Galantos Family/Montague

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"The Tower of Glory is mortared with the blood of our enemies. The path to it's foundation follows the point of a spear."

Montague Galantos is an intense young man of medium build and height. He has oily black hair and a moustache, and moves slowly and thoughtfully.

The fourth son of Tarkas Galantos III (a devoutly religious widower), Montague's older brothers were all pressured into the clergy, leaving him as the sole heir. Due to his father's elderly state and increasing senility, Montague was able to avoid strict religious studies, and instead spent his time learning of warfare and weaponry.

As he came of age, Montague decided to answer the call-to-arms that was mustering men into Amdor, to reclaim that region. He served briefly in the Army of the Citadel, under his Liege, Duke Christofer of Hawthorne.

After several months abroad, Montague was afflicted with a startling Divine Revelation, and set about the work of rebuilding the Grand Temple of the Way of the Warrior Saints.

His personal standard is one white sword laying across the burgundy and ash field of his family arms, although this has been set aside as he does his priestly duties.

Montague, on the eve of his Knight's Vigil. Montague2.jpg

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