Caligan Courier/October'10

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Printed in Domus
September 2010 Edition
Editor: Caligan Courier


Caligus icon2.PNG   October 20, 2010    Caligus icon2.PNG
Debacle in Partora!
Reports have in not two days ago Caligus received the regions of Partora and Mulhouse as per peace treaty. However the unexpected thing was the influx of knights that came with it including Queen Balkeese herself. Perhaps the Queen is not quite sanewell. Either way the Perdanese knights that came against their lazynesswill tried to pin the blame on lack of announcement on also tried to pin it on Caligus!

The facts is Queen Balkeese herself asked that the region transfer goes this way so that Perdan wouldnt have to do alot of region maintenance. So Duke Kevin joined Perdan 8 days before his appointment followed by this announcement yes again by Queen Balkeese herself seven days before the regions actually swapped over

Letter from Balkeese Indirik Message sent to everyone in your realm (43 recipients) Nobles of Perdan,

Within the next day, I will be appointing a new Duke of Partora in order to fulfill our treaty obligations. From that point, there will be a one week delay before the duchy of Partora, which includes the city of Partora and the region of Mulhouse, changes allegiance to Caligus.

All the nobles of the duchy who do not want to change allegiance to Caligus along with the regions should begin looking for a new liege lord. Lady Balkeese Indirik Queen of Perdan

Not only this both regions came to Caligus hungry meaning all food was sent out of the coffers before switched over. Albeit the regions were definately not handed over in the best shape there are no protests but as we are the newspaper no one is safe! No even our grumpy good king!

Not much but it seem a couple have decided to embrace their new life here in Caligus. We wish them well!

Caligus icon2.PNG   October 20, 2010    Caligus icon2.PNG
The Sirion Chronicle is lame and untruthful
The Sirion Chronicle editor shows a huge lack of originality. Instead of trying to make their own format they tried to copy and steal that of Caligus. In this attempt not only did they make an inferior format but there is no actual space for article just tons and tons of minor battles. We want big battles!

Now I could say the Courier is pretty lame itself saying its the "The True voice of the East Continent" but the Sirion Chronicle decided to copy that too but with a slight twist "The Truer voice of the East Continent". Yet again a copy. To make things worse while they claim to be "Truer" the always have this plastered on their front page "The Best Selling Newspaper on East Continent".

Now looking at last months edition on its own the Courier sold almost 1200 copies. The Sirion Chronicle didnt even reach 800!

So there you have it everyone. The Sirion Chronicle is a sad story of a newspaper and I can safely claim it is a completely boring, unoriginal newspaper which a monkey can write better.

We are behind in copies this month. We have 11 days to catch up. The odds are against us. We will do our best.

Caligus icon2.PNG   October 20, 2010    Caligus icon2.PNG
War against Westmoor brief update!
The war with Westmoor has been going on for over 2 weeks now since King Corwin rejected a fair treaty. Caligus seems to be devoting most of its forces towards Westmoor but is repairing new regions it has obtained. In simple words...Caligus may not be taking this war too seriously. Time will tell.

As for Westmoor they seem intent on dumping militia in Evora and Troyes. Evora totals 4KCS Troyes close to 8K CS in militia and for the 3 third time straight Troyes production has been boosted as well. We send out our condolences to the family/ies who have to pay for this. Other then that Westmoor are sitting idly in their own realm.

Now the big question why reject a fair peace treaty when you only intend to sit in your own realm and defend.

Caligus icon2.PNG   October 11, 2010    Caligus icon2.PNG
We are back after a small absence!
Dear readers the Courier would like to officially not apologise for providing you with free articles to read and would like to let everyone know that they are not needed whatsoever. However, we will start to publish articles once again

The News
Partora joins and Chaos

Duchy joins realm Kevin Fergus, Duke of Partora has changed the allegiance of his duchy of Partora to your realm. The duchy with all its regions, knights and troops is now part of your realm.

Regions joining: Mulhouse, Partora

Nobles joining: Screndt, Naira, Balkeese, Loram, Philippos the Short, Kevin, Modi, Mellow, Elendil, Berelain, Rangonio, Hedon, Roy, Nafsika

October 18, 2010

Sirion Takes Obando!

Region Takeover Sirion has taken control of Obando , a former rogue region. Sirion now controls 22 regions.

October 16, 2010

Outnumbered but not outfought!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes: Westmoor vs. Caligus Estimated strengths: 1583 men vs. 1099 (real numbers) Defender Victory!

October 14, 2010

Fontan wins one. Finally!!!

Huge Battle Fought (6 days, 11 hours ago) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Braga: (rogue), Sirion vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 970 men vs. 1020 men Defender Victory!

October 12, 2010

Divide and Conquer!

Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Caligus vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 463 men vs. 96 Attacker Victory

Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Morshes:Caligus vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 449 men vs. 178 Attacker Victory

October 11, 2010

First Battle against Westmoor!

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:Caligus vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 760 men vs. 340 Attacker Victory

October 11, 2010

Enemies watch each other take regions!

Region Takeover Fontan has taken control of Braga (formerly part of Sirion). Fontan now controls 11 regions.

Region Takeover Sirion has taken control of Montijo , a former rogue region. Sirion now controls 23 regions.

October 10, 2010

Sirion wins in Salta

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Salta: Sirion vs. Sultanate of Asena Estimated strengths: 640 men vs. 600 men Attacker Victory

October 7, 2010

Infiltrator gets caught by militia

Sabotage! Guards in Viseu have captured an enemy infiltrator who was attacking militia troops during the night. He was identified as Maliki Nautilus, from Westmoor, and thrown into prison. 2 guards in Viseu were found dead in the morning.

October 5, 2010