Zeppos Family/Slomcha

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Slomcha Zeppos

Of all Zeppos family members, this one is the most rebelious of all. Although loyal and true to his friends. He would not care less about anyone who could knife him in the back to get a leg up in realm politics. Not that people did not try. They only ended up with a funeral in the family.

Young Slomcha was a fighter. From an early age on he dragged his reputation of insubordenation with him. He disobeyed his fathers wishes and got married to a West Sirionite Women. He moved to the realm of West Sirion and lived there among these nobles. Then one day disaster struck for him. As Perdan held some of his friends captive, he looted Bruck and setted of with his unit to lay seige on Westmoor using his witt and courage. Hoping to free his mates from jail.

Often in his youth he acted foolishly and without thaught or care. A hero he became. But not to the West Sirionites, who layed a ban on him. He argued with them, but fell into disgrace. His unit and him never made it to the walls of Westmoor. He turned around went Rogue, and left for Sirion. Accused of being a Oligarch spy, by West Sirion, he ended jailed in Sirion. Mediating with the Sirion council, he became aquited from his charges of treason, and took up career in Sirion.

Remaining Silent in Sirion, preforming his duties and such. He tried in secret to relocate his wife and daughter to Sirion. Eventually he found his daughter on the brink of death. She was held in a local jail by Oligarch on charges of leading an outlawed group called the Shadow Eagles. Who stole from the rich to feed the poor. As she was about to be hung, her father showed up, and revealed her identity as a Sirionite Noble. under Oligarch law no Noble was to be trailed before a civil court, neighter trailed as a civilian. So he got her away from the hangmans loose and into Sirion land eventually.

In Sirion Slomcha had become Baron of Tabost. There him and his daughter lived untill one day Ebion Slomcha's brother died in the battle for Grehk Citty on Beluatra island. Slomcha travel to Beluatra and sucseeded his brother as Banker of Midas Chia. This however did not last. As a short time afther his integration into Midas Chia - the citty of Grehk fell to Luz de Bia. Slomcha tried to innitiate a rebelion to make Gloglin into the new capitol of Midas Chia. But his rebelion failed. Still his loyalty to his friends remained. He faught hard and true, untill the day The Midas Chian Government was disbanded, and its members joined up with other realms.

Slomcha followed some of his friends to the neighbouring Riombara. Where he remained, practicing his skills with the sword, and participating in Tournaments. Where he made his fame as a Champion Swordfighter. As a member of the church of Qyrvagg, Slomcha became friends with some of his old foe's. Lord hireshmont, Prophet Amekal, and many others he became proud of to call his friends.

War came to Riombara, and like Slomcha had predicted, Riombara became reduced to nothing. Insteald of fighting back and taking their chances in war. Riombara choice to debate in council chambres about war, and wait for their enemy to take the innitiative in war and attack Riombara. A fatal mestake. Slomcha and many others became stuck in Irombo. Powerless and forced to watch the south of Riombara fall without a fight before Luz de Bia. As if giftwrapped and given for the take over to Luz de Bia. True enough they would take it. But a few decided to Sesseed the south from the north and save itself or die trieng.

Slomcha joined them. As soon as he did, he was given the councils trust for his loyalty to his friends, and the new realm of Irombrozia. King Marc, and Lord Hireshmont both confirmed on him the title of General of Irombrozia's armed forces.

Days went by, as the new realm tried to negotiate peace. But trough Nhocs mockery of Irombrozia's king and later its Queens attemp to make peace with him and Luz de Bia. Irombrozia did not see any other chance then to risk going to war with Luz de Bia. Outnumbred, and with only two regions to hold, Slomcha takes to his duty and loyal to his friends, he leads them into battle. The war for Irombrozia's existance. Wich he knew very well, might claim his life as a hero! Like in battle he already witnessed the death of a general and hero. On Luz de Bia's side no less.

As the war contineus this Biography is far from conclueded...