Tideweaver Family

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Revision as of 05:31, 17 June 2020 by Tideweaver (talk | contribs)
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Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on East Continent
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Itor Boss:
Perleone vs. Yssrgard
Estimated strengths: 850 men vs. 1250 men
The Howling Oath Wolf Legion (Yssrgard), sponsored by Royal Eros Harte, were led into battle by Marshal Germanico Mercator.
The Blazing Swords (Perleone), sponsored by King Gaheris Camlann, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Daizen Tideweaver.
Noble Marco Weisz is spotted wearing the Legendary Chain Mail of Truth.
Noble Marco Weisz is spotted wielding the Dagger of Command.
Duchess Mary Anne de la Fere Bluelake is spotted wearing the Glowing Ring of Autumn.
Noble Marco Weisz is spotted reading from the Book of Time.
King Gaheris Camlann is spotted wielding the Radiating Staff of Little Ogre.
Vincent Left, Protector of Perleone was seriously wounded by Wallace Barrett's unit.

Defender Victory!



4/14/2020 - 4/17/2020

Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on South Island - 2 days, 12 hours, 28 minutes ago
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem:
Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated strengths: 730 men vs. 570 men
The Collectors (Ikalak), sponsored by Duke Zlatan Mersault, were led into battle by Marshal Ferox Sarracenia.
The Hammer of Taselak (Taselak), sponsored by Royal Rev Greer, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Sepia Snodaert.
Erennius Marlior, Knight of Taselak was seriously wounded by Ferox Sarracenia's unit.
Nanaya Nemain Nuanet, Dame of Ikalak was seriously wounded by Gildas Camlann's unit.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on South Island - 2 days, 21 minutes ago
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem:
Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated strengths: 590 men vs. 380 men
The Collectors (Ikalak), sponsored by Duke Zlatan Mersault, were led into battle by Marshal Ferox Sarracenia.
The Hammer of Taselak (Taselak), sponsored by Royal Rev Greer, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Sepia Snodaert.
Joselyn Hensley, Shield of Taselak, Royal of Taselak, Duchess of Taselak was seriously wounded by Alexander Tideweaver's unit.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on South Island - 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes ago
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem:
Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated strengths: 430 men vs. 440 men
The Collectors (Ikalak), sponsored by Duke Zlatan Mersault, were led into battle by Marshal Ferox Sarracenia.
The Hammer of Taselak (Taselak), sponsored by Royal Rev Greer, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Sepia Snodaert.

Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on South Island - 12 hours, 25 minutes ago
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem:
Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated strengths: 370 men vs. 560 men
The Collectors (Ikalak), sponsored by Duke Zlatan Mersault, were led into battle by Marshal Ferox Sarracenia.
The Hammer of Taselak (Taselak), sponsored by Royal Rev Greer, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Sepia Snodaert.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on South Island - 29 minutes ago
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Lesthem:
Ikalak vs. Taselak
Estimated strengths: 270 men vs. 430 men
The Collectors (Ikalak), sponsored by Duke Zlatan Mersault, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Alexander Tideweaver.
The Hammer of Taselak (Taselak), sponsored by Royal Rev Greer, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Sepia Snodaert.

Attacker Victory!

June 14 2020

Huge Battle Fought message to everyone on South Island - 2 days, 11 hours, 18 minutes ago Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Toren Stronghold: Sandalak vs. Ikalak Estimated strengths: 1050 men vs. 1660 men The Northern Collection Army (Ikalak), sponsored by Head Instigator and Flogger Sora Guile, were led into battle by Marshal Alexander Tideweaver. The Bards (Sandalak), sponsored by The one with the biggest lute Manfried Von Lunkhofen, were led into battle by Marshal Carac Hawk. Thomas Marak, Knight of Toren Stronghold was seriously wounded by Torban deLacy's unit. Sir Myles Bootstrap, Knight of Toren Stronghold was seriously wounded by Jaan Finch's unit. The heroine Katayanna Dragul, Dame of Toren Stronghold was killed by Jaan Finch's unit. The hero Angus Wilde, Senator of Bieth was killed by Topsfield Cavendish's unit. Ferox Sarracenia, Knight of Toren Stronghold was seriously wounded by Hector Gary's unit. Sir Myles Bootstrap, Knight of Toren Stronghold was seriously wounded by Carac Hawk's unit. Djuel Nabarl, Duchess of Toren was seriously wounded by Carac Hawk's unit. The hero Zedong de Medici, Knight of Toren Stronghold was killed by Meriander Aurelle's unit.

Defender Victory!

star Huge Battle Fought message to everyone on South Island - 1 day, 23 hours, 16 minutes ago Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Toren Stronghold: Sandalak vs. Ikalak Estimated strengths: 630 men vs. 1080 men The Northern Collection Army (Ikalak), sponsored by Head Instigator and Flogger Sora Guile, were led into battle by Marshal Alexander Tideweaver. The Bards (Sandalak), sponsored by The one with the biggest lute Manfried Von Lunkhofen, were led into battle by Marshal Carac Hawk.

Defender Victory!

June 16 2020

Invited to Interact Roleplay from Alexander Tideweaver Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to everyone in Toren Stronghold (36 recipients) - 5 minutes ago Ikalaks Lord of Offense and Capture had been steadily busy along the walls. Torches burning bright as his men tarried upon the work set before them. Dawn would break soon. The reports of Taselak forces had reached him long ago. He knew they would come. They have long been feeding off the scraps Sandalak has left for them.

Alexander smiled. He had a welcoming gift for fruit blooded lap dogs. A twisted gift that would surely please the Beppo.

Dozens of peasants and captured soldiers lined the western walls of Toren Stronghold. This was the the side of Toren Taselak would first see, and Alexander wanted his message to the Tassies to be clear. Each captive had their hands bound behind their backs and were forced to their knees with their heads dangling over the rampart. The heads gave the stronghold a sick writhing weeping crown of living flesh.

The captives moaned and ocassionally screamed in fear. Since their abduction from Falens during Ikalaks last campaign they had been beaten, starved and had random patches of flesh flayed from their living bodies. They just wanted the nightmare to be over. Lord Alexander would soon grant them their wish.

Once all the peasants and captive soldiers were in place, Alexander took his place at the center of the wall. He was a towering man, with a massive two handed claymore strapped along his back. Directly behind him was a gigantic pile of various scraps of wood from homes damaged in the recent battles.

Alexander raised his hand. Four knights rushed to the base of the scrap and raised their torches. When their Lord's hand swiftly came down they set the scrap ablaze creating a roaring bonfire behind their general that could be seen for miles.

"TASELAK!" boomed Alexander "Welcome to Toren. The Beppo craves your fruity flesh once more and has seen to provide me with much to collect! For this gift I thank you! But we would be poor hosts if we did not grant you a preview of what awaits you within these walls."

There was a long pause. Alexander unstrapped his massive blade and looked down on it lovingly. The gore stained blade was still wet from a recent flying.

"...Allow me to oblige."

With a swift motion Alexander brought the blade down upon the first peasants neck severing her head in one fluid motion. Her long hair flailing in the breeze as her decapitated head fell to the base of the stronghold. Blood began gushing down the walls painting them a bright sticky red.

The remaining Taselak captives on the wall began to scream, moan, panic, thrash against their bonds, and cry out for anyone to save them. Alas no one did. The Lord of Offense and Capture systematically decapitated each one. Dozens of Taselak heads now lied at the base of Toren Stronghold. Dozens of bloody streaks now crowned her.

"Almighty Beppo! May this meager sacrifice be only the beginning of the feast of Taselak blood you shall soon enjoy! May it garner your favor that I may bring you much more of the fruity flesh to engorge upon!" screamed Alexander maniacally.

"Now Ikalak! To me! On the walls, all of you! Let us receive our guests properly!"



Huge Battle Fought
message to everyone on Colonies
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bode Batura:
Outer Tilog vs. Halcyon, Oritolon
Estimated strengths: 570 men vs. 910 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Duke Vladamire Abjur, were led into battle by Marshal Harbinger Schwarzherzig.
The Royal Army of Oritolon (Oritolon), sponsored by Royal Fiduciary Gaenv ap Gaenvan, were led into battle by Marshal Ash Ketchum.
The Phoenix Legion (Halcyon), sponsored by Executive Financier Caravanthian Arylon, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Seifer Tideweaver.
Whip Master Isidro de Zueww is spotted reading from the Cruel Volume.
Duke Ash Ketchum is spotted wearing the Doomed Veil.
Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wielding the Holy Cane.
Whip Master Isidro de Zueww is spotted wearing the Glowing Oil.
Duke Vladamire Abjur is spotted wielding the Brutal Rod.

Defender Victory!