia there is in the region, and how good your targets sword and infiltration skills are. About 4/10.


This costs the other guys big money and can do a lot of damage to the enemy if you get damage on before they finish building the forts, or before they have a chance to repair them.

Risk: 5/10
Cost: 20 gold

Murder Militia



Risk levels

Whenever you do an infil action, the militia is alerted. there are several levels of alertness.