Talk:The Oligarchian Observer/Edition:6

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I like the name your calling the war :D Bit hard to pronounce in one breath tough. ScottSabin 10 March 2006 14:12 (CET)

hehehe. yes indeed. I was thinking about it being the Northern trinity front, but didnt want to plagiaraize a term I saw on, I think, the Elven Tribune or something.... Vellos 10 March 2006 22:49 (CET)

Im still waiting to hear all the trash and bragging of Oligarch retaking Orbendorf =P--Twinblade 16 March 2006 00:46 (CET)

Woops! Here it coooommess!!! :D Vellos 16 March 2006 03:16 (CET)

I bet you to Old Ranc's Rebellion! Whoo! we're now even you had the prince i had the rebellion. ScottSabin 17 March 2006 18:36 (CET)

Hey that made no sense. Try again..--Twinblade 17 March 2006 19:26 (CET) got the kings son, you managed to print that even before i did. Now i got the rebellion first, which apears to have conections to Oligarch. ScottSabin 17 March 2006 20:19 (CET)

You got me beat there! Unfortunately, I cant tell 1/2 of what I know about the rebellions popping up in Ibladesh and Old Rancagua... :D Vellos 17 March 2006 23:17 (CET)

Well lets hope Oligarch can catch a break, and gain a few more territories with Old Rancangua out of the picture temporarily. Ibladesh is fragmenting and rebellion makes sense.Rebellion always seems to happen when a realm needs unity the most eh? Ah well I am a Kalmarian, I should be neutral in this, but I cannot help but feel more sympathy and concern for the Oligaperdacaligubent allaince as opposed to the Old Ransiriofontaiblitosaria allaince. Anyway, good luck in your war.