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Mattlu, Desert Badlands
Population: 2100

Mattlu, the Gateway of the Desert, is the most traveled road in and out of Talerium. A forgetful Troop Leader will find most of the accessories he or she may need when marching off to war, and Talerimites are often marching off to war.

Being a desert region, the people are more sparsely populated than other regions, but the hardy folk of Mattlu can and will defend their territory with the ferocity of the finest trained knight. Armed with only stones and petrified sticks, the citizens of Mattlu fought off two TO attemts by Darka before they were eventually overcome. With peace secured along her borders, the people of Mattlu have returned to raising War Camels and cultivating the desert herbs used by Taleriums healers.

The current local Lord is Geoffrey Dumeric, a fairly ecperienced Troop Leader hailing from Clyderee in Carelia.